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The Crimes Of Love (1800) - Marquis De Sade

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The Crimes Of Love (1800) - Marquis De Sade, David Coward (Translator) [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]

Book Description
Who but the Marquis de Sade would write not of the pain, tragedy, and joy of love but of its crimes? Murder, seduction, and incest are among the cruel rewards for selfless love in his stories--tragedy, despair, and death the inevitable outcome. Sade's villains will stop at nothing to satisfy their depraved passions, and they in turn suffer under the thrall of love. This is the most complete selection from the Marquis de Sade's four-volume collection of short stories, The Crimes of Love. David Coward's vibrant new translation captures the verve of the original, and his introduction and notes describe Sade's notorious career. This new selection includes "An Essay on Novels," Sade's penetrating survey of the novelist's art. It also contains the preface to the collection and an important statement of Sade's concept of fiction and one of the few literary manifestoes published during the Revolution. Appendices include the denunciatory review of the collection that it received on publication, and Diderot's vigorous response. A skilled and artful story-teller, Marquis de Sade's is also an intellectual who asks questions about society, about ourselves, and about life. Psychologically astute and defiantly unconventional, these stories show Sade at his best.

In fact, however, de Sade (like Diderot) was a passionate admirer of Clarissa, and his book Les crimes de l’amour (1800) contained a preface in which he apostrophized both Fielding and Richardson: “It is Richardson and Fielding who have taught us that only the profound study of the heart of man . . . can inspire the novelist.” He went on: “If after twelve or fifteen volumes [of Clarissa] the immortal Richardson had virtuously ended by converting Lovelace and having him peacefully marry Clarissa, would you . . . have shed the delicious tears which it won from every feeling reader?” Doubtless the author of Clarissa might not have been equally ebullient about Justine, had he lived to read it; but de Sade’s enthusiasm was obviously genuine. --http://www.humnet.ucla.edu/humnet/c1718cs/Nltr37.htm [Aug 2005]

Que dit un bon observateur de l'époque, DAF de Sade in Idées sur les romans qui sert de préface aux Crimes de l'amour. Poche classique
"Le roman moderne naît avec Richardson, Fielding, Rousseau et Prévost. Il passe ensuite à Le Moine et à Ann Radcliffe"
Comment comprendre cette filiation pour la pensée sadienne ? Richardson c'est Paméla avec Lovelace, l'enlèvement la séquestration et les grandes passions ; Fieldings c'est Tom Jones, l'errance, le bâtard. Prévost c'est la vie des bas fonds, les amours impossible et les trahisons, Rousseau c'est Julie et le heurt des amours et de la rigueur sociale: de grandes passions en lutte contre des normes, avec la promotion du désir, de l'innocence, de la persécution. On voit comment y situer Le Moine et Radcliffe, on saisit aussi qu'une différence sera introduite par le décor gothique, et à quoi il faudra s'intéresser. On voit aussi poindre Justine. --http://www.up.univ-mrs.fr/wctel/cours/bozzetto/pages/gothlitt.htm [Aug 2005]

see also: 1800-1809 - Marquis de Sade - crime - love

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