[<<] 1958 [>>]
Related: 1950s
Music: Varèse's Poème électronique - Edgar Varèse - Chez Régine opens in Paris - the twist
Literature: Candy (1958) - Terry Southern
Film: French Nouvelle Vague film
Mon Oncle (1958) - Jacques Tati
[Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK] more ...An important theme in Tati's Mon Oncle is the impracticality and ugliness of modern technology and design.
Touch of Evil (1958) - Orson Welles [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK] more...
The greatest B movie ever made.
Births: Adrian Sherwood - Grandmaster Flash - Michel Houellebecq - Keith Haring - Luc Tuymans - Michael Jackson - Thomas Ruff - Tim Burton
Buildings: Atomium (1958) - Brussels World Fair
Art: Three Flags (1958) - Jasper Johns - pop art coined
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