[<<] 1825 [>>]
Births: Karl-Heinrich Ulrichs (1825 – 1895) - William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825 - 1905)
Eagle Tavern
In 1825 Thomas Rouse took over the Eagle Tavern on the corner of City Road and Shepherdess Walk. The Eagle did a roaring trade as one of the first music halls. Marie Lloyd, who would become one of the biggest music hall stars there has ever been, appeared there in 1885, at the age of 14. 'Bravo' Rouse, as he was nicknamed, rebuilt the Eagle and renamed it the Grecian Saloon. The novelist Charles Dickens was a regular visitor and wrote about the experience in Sketches by Boz. The pub also features in the early 19th century tavern song 'Pop goes the weasel' in the lines from the second verse: 'Up and down the City Road, in and out of The Eagle'.
The Eagle was sold in 1883 to the Salvation Army, perennial enemy of drink and the music halls. The building has since been demolished and the site now boasts a new Eagle pub which has a display of old music hall prints. --http://www.peopleplayuk.org.uk/collections/object.php?object_id=407 [Dec 2004]
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