New Orleans
Related: Bellocq - Jazz - USA - Storyville
New Orleans
Since race records were marketed directly to the black community, most white Americans rarely heard any of this music, unless it was recorded by white musicians. For instance, even though jazz music had its genesis in New Orleans with black musicians like Louis Armstrong, who then migrated to Chicago and New York, it was Paul Whiteman's white symphonic jazz records that sold in the millions. --source unidentifiedThe first recorded use of 'marihuana' in the United States, in 1909, was in Storyville, the red light district of the port of New Orleans that is universally regarded as the birthplace of Jazz. According to Ernest L.Abel: 'It was in these bordellos, where music provided the background and not the primary focus of attention, that marihuana became an integral part of the jazz era. Unlike booze, which dulled and incapacitated, marihuana enabled musicians whose job required them to play long into the night to forget their exhaustion. Moreover, the drug seemed to make their music sound more imaginative and unique, at least to those who played and listened while under its sensorial influence.' --Russ Cronin,
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