Glittering Images
Related: Psychopathia Sexualis in Italian Sinema - Diva Collection - Italy - publishing
Contributors: Jean-Pierre Bouyxou
Psychopathia Sexualis in Italian Sinema [Amazon FR] [...]
Glittering Images edizioni d'essai is an Italian publishing house specialized in beautiful, lavishly illustrated, visually stunning, deluxe books that are a scholar's dream come true. These thick tomes, featuring a plethora of critical and informative essays, are published in multi-lingual editions (text in Italian, English and French). Glittering Images' refined books are destined to be appreciated by a public of collectors, experts, fans and all those who have more than a passing interest in the oddity, the extraordinary, the bizarre, the hard-to-find. In simple words, all the "Sophisticated Collectors of the Unusual", as well as cinema, comics, illustrations and photography. These lovingly assembled volumes also include complete and detailed filmographies and bibliographies. --!.htm [Feb 2005]
Bizarre Sinema
Bizarre Sinema
Angekündigt ist endlich auch der 5. Band der Bizarre Sinema! Reihe. Im Gegensatz zum ursprünglich geplanten Titel "THRILLING ALL'ITALIANA 1963 - 1982" (siehe Bild links), wird aber zunächst "JAPANESE ERO GRO & PINKU EIGA, 1956 - 1979" veröffentlicht.
Der Titel ist Programm. Es geht um den japanischen Sexfilm (Pinku Eiga) und den sogenannten Ero-Gro (Erotic-Grotesque), einem Genre, in dem sich klassischer Chambara- und Samurai-Film mit Sex- und Horrorelementen mischt.
Ob "Thrilling all'Italiana" noch erscheint oder komplett aufgegeben wurde, ist nicht bekannt. "Bizarre Sinema! 1: Sexploitation Filmmakers" ist übrigens vergriffen.
Weiterhin angekündigt ist dafür der dritte Band von "WESTERN ALL'ITALIANA".
-- [May 2005]
Bizarre Sinema! Vol 1: Sexploitation Filmmakers (1995) - Various
Bizarre Sinema! Sexploitation Filmmakers (Bizarre Sinema- Wildest Sexiest Weirdest Sleaziest Films) (1997) - Piselli, Morrocchi [] [FR] [DE] [UK]
By James Elliot Singer. Foreword by David F. Friedman.Sexploitation Filmmakers. The wildest, sexiest, weirdest and sleaziest films by the masters of the nudie-cutie, ghoulie, roughie, and kinky. Featuring Russ Meyer, Friedman, Herschell G. Lewis, Harry H. Novak, Doris Wishman, Robert Lee Frost, A.C. Stephen and their lusty stars: Lorna Maitland, Erica Gavin, Tura Satana, Babette Barrington, Marsha Jordan, Uschi Digar, and more. Hundreds of b&w and color photos, from films as well as behind the scenes (lots of nudity), plus many original posters.
Includes interviews, bibliography and filmography. Text in English, French and Italian. Import. Glittering Images, 1995. Adult Material — by ordering this item you are stating you are over 18 years of age. HCW, 9x12, 160 pages, PC.
Bizarre Sinema! Vol 2: Horror All' Italiana 1957-1979 () - Various
Edited by Stefano Piselli, Riccardo Morrocchi
Foreword by Barbara Steele
Afterword by Antonio Margheriti
Text by Antonio Bruschini
ISBN 88-8275-023-XHorror all' Italiana: The second volume of one of the best collections on exploitation films. This focuses on Italian horror movies from 1957-1979, featuring rare stills in color and b&w and poster art. Long, informative and well-illustrated chapters examine the work of Riccardo Freda, Mario Brava, Antonio Margheriti, Massimo Pupillo, Renato Polselli, and "Other Unforgettable Nightmares from Cinecitta." Includes appearances from Russ Meyer, Kitten Natividad, Harry Novak, Sharon Kelly, and others. Hundreds of clear photos, lots of nudity and violence. Includes interviews, bibliography and filmography. Text in English, French and Italian. Import. Glittering Images.
The Italian directors and the sexy-horror movies from the Golden Age of Cinecittà: Riccardo Freda, Mario Bava, Antonio Margheriti, Massimo Pupillo, Renato Polselli... I vampiri, La maschera del demonio, Danza macabra, Il Boia Scarlatto, L'amante del vampiro...
Bizarre Sinema! Vol 3: Wildest Sexiest Weirdest Sleaziest Films: Jess Franco () - Various
Edited by Carlos Aguilar, Stefano Piselli, Riccardo Morrocchi
Foreword by Jack Taylor
Text by Carlos Aguilar
Italian text / English text ISBN 88-8275-040-XThe incredible universe of exploitation movies through the improbable but real works of the prolific cult filmmaker Jess Franco. From sexy-horror films to “fumetti”-style movies, from soft core to porn: Gritos en la noche, Miss Muerte, Necronomicon, Besame monstruo, Justine, Vampyros Lesbos, Venus im Pelz, Jack the Ripper, Greta...
