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Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature (Aug 2006) - Gaetan Brulotte
Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature (Aug 2006) - Gaetan Brulotte [] [FR] [DE] [UK] [in press] 'Thanatos' , 'Necrophilia', 'Erotic Asphyxiation', 'Charles Baudelaire', 'Pétrus Borel', in Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature , ed. Gaëtan Brulotte and John Phillips (London and New York: Taylor and Francis, 2006) The Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature is to be published in three volumes by Routledge. Routledge is the publisher of such highly esteemed reference works as the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy (1998) and two award-winners of the prestigious Dartmouth Medal, Jewish Women in America (1997) and the acclaimed Garland Encyclopedia of World Music series (2002).
The Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature will be a three-volume work and will contain some 850 entries on all aspects of erotic literature. The entries will examine the history of the literature in different countries and languages from classical antiquity to the present day, individual writers from around the world (not all of them necessarily known as specialist writers of erotic literature), significant works, genres and critical approaches, and general themes pertinent to erotic literature (nudity, homoeroticism etc.). The book aims to be international in scope and to reflect current research in the field. It is intended that this work will be a valuable resource for all those studying, researching, or teaching any aspect of erotic literature, in addition to appealing to the general reader with an interest in exploring this subject.Our definition of erotic literature is quite broad, to encompass all the material we want to include, not just fiction in all genres (novels, poetry, short stories, drama) but also essays, autobiographies, treatises, and sex manuals from different cultures. Our encyclopedia deals with sexually explicit texts which are dominated by sexual representations and suggestions. All types of sexuality are included. Our definition of "erotic" does not necessarily refer to the "arousing" aspect in the readers, which of course is too limiting and confusing. Homosexual, bondage or zoophile literature will not arouse everyone but is part of what we call erotic literature. Most serious scholarly studies published during the last 25 years do call "erotic" literature the type of literature we are interested in covering in our encyclopedia. "Erotic literature" is by far the most commonly used expression. For the sake of unity within the Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature, the judgmental term "pornography" as used in a derogatory way should be avoided except where appropriate (for instance, when referring to court judgments which defined Madame Bovary or Lady Chatterley's Lover as being "pornographic" in their respective time, a classification which of course we reject today).
In the selection of entries for the Encyclopedia of Erotic Literature, the editorial board decided that, given the variety and extent of the subject, the most manageable way to proceed would be to adopt a blend of approaches. It will therefore be helpful for contributors to consider the entry list as a whole and to bear in mind the existenceor non-existenceof articles on related topics, with the aim, as far as possible, of avoiding duplication of information. Thus if an individual has an entry in his/her own right, it will be necessary only to mention that individual in passing in the entry for a particular country or topic, since a cross-reference will direct the reader to the individual entry.
Because the primary reader will be a nonspecialist, bear in mind that as encyclopedia entriesrather than as academic articlesthese essays should provide a general introduction to the material. In other words, previous knowledge about the subject cannot be presupposed, and language understood only by specialists should be avoided. Thus, write in a clear and concise prose style (i.e., write as if you were explaining the topic to an undergraduate in a survey course on the subject) and avoid complex terminology and jargon. Please explain potentially unfamiliar terms the first time they are mentioned.
