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Films of the 1960s

Trends in film: 1960s - film - nouvelle vague (France) - New Hollywood (USA)

Films: The Virgin Spring (1960) - Psycho (1960) - Peeping Tom (1960) - La Dolce Vita (1960) - Last Year at Marienbad (1961) - Lolita (1962) Contempt (1963) - The Intruder (1962) - Mondo Cane (1962) - Blood Feast (1963) - The Servant (1963) - X - The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963) - The Masque of the Red Death (1964) - Repulsion (1965) - Blow Up (1966) - Persona (1966) - The Wild Angels (1966) - I Am Curious ... Blue/Yellow (1967) - Bedazzled (1967) - Belle de Jour (1967) - Bonnie and Clyde (1967) - If.... (1968) - The Producers (1968) - Barbarella (1968) - Night of the Living Dead (1968) - Rosemary's Baby (1968) - Teorema (1968) - The Damned (1969) - Easy Rider (1969) - Kärlekens språk (1969) - Midnight Cowboy (1969)


The 1960s saw the increasing decline of the studio system in Hollywood. Many films were now being made on location in other countries, or using studio facilities abroad, such as Pinewood in England and Cinecittā in Rome. Hollywood movies were still largely aimed at big family audiences, and it was often the more old-fashioned films that produced the studios' biggest successes. Productions like Mary Poppins (1964), My Fair Lady (1964) and The Sound of Music (1965) were among the biggest money-makers of the decade, but American films were losing the creative impetus to British and European film makers. The growth in independent producers and production companies, and the increase in the power of individual actors also contributed to the decline in traditional Hollywood studio production.

There was also an increasing awareness of foreign language cinema in this period. The late 1950s and 1960s saw the emergence of the French New Wave with films like Les quatre cents coups and Jules et Jim from directors such as Franįois Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard. Italian films like Federico Fellini's La Dolce Vita, and the stark dramas of Sweden's Ingmar Bergman were also making an impact outside their home countries.

In Britain the "Free Cinema" of Lindsay Anderson, Tony Richardson and others lead to a group of realistic and ground-breaking dramas including Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, A Kind of Loving and This Sporting Life. Other British films such as Repulsion, Darling, Alfie, Blow-up and Georgy Girl (all in 1965-1966) helped to break taboos around sex and nudity on screen, while the casual sex and violence of the James Bond films, beginning with Dr. No in 1962 would turn the series into a worldwide phenomenon.

Africans had been denied the right to make movies for decades. In the sixties, however Ousmane Sembčne produced several French- and Wolof-language films became the 'father' of African Cinema.

In Latin America the dominance of the Hollywood model was challenged by many film makers. Fernando Solanas and Octavio Gettino called for a politically engaged Third Cinema in contrast to Hollywood and the european auteur cinema.

In documentary film the sixties saw the blossoming of Direct Cinema, an observational style of film making as well as the advent of more overtly partisan films like The year of the pig about the Vietnam War by Emile de Antonio.

By the late 1960s however, Hollywood was beginning to claw back some of the creative impetus with films like Bonnie and Clyde (1967), The Graduate (1967), Midnight Cowboy (1969), and The Wild Bunch (1969). Bonnie and Clyde is often seen as the beginning of the New Hollywood. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_film#The_1960s [Mar 2006]

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