History of sadomasochism
People: Leopold von Sacher-Masoch - Marquis de Sade - Jean-Jacques Rousseau - Swinburne
See also: Queer Timeline [...]
Datenschlag Chronicle of Sadomasochism (DACHS)
This chronicle was compiled by Kathrin Passig and Wolf Deunan. We thank the Schlagzeilen magazine, the former AG S/MÖFF and the former „S/M-Szene Intern,“ the Leather History TimeLine (Anthony F. DeBlase and The Leather Archieves & Museum, Inc., Chicago), Joseph W. Bean, the Schlagworte mailing list and all of the groups and organizations that have contributed information as well as Christoph and Marko from Smart Rhein-Ruhr e.V., Gerd in Saarbrücken, Sabine in Berlin, Markus in Berlin, Rüdiger Happ from Marterpfahl Verlag, Andre Ay, Thomas Witzke and one anonymous contributer.
The Chronicle is incomplete and certainly contains mistakes.-- http://www.datenschlag.org/english/ [2004]
Entries start with the Ice age and end in 2000
Die Wahl der Qual. Handbuch für Sadomasochisten und solche, die es werden wollen
September 2000 Ira Strübel, journalist and advertising copy writer, and Kathrin Passig, journalist and chair of BDSM Berlin e.V., release the book „Die Wahl der Qual. Handbuch für Sadomasochisten und solche, die es werden wollen„ („The Choice of Pain: A Handbook for Sadomasochists and Those Who Would Like to Be“). It features a look at the current state of SM research, interviews with SM practitioners, an introduction to the SM subculture and detailed information about SM on the Internet. Thanks to its humorous and comprehensible portrayals, the book is well received in the SM subculture. (Passig, Kathrin / Strübel, Ira: „Die Wahl der Qual. Handbuch für Sadomasochisten und solche, die es werden wollen“. Rowohlt, Reinbek 2000)
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