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Carlton Cabinet (1981) - Ettore Sottsass
In its traditional sense, a library is a collection of books and periodicals. It can refer to an individual's private collection, but more often, it is a large collection that is funded and maintained by a city or institution, and is shared by many people who could not afford to purchase so many books by themselves. However, with the collection or invention of media other than books for storing information, many libraries are now also repositories and/or access points for maps, prints or other artwork, microfilm, microfiche, audio tapes, CDs, LPs, video tapes and DVDs, and provide public facilities to access CD-ROM databases and the Internet.Thus, modern libraries have been redefined as places to get access to information in any format, whether it is stored inside the building or not. -- [Feb 2005]
L'Enfer and the Private Case
Les livres de l'Enfer: bibliographie critique des ouvrages érotiques dans leurs différentes éditions du XVIe siècle à nos jours [The Books of the "Enfer:" Critical Bibliography of Erotic Works in their Different Editions from the Sixteenth Century to the Present]. Ed. Pascal Pia. New and enlarged ed. Paris: Fayard, 1998. 887 p. ISBN 2-213-60189-5: FF 290.00 [99-1/4-028] The first, two-volume, edition (1978) of this work replaced the earlier "classic" catalog of books with predominantly erotic contents secreted away in the so-called "Enfer" of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (L'Enfer de la Bibliothèque Nationale, ed. Guillaume Apollinaire, Fernan Fleuret, Louis Perceau, 1913). This and the British Library's Private Case listing of erotica (The Private Case: An Annotated Bibliography of the Private Case Erotica Collection in the British (Museum) Library, ed. Patrick J. Kearney, 1981) have served as reliable catalogs with a bibliographic function, different from other relevant bibliographies in that these two have been compiled using works in hand. All the more welcome is the second, expanded (and more affordable) edition, which its compiler, the bohemian journalist and man of letters Pascal Pia (1913-1979), had conceived of before his death. The second edition, unfortunately, repeats unchanged the first edition's long essay about the history of the collection, although its theses have been corrected in an article by Jeanne Veyrin-Forrer, "L'Enfer vu d'ici" (Revue de la Bibliothèque Nationale 14/1984, p. 22-41).The catalog, arranged alphabetically by title, contains all the entries from the first edition, with revisions especially to some of the already extensive annotations, and with 200 new titles added. Both kinds of supplements are typographically marked, and are based in large part on the catalogs of two 1977 auctions: the Lyon auction of the Michel Simon collection and the Paris auction of novelist Roger Peyrefitte's important collection.
The appendix contains the updated location catalog of the "Enfer" in call-number order, including titles transferred from there to other collections. The 1913 catalog ended with number 930; the latest catalog ends with number 1,730. These additional 800 titles include older materials as well as more recent works of pornography. The index lists the names of authors and other persons, such as illustrators, publishers, and printers. [sh/ga] -- [Sept 2004]
Here are the beginnings of a list of movies with libraries in them. It makes no attempt to be definitive, and should be expected to grow and grow. Feel free to send additions or corrections to Wayne Gloege, the author, at All participants are welcome! (Thanks to T.S. of Victoria for several useful additions). It has been attempted to provide links to reviews or other web sites.
BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S, 1961, in which Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard visit the New York Public Library to see and autograph the book he has written.
CLEOPATRA, 1963, with Taylor, Burton, and Harrison, includes a scene where Cleopatra notes that Caesar has burned the library at Alexandria.
DESK SET, 1957, with Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy (newspaper librarian fears she and her staff will be supplanted by a computer. Wonderful Christmastime movie with Hepburn/Tracy magic!)
DINOTOPIA, 2002, This TV mini-series features a dinosaur librarian and several scenes filmed in the Dinotopia Library.
DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE, 1995, (When the police are detailing personnel to search New York City public schools for the gigantic bomb, all public employees, including the "g... d..... librarians, are detailed to work).
DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS, 2000, (with a gorgeous library operated by and for the Mages)
FOUL PLAY, 1978, with Goldie Hawn (featuring a stalking and exciting chase through Hawn's place of employment--a San Francisco Library. Other later scenes include her good buddy at work, and help from a reference librarian.)
GHOSTBUSTERS, 1984, with Bill Murray (major "ghostbusting" sequence involves a library haunting, with most memorable card catalog drawers).
GOLDENEYE, 1995, with Pierce Brosnan (featuring James Bond in Saint Petersburg and another collapsing library (compare "The Mummy" below))
GOOD NEWS, 1947, with June Allyson as an assistant Librarian (though she is only a student). The library is interesting; there are no call numbers on the books. Ms. Allyson reshelves books at random. They sing and dance in the Library--perhaps a good idea.
HARRY POTTER AND THE SORCERER'S STONE, 2001, Harry and his chums do research in the Library at Hogwarts. Very atmospheric and lots of fun!
INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE, 1989, with Sean Connery and Harrison Ford (part of the hunt for the Holy Grail involves a trek through a sumptuous Venetian Library, where "X" indeed may mark the spot! includes a very funny book-stamping confusion!)
IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE, 1946, with Donna Reed playing a Librarian (in the alternate-universe Pottersville version of life, Reed has never married and is a very mousy librarian)
JUMANJI, 1995, with Robin Williams and Bonnie Hunt, includes a wonderful library in a mansion, which is at one point destroyed by stampeding Rhinoceroses and Elephants
MALXOLM X, 1992, with dramatic scenes in a prison library
THE MUMMY, 1999, with Brendan Fraser (includes a delightful shelving disaster and a fine quote from librarian Rachel Weisz--"I'm PROUD to be a librarian!")
THE MUSIC MAN, 1962, with Shirley Jones playing a Librarian (not set IN a library, but major character IS a librarian)
THE NAME OF THE ROSE, 1986, with Sean Connery (set in a medieval monastery with a library which combines elements of Escher, Borges, and Piranesi. Wonderful visual elements here, with thrilling Library scenes.)
PAGEMASTER, 1994, with Macaulay Culkin (most action set in a very lively animated library, with books as central characters Adventure, Fantasy, and Horror. Demonstrates some of the values of reading in exciting manner)
THE PAPER CHASE, 1973, with John Houseman (the law students' foray into the library archives for Kingsfield's writings is memoral and pivotal.)
PHILADELPHIA, 1993, with Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington (includes a scene set in a Library where Washington comes to terms with Hanks disease; includes a gauche library employee who seems eager to hide Hanks problems from the world.)
PRIMARY COLORS, 1998, with John Travolta and Emma Thompson (early in the film, presidential candidate visits an adult literacy program set in a modest but pleasant library.)
SHANGHAI KNIGHTS, 2003, with Jackie Chan and Owen Wilson (involves a violent fight in the private library of an English manor house, with books and shelves and bodies flying everywhere.)
SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, 1994, featuring considerable plot involving building a prison library. Said to be a must see for librarians
TARZAN, Disney, 1999, Animated Feature (Collapsing library stacks, like those in THE MUMMY above)
THE TIME MACHINE, 2002, Featuring the New York Public Library in the future, then in the VERY distant future. A holographic sort of Information Specialist volunteers information, then sings hits from the Lloyd Weber musical of "The Time Machine." In the ultra-distant future, books have crumbled into dust but the holograph lingers on.
TOMCATS, 2001, by all accounts a miserable show! (features bondage with stuffed animals performed by domanitrix librarian), accessed Mar 2004
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