John Oswald (1953 - )
John Oswald is a Canadian composer, saxophonist, photographer, and dancer. His best known project is Plunderphonics, the practice of making new music out of previously existing recordings.
In addition to his extensive work in plunderphonics, Oswald is also involved with acoustic music, as a composer and improvisor. His compositions for orchestra often do include electronic elements, such as Concerto for Wired Conductor and Orchestra (?), but has also composed for acoustic ensembles, such as Acupuncture (1991). Oswald improvises with the saxophone.
Oswald is also actively involved in dance, as a composer for dance works, as a collaborator with choreographers, and as an active Contact Improviser.
If creativity is a field, copyright is the fence - John Oswald -- [Apr 2005]
Plunderphonics is a cultural paradox, one of the only truly underground musical phenomena to emerge in the latter quarter of the 20th century ("This art is more radical in its social and political associations than the introduction of the electric guitar"), yet featuring some of the world's most recognizable music imbedded in novel constellations of sonic diversity by John Oswald. Mr. Oswald flew past the level of mere sampling. He has taken sampling fifty times beyond what we1ve come to expect. This ambitious package contains 60 memorable tracks, from the Swinging Sixties to the Numb Nineties, on two hyper-dense discs covering the gamut of progressive musical endeavour, where punk meets classical, schmaltz marries metal, jazz divorces rap and electronica kills world. Plunderphonics is recreational savagery. A consistently brilliant record. Each title features an instantly recognizable musical icon transformed into an electroquoted Frankenstein or Hyde with a plunderphoney moniker such as Anthrax Squeeze Factory, Sinéad O'Connick Jr., Beastie Shop Beach, or Bing Stingspreen. Often visceral, occasionally poignant, sometimes funny, never predictable and always challenging, the set is an entire record collection packed into this compact book form, including an extensively annotated retrospective account by reproducer Oswald, lavishly illustrated with full color collages. For the moment John Oswald is a solo movement, the most exciting school of one in music. -- [Apr 2005]SEELAND
Oswald has been restricted from releasing this music so SEELAND has stepped in and "borrowed" this package and made it available. Profits will be invested in the future of plunderphonics.
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