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Amphetamine is a synthetic drug originally developed (and still used) as a diet suppressant. Today it is officially admitted for treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and narcolepsy. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amphetamine

White punks on dope

The smug and self congratulatory coterie of coke heads who ruled the music biz in the mid-Seventies were abruptly elbowed aside by a bunch of spikey-haired iconoclasts who also liked powders, but preferred the more accessible rush of amphetamine sulphate. Julie Burchill and Tony Parsons, the 'hip young gun slingers' hired by the New Musical Express to give the rag some punk cred., ranted about the virtues of speed - "the only drug that makes you sit up and ask questions rather than lie down and lap up answers" - and contemptuously declared: "Smoking dope causes dulling of attention, sluggishness, silliness, a mouth that tastes like a Turk's turd, and increases the appetite to such proportions that prolonged smoking leads to gross obesity". --Russell Cronin http://www.ukcia.org/potculture//77/punks.html

Music and recreational drugs

A central axiom of [rock music] criticism is that when the drugs change, so does the music. Each musical revolution has been characterised by the use of particular drugs: Rock'n'Roll ignited by the post-War abundance of amphetamines; the languorous Summer of Love hallucinated by LSD; Punk Rockers' nihilism expressed by Sniffin' Glue; the Eighties' Acid House upheaval loved up on MDMA, a.k.a. Ecstasy. In conjunction with their drug of choice, however, each successive generation has also consumed cannabis. As Harry Shapiro tells, in his seminal Story of Drugs and Popular Music, Waiting For The Man, 'The drug (cannabis) features throughout the history of popular music, experienced differently by divergent sub-cultural groups: jazz age swingers, cool beboppers, cosmic hippies and Trench Town roots rockers from Jamaica.' -- Russell Cronin [...]

Reggae vs punk

The difference between reggae and punk was drugs. Cannabis for the former and amphetamines for the latter. --Paul Marko

Northern Soul

Amphetasoul was another term coined by Dave Godin, and it would refer to the use of illegal drugs at many of these venues, especially amphetamines.

It was inevitable that the all-nighter scene would attract the use of 'speed'. The dancing culture of the Northern Soul Scene would also make it 'necessary' for many people to use drugs to keep up the pace for 9 hours or so.

However, drugs would soon become The Twisted Wheel's downfall and in January 1971 it closed as a result of pressure from police and magistrates.

The scene would then move to places like the Torch in Tunstall; but the scourge would follow. Blues and Soul magazine, in particular, would plead with their readers to stay clear of drugs in a bid to keep venues open.

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