The Voyeur (1985) - Alberto Moravia
Related: Italian cinema - 1985 - Italian literature - erotic fiction - erotic films - Tinto Brass - Alberto Moravia
Film poster for Tinto Brass's film after a story by Alberto Moravia
In the 1980s Brass spoke with his friend Alberto Moravia about converting his novel, Luomo che guarda (The Man Who Watches) into a screenplay. This was originally scheduled to go before the cameras in 1986 or 1987. Moravia, an admirer of Brasss work, was pleased at the prospect, but the film was delayed and he did not live to see the result.
I wont hazard a guess as to what he might have thought. This is another Brassian sex-film experiment, and despite its darkness, its a significant improvement over the previous few films. The story is unusual, and its in-the-family jealousy is vaguely reminiscent of The Key.
In a nutshell: French-lit professor Edoardo Dodò is puzzled by his wife Silvias frequent unexplained disappearances, and by her brief and unannounced reappearances. He is even more puzzled by his bedridden fathers success with the ladies. But all thats nothing compared to his puzzlement at discovering that Sylvia is sneaking into his fathers bedroom at night. And when Sylvias confession about what she likes about her secret lover exactly matches his daddys secret proclivities, well, hes just beside himself with confusion. But that doesnt stop them from making up after Dodò finally moves out of his daddys apartment into one of his owndirectly above daddys. --
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