[<<] 1840s [>>]
Related: 1800s - 1842 - 1843 - 1844 - 1845 - 1846 - 1847 - 1848 - 1849
Cultural movements: bohemianism - The Club des Hashischins - Victorian age
Technological developments: illustrated newspapers - daguerrotype
Literary scene: Honoré de Balzac - Victor Hugo - Ludwig Feuerbach - Nikolai Gogol - Charles Baudelaire - Søren Kierkegaard - Edgar Allan Poe - Pierre-Joseph Proudhon - Eugène Sue
Births: Odilon Redon - Richard von Krafft-Ebing - Claude Monet - Émile Zola - Henry James - Anthony Comstock - Friedrich Nietzsche - Thomas Eakins - Henri Rousseau - Comte de Lautréamont - Thomas Edison - Octave Mirbeau - Joris Karl Huysmans
The world's first illustrated newspaper, the invention of the daguerrotype and other advances in the field of mechanical reproduction led to the development of a visual culture that would be of prime importance to later art movements such as impressionism. [Jan 2006]
The use of the term Modern art was first attested in 1849, it took another 14 years to produce the first recognized works of modern art: "The Lunch on the Grass" (1863) and "Olympia" (1863), both by Edouard Manet. [Jan 2006]
In Paris - the capital of the artistic world - Bohemianism, a romanticized image of the struggling artist is developed as a concept in the works of Honoré de Balzac and others. [Jan 2006]
Rain, Steam and Speed - The Great Western Railway painted (1844) - William Turner
This painting is a precursor to ImpressionismVicomtesse d’Haussonville (1845) - Ingres
1846-1847, Baudelaire discovers Poe
In 1846 and 1847 Charles Baudelaire became acquainted with the works of Edgar Allan Poe, in which he found tales and poems which had, he claimed, long existed in his own brain, but had never taken shape. From this time till 1865 he was largely occupied with his translated versions of Poe's works, which were widely praised. These were published as Histoires extraordinaires ("Extraordinary stories") (1852), Nouvelles histoires extraordinaires ("New extraordinary stories") (1857), Aventures d'Arthur Gordon Pym, Eureka, and Histoires grotesques et sérieuses ("Grotesque and serious stories") (1865). Two essays on Poe are to be found in his Oeuvres complètes ("Complete works") (vols. v. and vi.). --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Baudelaire#Life_and_workq [Jan 2006]Events
from A Biased Timeline of the Counter-Culture1840 Albert Brisbane: The Social Destiny of Man (follower of Fourier) published in U.S. Pierre Joseph Proudhon: "Property is theft" Penny post commenced, England 1840s "the hungry 40s" in England as the depression continues also rapid industrialisation Connecticut, Mass, and Penn pass laws limiting hours of employement of minors in textile factories Chartist movement builds nearly 300 cottages in five settlements for supporters who wish to become independent smallholders 1841 Christ, Gothic, & Murger (Paris artists?) form a Bohemian cenacle, The Society of the Water Drinkers, living in poverty for art, often visited by the older Hugolaters U.S.S. "Creole" slave revolt Punch first regular humorous magazine, U.K. 1841-47 Community at Brook Farm, Massachusetts (became Fourierest) 1839-42 Britain wins Opium War, forcing Chinese to accept opium instead of silver as payment for tea and silk 1840s Hashish introduced into Bohemian Paris by Gautier and others 1840s Gautier and Flaubert develop idea of "art for art's sake" 1841 First university degrees granted to women in America Travel agent Thomas Cook arranges his first excursion - to a temperance meeting in England 1842 Britain Chartism movement stages general strike Riots and strikes in industrial areas of N. England Polka comes into fashion 1843 Dickens: A Christmas Carol Sunday drumming & dancing gatherings of ?slaves? in Congo Square, New Orleans, terminated by city authorities; rituals taken into the church (?gradually) First Amana commune (Ebenezer, NY) (re-organized to share-holder community May 1932; still continuing) First Fourierist community founded in U.S. Dorothea Dix reports shocking conditions in Massachusetts prisons and asylums Congress funds Morse to build first telegraph line (Washington to Baltimore) "The Bohemian Girl" - London, Drury Lane (is this important?) Samuel C.S. Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy (1755-1843) 1844 Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers (co-operative) Karl Marx meets Friedrich Engels in Paris (YMCA founded, England) 1845 Friedrich Engels: The Conditions of the Working Class in England", published in Leipzig 1845-47 Thoreau lives at Walden Pond 1846 Brigham Young leads the Mormons to Salt Lake City start of Irish potato blight famine: 5 million die over 1847-52 from 1850-60 914,000 emigrate to US Sewing machine patented by Elias Howe 1847 British Factory Act restricts the working day for women and children between 13 and 18 - to 10 hours 1848 Oneida commune with complex marriage founded NY (to 1881) Revolution of 1848 by Parisian poor; 25,000 killed; socialist bourgeois republic created + revolts in Vienna, Venice, Berlin, Milan, Parma, Rome First socialist community founded in U.S. (Icaria); Texas, moves to Illinois, then Missouri, Iowa -- the generation born since the Paris revolt of 1830 is in its 20s: Gustave Moreau 22 (when was art?), Jules Verne 20 -- Dante Gabriel Rossetti 20, John Everett Millais 19, and William Holman Hunt 21, found Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, U.K. Marx and Engels: Communist Manifesto Thoreau: On The Duty of Civil Disobedience John Stuart Mill: Principles of Political Economy (is this important?) First Public Health Act in Britain Spiritualism becomes popular in U.S. Discovery of gold in California starts the gold rush 1848-9 Murger publishes chapters from Scenes de la Vie de Boheme, which is translated into many languages 1849 Revolts in Dresden and Baden; Ger. National Assembly passes constitution
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