La Grande Bouffe (1973) - Marco Ferreri
Related: 1973 - French cinema - Italian cinema - suicide - sex in mainstream cinema - food - Marco Ferreri
La Grande Bouffe/Blow Out (1973) - Marco Ferreri [] [FR] [DE] [UK]
A fantasic franco-italian orgy comprising of four middle-aged gourments fed up with the mundanity of life, who embark upon a suicide pact- death by indulgence of food sex and alcohol. Bouffe is synonymous with "comic opera". -- [Aug 2005]
La Grande Bouffe, Italian title La grande abbuffata, is a 1973 film, directed by Marco Ferreri. It stars Marcello Mastroianni, Ugo Tognazzi, Michel Piccoli and Philippe Noiret.
The plot revolves around a fantastic Franco-Italian orgy comprising of four middle-aged gourments fed up with the mundanity of life, who embark upon a suicide pact- death by indulgence of food sex and alcohol.
Bouffer is French slang for "eating" (as the original Italian abbuffata, meaning "great eating"). -- [Aug 2006]
Product description
La Grande Bouffe/Blow Out (1973) - Marco Ferreri[]
Marco Ferreri's greatest international success, La Grande Bouffe scandalized audiences when it was released in 1973. Audiences were shocked by its tale of four world-weary middle-aged men (superbly portrayed by Marcello Mastroianni, Ugo Tognazzi, Michel Piccoli and Philippe Noiret) who decide to gorge themselves to death in one final orgiastic weekend full of gourmet food, call girls and a hefty, lusty schoolteacher. This blackly humorous parable of modern society's collapse won the Cannes Film Festival's International Critics Award. The New York Times called it "vulgar vaudeville on an epic scale...a mordant, chilling, hilarious dirty movie." Nearly 30 years later, it continues to challenge audiences' sensibilities and test the limits of shockability.French review
Quatre amis sont réunis lors d'un week-end gastronomique pour se suicider.
Marcello demande qu'on fasse venir des prostituées, mais effrayées par la tournure que prennent les événements, elles s'enfuient au petit matin. Seule reste Andréa, une institutrice du voisinage, substitut de la mère.L'ambiance scatologique du film fit un énorme scandale à sa sortie, il est même classé X alors que le film ne comporte aucune scène pornographique. Le caractère choquant du film est avant tout dû à sa force de suggestion d'une société qui serait gavée et qui en crèverait. -- [Dec 2004]
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