ILX is the acronym for I Love X. where is X currently are 7 categories, the two most popular being "I Love Everyhting" and "I Love Music"; ILE being the highest quality of discussion. Various A-List music bloggers frequent the place, as well as journalists (Mark Sinker) worldwide. The board is open to everyone and the traffic tends to get high now and again, but overall still very good discussion for solo-nights at home. is their address.


While I have not yet figured out the relationshiop between and, it is clear that ILX (as the various boards are generally referred to) shares an audience with the Freaky Trigger and NYLPM (New York London Paris Munich). On closer inspection, NYLMP appears to be the daily-updated section of Freaky Trigger. And if you'd like to contribute, write to Tom Ewing.

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