Body music
Parent categories: body - music
Related: body genre - dance music
Subgenres: electronic body music - disco music - house music
Tracks that contain body music in the title: Body Music (1981) - Strikers
House and disco
Disco and house are two music genres that were specifically made for dancing on the dancefloors of discotheques, later called clubs.I have come to believe that disco and house are essentially the same music forms. Technology has changed, the drugs have changed, but disco and house are both music to dance to - music that the body feels and responds to first. [Feb 2006]
Not everyone understands house music
"Not everyone understands House music; it's a spiritual thing; a body thing; a soul thing." --Eddie Amador, 1997
See also: house music - 1997
Sampled from: "Together Forever" (1982)
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