Related: academia - blurb - criticism - filter - opinion - peer review - recommendation - tastemaker - taste
On mediated relationships: If I read a favorable review of my favorite author by a book critic, I'll be likely to trust that critic's judgment in future, and check out books that he recommends. If I like a singer-songwriter, chances are that I'll like the bands that he cites as influences. And so on. [Jul 2006]
To write critical reviews, especially for a newspaper, magazine or the internet. --American Heritage DictionaryCritics vs reviewers
Some claim that journalist film critics should only be known as film reviewers, and that true film critics are those who take a more academic approach to films. This work is more often known as film theory or film studies. These film critics try to come to understand why film works, how it works, what it means, and what effects it has on people. Rather than write for mass-market publications their articles are published in scholarly journals, or sometimes in up-market magazines. They also tend to be affiliated with universities. -- [Jul 2006]
The books that everyone actually reads are never the books that are reviewed in the big Sunday book sections
Did you ever notice that the books in the airport reading rack — the books that everyone actually reads — are never the books that are reviewed in the big Sunday book sections?
If they're even mentioned, like the occasional piece on Danielle Steele or Stephen King, it's always with a little bit of a sneer, with words like "potboiler," "formula fiction," "genre fiction" or, the ultimate insult, "best-seller." --John Bloom via here
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