JESS FRANCO - THE SEX OF HORRORThe incredible universe of exploitation movie through the improbable but real works of the prolific Jess Franco. From sexy-horror films to "Fumetti" style movies, from soft core to hard core porn Franco has done it all! Released by the Italian publisher Glittering Images who is best know for the amazing Bizarre Sinema #2; Italian Horror. This book, number 3 in the series, will continue the tradition of excellent graphics, including many rare full color photos and posters, a complete filmography and a detailed interview. Almost 200 pages of Franco to feed your obsession! Includes a foreword by Jack Taylor.
"Blindly revered by his small/numerous international legion of loyal fans, worshipped by a restricted circle of erotomaniac filmgoers, respected by followers of psychotronic cinema, esteemed by certain aficionados of the fantastique (those who don't feel that B-movies are beneath them), and, on the other hand reviled by the most refined "cinephiles"...Without any doubt, and whatever one's personal opinion may be, Jesus Franco is definitely an utterly anomalous figure, albeit an extraordinary one. Not only in terms of the history of Spanish and European Cinema, but also in the context of the last few decade's genre production worldwide." -- [Jun 2005]
Bizarre Sinema! Vol 4: Cultish Shocking Horrors (2003) - Various
Bizarre Sinema! Vol 4: Cultish Shocking Horrors (2003) - Various [Amazon.FR]
image sourced here.(Sur)realism, Sadism and Eroticism, 1950s-1960s
Edited by Stefano Piselli, Riccardo Morrocchi
Foreword by Jean-Pierre Bouyxou
Text by Carlos Aguilar, Chistophe Bier, Jean-Pierre Bouyxou, Antonio Bruschini, Pierre Charles, Gerard ManginSurrealism, sadism and eroticism in a selection of cultish shocking horror movies of the 1950s and 1960s with an unusual charm: El monstruo resucitado (The Resurrected Monster), Blood of the Vampire, Horrors of the Black Museum, Circus of Horrors, Peeping Tom, Ein Toter hing im Netz (Horrors of Spider Island), Il mulino delle donne di pietra (Mill of the Stone Women), El mundo de los vampiros (The World of the Vampires), Gritos en la noche (The Awful Dr. Orlof). From Robert S. Baker & Monty Berman to Michael Powell, from Chano Urueta to Alfonso Corona Blake, from Giorgio Ferroni to Jess Franco, from Miroslava Stern to Barbara Shelley, from Pamela Green to Barbara Valentin...
Les éditions « Glittering Images » ont une fois de plus fait un travail remarquable. Ce nouveau livre rend un vibrant hommage à quelques perles du cinéma de quartier. L’épouvante y est à l’honneur avec des analyses très complètes de plusieurs chef-d’œuvres. Citons pour mémoire le fameux « Peeping Tom » avec un jeune Karl-Heinz Boehm inquiétant à souhait, ainsi qu’une Pamela Green délicieuse et « Le cirque des horreurs » une autre perle du cinéma d’horreur. Anton Diffring en chirurgien fou et directeur de cirque trouve là un rôle à sa mesure. D’autres films sont analysés, notamment « Crime au musée des horreurs », « Le moulin des supplices » et le déroutant « Mort dans le filet » qui combine habilement érotisme et épouvante.Le livre est trilingue (italien, anglais et français), superbement illustré par des photos en noir et blanc et en couleur. La préface est écrite par un spécialiste du genre : Jean-Pierre Bouyxou. Un livre magnifique à la hauteur des chef-d’œuvres pour une fois analysés par d’authentiques cinéphiles. --nussbaum22 via
Mad doctors! Sadistic scientist! Psychopathic artists! Aesthetes of murder! Damsels in distress! Eccentric collectors! Delirious vampires!
Surrealism, sadism and eroticism in a selection of cultish shocking horror movies of the 1950s and 1960s with an unusual charm: El monstruo resucitado (The Resurrected Monster), Blood of the Vampire, Horrors of the Black Museum, Circus of Horrors, Peeping Tom, Ein Toter hing im Netz (Horrors of Spider Island), Il mulino delle donne di pietra (Mill of the Stone Women), El mundo de los vampiros (The World of the Vampires), Gritos en la noche (The Awful Dr. Orlof). From Robert S. Baker & Monty Berman to Michael Powell, from Chano Urueta to Alfonso Corona Blake, from Giorgio Ferroni to Jess Franco, from Miroslava Stern to Barbara Shelley, from Pamela Green to Barbara Valentin...
Moreover: Ensayo de un crimen (The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz), Jack the Ripper, The Flesh and the Fiends, Die Nackte und der Satan (The Head), El vampiro (The Vampire), Les Yeux sans visage (Horror Chamber of Dr. Faustus).see also: Jean-Pierre Bouyxou - Peeping Tom (film) - Glittering Images
see also: Italian erotica - erotico
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