Baise-Moi (2000) - Coralie, Virginie Despentes
Baise-Moi (2000) - Coralie, Virginie Despentes []
Baise-Moi (2000) - Coralie, Virginie Despentes
Not for the faint-hearted. Baise-Moi defies categories--it features pornographic sex scenes and violent shootings, but it won't fit anyone's definition of an erotic thriller. After separately committing murders, two French women join together in a spree of crime and sex. Because both have endured abuse at the hands of men, the movie seems to start as a self-righteous parable--but the women's actions quickly degenerate into amoral, near random killings, with women shot as casually as men. One reviewer described Baise-Moi as "Thelma & Louise with actual penetration," but it's actually Thelma & Louise without Hollywood sentiment. By refusing to condemn or justify the protagonists' actions, and by depicting both sex and violence with unglamorous realism, Baise-Moi forces the viewer to respond in the most contradictory and basic ways. You may find the lead characters surprisingly sympathetic. Jarring, unsettling, and well worth watching. --Bret Fetzer for Baise-Moi (2000) - Coralie, Virginie Despentes [Amazon US]
- Baise-moi is a book first published in 1999 and authored by Virginie Despentes. A film based on the book, and with the same name, was released the following year. The film, directed by Despentes and actress Coralie Trinh Thi, received intense media coverage because its graphic mix of real rather than simulated sex and violence was on the limit of that allowed by censors in various countries around the world. -- [Dec 2004]
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