Andrew Sullivan
Still not convinced? A friend recently told me that he’s never paid much attention to customer reviews at amazon since he reckons it’s all fake (however I always do) so I owe to provide him with another story: the story of Andrew Sullivan’s “Unfit to Print” Weblog. Andrew Sullivan, former editor of New Republic, is a blogger. And his blog has an online following well exceeding 500,000 people. So what Andrew Sullivan does in order to stimulate some discussion between him and his readers is to choose a book every month and encourage his readers to discuss it with him throughout the month by means of posting notes and opinions, raising objections, asking questions, recording their musings and reflections at his Book Club which is a category under his weblog. Apparently, the Book Club is not only a category of Sullivan’s Weblog but a rather vibrant community as within days from founding the book club, his first book-to-be-discussed, Robert D. Kaplan's Warrior Politics, skyrocketed up the Amazon charts into the top five. And the last selection of the Book club, Christopher Hitchens' new book, "Why Orwell Matters," went in a few hours from 1074 to number 3. --George Dafermos
Unfit to Print
I must point out Andrew Sullivan's new tagline, replacing the by-now irrelevant "All the news that's unfit to print":
"The Revolution Will Be Blogged."
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