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The Adventures of Phoebe Zeitgeist

Related: American comics - Evergreen Review - 1962

Sample from The Adventures of Phoebe Zeitgeist (1962) - Michael O'Donoghue and Frank Springer
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The Adventures of Phoebe Zeitgeist, a comic strip serial (or its title heroine) by Michael O'Donoghue and Frank Springer that first appeared in The Evergreen Review. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitgeist [Aug 2005]

The second sample, from the comic strip "The Adventures of Phoebe ZeitGeist", written by Michael O'Donoghue (later a writer for Saturday Night Live) and drawn by Frank Springer, and published in Evergreen Review in 1962, employs a figurative means of distinguishing speech, say, from narrative. --http://www.haigaonline.com/FINALHAIGATALKVOLII.html [Aug 2005]

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