Plagiarism is the use of another writer's work without proper acknowledgment (compare credit).
There is some difference of opinion over how much credit must be given when preparing a newspaper article or historical account. Generally, reference is made to original source material as much as possible, and writers avoid taking credit for others' work.
Plagiarism should not be confused with copyright infringement, which is using another writer's work with or without full acknowledgement in a way that violates the exclusive legal rights granted to the author by copyright law. --
The traditional academic heresy
Plagiarism, the traditional academic heresy, is the act of using other people's words as if they were your own. It is an attempt to gain an unfair advantage and is therefore one form of cheating. It is a very serious academic offence since it is a violation of the objectives of a university education.If you make a point, without saying where you got that idea from then the reader will assume that you created this idea. If however this is not the case then you have plagiarised it; you have stolen the idea and presented it as though it were your own. This is cheating.
source [2003]Cut-up writing [...]
Kathy Acker's pseudo-plagiarism is a method she uses in which she appropriates texts from different sources and proceeds to then deconstruct them by playing with them, modifying them, layering, rearranging, rewriting and fragmenting the original texts. She takes apart the texts, cuts them up and inserts them into different contexts, swapping genders and disordering the sequences. But neither is Kathy entirely alone in this endeavour, for example William Burroughs' "Nova Express" includes cut-ups from Shakespeare, Rimbaud and Jack Kerouac.Brian De Palma [...]
Brian De Palma has been called everything from a rip-off merchant to the most visually interesting director working in films today. I tend towards the latter viewpoint myself, but there is no denying his plagiarism of Hitchcock's masterworks. Sisters (often called Blood Sisters), more than any of De Palma's films, proves how talented the man is, and it's my own favourite Brian De Plasma flick. Utilising a Bernard Herrmann score (remember that it was Herrmann who provided Psycho's chilling musical accompaniment), and some astounding use of split-screen techniques, the director adds his own spin on Hitchcock's Rear Window (with a couple of nods in the direction of both Psycho and Vertigo for good measure). Both Carrie and Dressed to Kill were well-received by the critics, but Body Double and Raising Cain had the critics frowning upon the director's visual ventriloquism once again (Cain does have a cult following though). Snake Eyes (1998) reveals that De Palma hasn't lost his mastery of the camera, but his directorial flourishes aren't enough to sustain a whole movie these days. --Noel O'SheaCult of originality [...]
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