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Related: 1950s - Un chant d'amour (1950)
[Autumn Rhythm (1950) - Jackson Pollock Google gallery]
Autumn Rhythm (1950) - Jackson Pollock
Abstract expressionism was an American post-World War II art movement. It was the first specifically American movement to achieve worldwide influence and also the one that put New York City at the center of the art world, a role formerly filled by Paris. It was followed by Pop art which re-introduced playfulness which was sorely lacking in Abstract expressionism. [Apr 2006]
G-Spot [...]
Interest in the sexual function of the female prostate was taken up by Earnst Grafenberg in 1950, who wrote of the "large quantities of a clear, transparent fluid [that] are expelled not from the vulva, but out of the urethra in gushes". -- Grafenberg, Earnst, The Role of the Urethra in Female Orgasm, International Journal of Sexology, Vol III, no 3, p.145-148, February 1950 via http://www.fiawol.demon.co.uk/FAC/femejac.htm [Aug 2004]Michelle Mourre, Paris, France
[...] one Michel Mourre, who in 1950 took over Easter Mass at Notre-Dame to proclaim the death of God --http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/MARLIP.html [Feb 2005]
April 9, 1950
A group of lettrists - including Serge Berna, Jean-Louis Brau, Ghislain Desnoyers de Marbaix and Michel Mourre - perpetrates the Notre-Dame Scandal, when Mourre, dressed as a Dominican monk, reads a sermon prepared by Berna announcing the death of God at Easter mass. --http://www.cddc.vt.edu/sionline/chronology/1956.html [Feb 2005]Autumn Rhythm - Jackson Pollock
Pollock's poured paintings are as visually potent today as they were in the 1950s, when they first shocked the art world. Their appearance virtually shifted the focus of avant-garde art from Paris to New York, and their influence on the development of Abstract Expressionism — and on subsequent painting both in America and abroad — was enormous. To many, the large eloquent canvases of 1950 are Pollock's greatest achievements. "Autumn Rhythm," painted in October of that year, exemplifies the extraordinary balance between accident and control that Pollock maintained over his technique. --http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/view1.asp?dep=21&item=57.92 [Aug 2004]First Concert of Musique Concrète [...]
March 18, 1950
First concert of musique concrète, Paris, Auditorium of the Ecole Normale de Musique. First performance of Symphonie pour un homme seul by Pierre Schaeffer and Pierre Henry. --http://www.ina.fr/grm/presentation/dates.en.html [Aug 2004]The Authoritarian Personality (1950) - Adorno et al.,
The Authoritarian Personality (Studies in Prejudice) (1950) - T.W. Adorno, Betty Aron, Maria Hertz Levinson, William Morrow [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]
A new feature of American life in the post--World War II era, which has not been much noted by historians, was the great influence wielded, for the first time, by social scientists. Several classic studies, ranging from Gunnar Myrdal's An American Dilemma to the Kinsey Reports, had great impact on American ideas. Widely taken as gospel, some had a direct influence on government policies.
1 Some of these works, notably Myrdal's, were magnificent; others were far less impressive.
One of the most influential but controversial of these classics was The Authoritarian Personality. Published in 1950, it was written by Theodor Adorno, Else Frenkel-Brunswick, Daniel Levinson, and R. Nevitt Sanford as part of a joint undertaking of the Berkeley Public Opinion Study and the Institute of Social Research, also known as the Frankfurt School. The latter organization, formed in Germany during the Weimar era, was leftist in orientation. Its leading members, including Adorno, aimed at understanding man and society by mixing a nonorthodox form of Marxism with psychoanalytic theory. The Authoritarian Personality was part of a series called Studies in Prejudice, sponsored by the American Jewish Committee as part of an effort to produce basic research on religious and racial prejudice, especially, but not only, anti-Semitism. That series included Bruno Bettelheim and Morris Janowitz's Dynamics of Prejudice, which came to rather different, and in some ways more convincing, conclusions.
The Authoritarian Personality examined the connection between deep-rooted personality traits and prejudice. Basing their work on insights that Adorno and his associates, especially Erich Fromm, had developed before fleeing Germany, the authors analyzed the formation of the "potentially fascistic individual" or, as they usually called it, the "authoritarian personality." That they identified authoritarianism and anti-Semitism so closely with the beaten menace of fascism is an indication of the extent to which, even then, their work was dated.
Nevertheless, The Authoritarian Personality had a major impact in the academic world and ultimately the opinion-forming media. It identified some traditional social values with an undesirable, even proto-fascist, personality structure; the principal locus for the development of ethnocentrism and anti-Semitism, this personality type was common under the conditions of twentieth-century capitalism.2 The book's concepts became widespread and its methods and aims were widely copied, inspiring many similar studies.
THE AUTHORITARIAN PERSONALITY --http://www.worldandi.com/specialreport/2002/December/Sa22748.htmyour Amazon recommendations
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