Barry Keith Grant
Related: horror film - film genre
The Dread of Difference : Gender and the Horror Film () - Barry Keith Grant
The Dread of Difference : Gender and the Horror Film () - Barry Keith Grant (Editor) []
Film critics of the 1990s contend that gender is central to understanding horror movies. As editor Barry Keith Grant writes, "Today gender roles are being tested, challenged, and redefined everywhere, and until such time as difference is no longer dreaded, this crucial aspect of the horror film will remain very important for us." The Dread of Difference is a solid starting place for exploring the idea of gender in horror cinema. It's a fat book with 21 scholarly (and reasonably lucid) essays, and plenty of black-and-white movie stills. The authors use a variety of theories to survey the history of horror/slasher movies and the work of individual directors, and offer "close readings" of a number of movies. --Amazon.comMore academic readers
- Horror Film Reader () - Alain Silver (Editor), James Ursini (Editor) [] [FR] [DE] [UK]
Part One: Seminal Essays contains:
"Ghoulies and Ghosties" by Curtis Harrington (1952)
"Horror Films" by William K. Everson (1954)
"The Subconscious: From Pleasure Castle to Libido Hotel" by Raymond Durgnat (1958)
"The Face of Horror" by Derek Hill (1958)
"A Bloody New Wave in the United States" by Jean-Claude Romer (1964)
"Horror Is My Business" by Terence Fisher (1964)
"The Horror Film: Polanski and REPULSION" by Ivan Butler (1967)
"From Voyeurism to Infinity" by Raymond Lefevre (1968)
"Mario Bava: the Illusion of Reality" by Alain Silver and James Ursini (1975)
Part Two: New Perspectives contains:
"Neglected Nightmares" by Robin Wood (1980)
"Is the Devil American? William Dieterle's THE DEVIL AND DANIEL WEBSTER" by Tony Williams (1999)
"Violence, Women, and Disability in Tod Brownings's FREAKS and THE DEVIL DOLL" by Martin F. Norden and Madeleine Cahill (1998)
"Monsters as (Uncanny) Metaphors: Freud, Lakoff, and the Representation of Monstrosity in Cinematic Horror" by Steven Schneider (1997)
"The Anxiety of Influence: George Franju and the Medical Horror Shows of Jess Franco" by Joan Hawkins (1999)
"Seducing the Subject: Freddy Krueger" by Ian Conrich (1997)
"What Rough Beast? Insect Politics and THE FLY" by Linda Brookover and Alain Silver (1999)
"Demon Daddies: Gender, Ecstasy and Terror in the Possession Film" by Tanya Krzywinska (1999)
"Women on the Verge of a Gothic Breakdown: Sex, Drugs and Corpses in THE HORRIBLE DR. HICHCOCK" by Glenn Erickson (1997)
"CANDYMAN: Urban Space, Fear, and Entitlement" by Aviva Briefel and Sianne Ngai (1996)
"THE HAUNTING and the Power of Suggestion: Why Robert Wise's Film Continues to "Deliver the Goods" to Modern Audiences" by Pam Keesey (1999)
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