Encyclopedia entries:
'Abd Al-Rahmmane Al-Suyuti; Abélard and Héloise; Abu Nuwas (8th-9th centuries); Acker, Kathy; Admirable Discourses of the Plain Girl (16th century); African American erotic literature; African languages: Mahgrib; African languages: Subsaharan; Agustini, Delmira (1866-1914) Los Cálices vacíos; Alas, Leopoldo (1852-1901): La regenta; Albert-Birot, Pierre (1876-1967) Grabinoulor; Alcripe, Philippe d', Nouvelle Fabrique des excellents traits de vérité; Aldrich, Ann [Vin Packer] (b. 1927); al-Jahiz (9th century); al-Nafzâwî, The Perfumed Garden; al-Tifashi (13th century); Amaru. Poet (8th century); Amis, Martin; Andreev, Leonid (1871-1919); Angel, Albalucía (b. 1939); Anti-clericalism; Aphrodisiacs; Apollinaire, Guillaume; Apuleius: Golden Ass; Arabic: 20th century; Arabic: Middle Ages to 19th century; Aragon, Louis (1897-1982); Arcan, Nelly; Aretinists; Aretino, Pietro (1492-1556); Argens, Jean-Baptiste de Boyer, Marquis d' (1704-71) Thérèse Philosophe; Arsan, Emmanuelle; Art of the Bedchamber Literature; Artaud, Antonin (1896-1948); Artsybachev, Mikhail (1878-1927); Ashbee, Henry Spencer (1834-1900) My Secret Life (attributed); Auden, W.H. (1907-73) The Platonic Blow; Australia and New Zealand; Aventures satyriques de Florinde, Les (anonymous, 1625); Babel, Isaak; Baculard d'Arnaud, François-Thomas-Marie de (1718-1805) L'Art de foutre ou Paris foutant; Bai Xingjian (d. 826 AD) Tiandi yinyang jianohuan dale fu (Prose poem on the Supreme Joy of the Sexual Union of Yin, Yang and Heaven and Earth); Baker, Nicholson, Vox; Balzac, Honoré de; Ban jieyu (1st century); Barbey D'Aurevilly, Jules-Amedee (1808-89); Barillé, Elisabeth, Corps de jeune fille (Body of a Girl); Bataille, Georges (1897-1962); Baudelaire, Charles (1821-67) Les Fleurs du mal; Béalu, Marcel, Passage de la bête; Beauvoir, Simone de; Beckford, William (1760-1844): Vathek; Belen, Nelly Kaplan; Belot, Adolphe; Béranger, Pierre-Jean de (1780-1857) Chansons érotiques; Berg, Jean[ne] de; Berthelot, Pierre, Le Cabinet satyrique (1618); Bestiality; Bhartrhari, Passionate Encounters (7th century); Bi Yu Lou; Bilhana, Fantasies of a Love-Thief; Birader, Deli; Blasons du corps; Blessebois, Pierre Corneille (1646?-1700?); Boccaccio; Body modification/adornments; Bonaventure des Périers (16th century); Bonnetain, Paul (1858-99) Charlot s'amuse; Book of Odes (Shih-ching); Borel, Petrus (1809-59); Bouchard, Jean-Jacques (1606?-41?); Boudjedra, Rachid (b. 1941); Boullosa, Carmen (b. 1946); Bourgeade, Pierre (b. 1927); Bousquet, Joë (1897-1950) Le Cahier noir; Brantôme, Pierre de Bourdeilles de (d. 1614) The Lives of Gallant Ladies; Brazil; Breast; Bright, Susie (b. 1958); Bukowski, Charles (1920-94) Notes of a Dirty Old Man (1969); Bulatovic, Miodrag; Burroughs, William S. (b. 1914-97) The Naked Lunch; Burton, Richard (1821-90); Byrd II, William, "Upon a Fart", etc; Cabrera Infante, Guillermo (b. 1929); Calaferte, Louis (1928-1994); Caldwell, Erskine (1903-87); Califia, Patrick, Macho Sluts; Calvino, Italo (1923-85); Carew, Thomas (1595?-1639?); Caribbean; Carter, Angela (1940-93); Casanova, Giacomo (1725-98); Catalan; Catullus; Cavafy, Constantine; Caylus, Claude Philippe Tubières, Comte de (1692-1765) (attrib) Le Bordel etc; Cendrars, Blaise (1887-1961) Emmène-moi au bout du monde; Censorship (including mail order issues); Cernuda, Luis (1902-1963); Cervantes, Miguel de (1547-1616); Champsaur, Félicien (1859-1934) Dinah Samuel; Charras, Pierre (b. 1945) Marthe jusqu'au soir; Chaucer, Geoffrey, Canterbury Tales: "The Wife of Bath" and "The Miller's Tale", Troilus and Criseyde; Chekhov, Anton (1860-1904) "Nervous Attack"; Chevrier, François Antoine de (1721-62); Chikamatsu Monzaemon (1653-1725); Child Love (anonymous); Chinese languages: 20th century; Chinese languages: prehistory through the 19th century; Choiseul-Meuse, Félicité Comtesse de; Choisy, François-Timoléon, Abbé de (1644-1724); Chopin, Kate (1851-1904) The Awakening (1899); Chorier, Nicolas (1612-92); Christian, M.; Chu-lin-yeh-shilh (Unofficial History of the Bamboo Garden); Clark, David Aaron; Cleland, John (1710-89:) Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (Fanny Hill); Cocteau, Jean (1889-1963); Cohen, Albert; Cohen, Leonard; Colette (1873-1954); Colle, Charles (1709-83) Chansons qui n'ont pu être imprimées; Collected Writings of Fragrant Elegance; Colleton, John; Confession and Guilt in Fiction; Confession and Guilt: History and Definition; Cooper, Dennis (b. 1953); Corneille, L'Occasion perdue recouverte. Poetry; Cortázar, Julio (1914-84); Cotton, Charles (1630-87) Erotopolis: The Present State of Bettyland; Crébillon, Claude Prosper Jolyot de (1707-77); Crevel, René (1900-35) Les Pieds dans le plat; Crisp, Quentin: The Naked Civil Servant; Cros, Charles (1842-88) et al., L'Album zutique; Csokonai Vitéz, Mihály (1773-1805; Hungary); Cuisin, P., La Galanterie sous la sauvegarde des lois; Cyrano de Bergerac, Savinien de Cyrano, known as (1619-55): LAutre Monde; Czech; Dacre, Charlotte; Daimler, Harriet (Iris Owens); Dandurand, Anne and Claire Dé; Defoe, Daniel (1660-1731): Moll Flanders; Deforges, Régine; Dekobra, Maurice (1885-1973); Delany, Samue R.: Tides of Lust; Deleuze, Gilles and Felix Guattari; Delicado, Francisco: Retrato de la lozana andaluza (1528); Delteil, Joseph (b. 1894) Choléra; Deng Xixian, "Explanation of the Meaning of the Cultivation of Truth, by the Great Immortal of the Purple-gold Splendour"; Dengcao heshang zhuan; Denon, Vivant (1747-1825); Depestre, René (b. 1926; Haiti); Desforges (1746-1806); Desnos, Robert (1900-45); Di Giorgio, Marosa, Misales: relatos eróticos; Di Nota, David (b. 1968) Apologie du plaisir absolu; Di Prima, Diane, Memoirs of a Beatnik; Diderot, Denis; Diski, Jenny (b. 1947); Djebar, Assia; Don Juan, the myth: From Tirso de Molina to Molière and Byron; Donleavy, J.P. (b. 1926); Donne, John; Dorat, Claude-Joseph (1734-80); Dostoevskii, Fedor Mikhailovich (1821-81); Douglas, Norman (limericks); Drama; Dream of the Red Chamber (c. 1715-63); Droz, Gustave (1832-95) Un été à la campagne (Summer in the Country); Du Bellay, Joachim (1522-60) L'Antérotique de la vieille et de la jeune amie, La Maquerelle; Du Camp, Maxime (1822-92); Du Fail, Noël (1520?-91); Du Laurens, Henri-Joseph (1719-93); Dubé, Jean Pierre (b. 1954; Canada); Duchamp, Marcel (1887-1968); Duclos, Charles Pinot (1704-72); Dunan, Renée (Louise Dormienne); Duras, Marguerite (1914-96); Dustan, Guillaume (b. 1965); Dutch; Duvert, Tony (b. 1946) Récidive, etc; E.D., Les Callipyges, Jupes troussées, Lesbia, maîtresse d'école (?); Egyptian: love poetry, ancient; Eliade, Mircea (1907-1986) Maitreyi; Elisabeth Herrgott (b. 1947); Eltit, Diamela (b. 1949); Éluard, Paul (1895-1952); Eminescu, Mihail, Poems; English: North America: 18th and 19th centuries; English: North America: 20th and 21st centuries; English: United Kingdom: 17th century; English: United Kingdom: 18th century; English: United Kingdom: 19th century; English: United Kingdom: 20th century; English: United Kingdom: Up to the Renaissance; Epigrams and Jests; Ernaux, Annie; Eros, history and definitions; Erotic Asphyxiation; Esquivel, Laura (b. 1950); Essays: non-fiction [Alberoni, Alexandrian, Barthes, N.O. Brown, Freud, Kierkegaard, Krafft-Ebing, Ellis, Beauvoir, Hite, Kinsey, Paz, etc]; Étiemble, René (b. 1909); Etxebarría, Lucia; Exeter Book (Anglo-Saxon riddles); Exoticism; Fabert, Guillaume, Autoportrait en érection; Fabliaux; Fábulas futrosóficas, o la filosofía de Venus en fábulas (anon, 1821); Fairy-tales and eroticism; Farmer, Philip José; Faulkner, William; Feminism, Anti-porn movement and pro-porn movement; Ferrater, Gabriel; Ferré, Rosario (b. 1942); Fetishism -- [Nov 2006]See also: erotic literature - encyclopedia - Routledge
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