Jack Murnighan
Related: naughty - nasty - erotic fiction - USA - connoisseur
The Naughty Bits : The Steamiest and Most Scandalous Sex Scenes from the World's Great Books (2001) - Jack Murnighan [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]
Classic Nasty: More Naughty Bits : A Rollicking Guide to Hot Sex in Great Books, from the Iliad to the Corrections (2003) - Jack Murnighan [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]
Classic Nasty: More Naughty Bits (2003) - Jack Murnighan
Book Description
Jack Murnighan, former editor in chief of the erotica website Nerve.com, is back with a new collection of the steamiest sex scenes from the greatest books of all time. Here is the literary sex-education readers have always lusted for, with over 80 excerpts by authors ranging from Homer to James Baldwin, Kierkegaard to Judy Blume, Scheherazade to Franzen. Who knew there was so much bumping and grinding in Goethe? How about Dali’s fascination with masturbation? Ever curious about what made James Joyce purr? Murnighan supplements each bite-sized excerpt with a lively, insightful introduction that will help readers see the world’s great books as they’ve never seen them before. --via Amazon.comThe Naughty Bits : The Steamiest and Most Scandalous Sex Scenes from the World's Great Books (2001) - Jack Murnighan
Jack Murnighan, former editor-in-chief of sex-friendly Web site Nerve.com, gathers short erotic excerpts from works by more than 70 authors from the Marquis de Sade to Thomas Pynchon, Sappho to Jeanette Winterson, Ovid to J.G. Ballard. Culled from his popular weekly online column, The Naughty Bits (also Brit slang for genitalia) is billed as "the book that literary perverts have been waiting for." One of several recent Nerve.com tie-ins, it's a great idea and one needn't be especially literary or perverted to enjoy it. Murnighan's thoroughly good-natured, erudite introductions add to the bawdy fun. --Publishers Weekly, via amazon.com
Most people don't read a good book or have great sex nearly as often as they should; then again, most people don't know that the Great Works e.g., Joyce's Ulysses, Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, and Plato's The Symposium are as rife with "naughty bits" as a frat house is with hormones. The general public has Murnighan, former editor-in-chief of the popular sex web-zine Nerve.com, to thank for gleaning the gamut of world literature for amorous interludes, from the painfully romantic to the to the puke-inducing. Murnighan first excerpted these findings in the web site's "Naughty Bits" column, of which the cr�me de la cr�me is collected here. Besides giants like Shakespeare, D.H. Lawrence, Dante, and Herman Melville, lesser-knowns, such as 1960s French teen novelist Catherine Breillant, medieval English autobiographer Margery Kempe, and lesbian playwright Holly Hughes, make appearances alongside contemporary cads Larry Flynt and Kenneth Starr. Almost more savory than the wildly varied extracts are Murnighan's learned prefaces. The fan of erotica, the student of literature, and the aspiring sex worker will all relate to his language, a strangely seamless mix of lit crit and potty talk. Highly recommended for erotica collections and larger world literature collections. Heather McCormack, "Library Journal" --From Library Journal via amazon.com
Fresh from the virtual pages of Nerve.com comes this collection of "naughty bits," an irreverent look into the steamy, scandalous side of literature past and present. With bite-sized salacious excerpts from the classics -- new and old -- each with a fresh, insightful introduction, The Naughty Bits presents the world's great books as you never thought you'd see them. --Book Description via amazon.com
Includes naughty bits by:
Dante D. H. Lawrence Philip Roth Goethe Toni Morrison Julio Cort�zar John Cheever William Shakespeare Thaddeus Rutkowski John Donne Thomas Malory G�nter Grass Herman Melville John Barth Ernest Hemingway Erica Jong Thomas Carew M. F. K. Fisher William Kennedy Jeanette Winterson Paul West Harry Mathews Catullus Clarice Lispector Giovanni Boccaccio James Baldwin Nicholson Baker Tom Wolfe John Wilmot Kevin Canty Plato James Joyce Lydia Davis Fran�ois Rabelais Kenneth Starr Henry Miller John Updike Geoffrey Chaucer Marquis de Sade Sir Philip Sidney Holly Hughes Martin Amis Andrew Marvell The Pearl Poet Thomas Pynchon Sappho William Gibson Mark Leyner Margery Kempe Jean Genet Edmund Spenser John Cleland Kurt Vonnegut Ana�s Nin Petronius Keith Banner Umberto Eco J.G. Ballard Mario Vargas Llosa Ovid Jean de Meun Catherine Breillant George Eliot Kenzaburo Oe Cormac McCarthy Larry Flynt Rupert Brooke The Old Testament
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