Sex in literature
Parent categories: literature - sex
Related: erotic fiction
Bad sex in fiction
The Literary Review Bad Sex in Fiction Award is an award given annually to the writer who produces the worst description of a sex scene in a novel.
The award is in the form of a "semi-abstract trophy representing sex in the 1950s", which depicts a naked woman draped over an open book. It has been presented each year since 1993 by the Literary Review, a London literary journal. The award was originally established by Rhoda Koenig, a literary critic, and Auberon Waugh, then editor of the Literary Review. -- [Dec 2005]
See also: erotic fiction - love scene - sex - fiction
Erectile dysfunction in fiction
The Sun also Rises (1926) - Ernest Hemingway Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928) - D. H. Lawrence Erectile dysfunction, also known as impotence, is the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis for satisfactory sexual intercourse regardless of the capability of ejaculation. There are various underlying causes, many of which are medically reversible.
Due to its personal nature, the subject has been taboo for a long time, and is the stuff of many urban legends. Since the 1930s, folk remedies have been advertised widely for the condition. The introduction of sildenafil (ViagraŽ) in the 1990s caused a second wave of public attention, propelled in part by heavy advertising.
The Latin term impotentia coeundi describes simple inability to insert the penis into the vagina. It is now mostly replaced by more precise terms. -- [Dec 2005]
See also: impotence - intercourse - penetration - penis - sex - fiction
Adultery in literature
The theme of adultery features in a wide range of literature through the ages. This is hardly surprising, as the fact of adultery has been a part of the human existence for as long as there has been marriage. As a theme it automatically brings its own conflict, between the people concerned and between sexual desires and a sense of loyalty; it brings intense emotions into the foreground, and has consequences for all concerned.In the Bible, incidents of adultery are present almost from the start. The story of Abraham contains several incidents and serve as warnings or stories of sin and forgiveness. Abraham attempts to continue his blood line through his wife's maidservant, with consequences that continue through history. Jacob's family life is complicated with similar incidents.
Shakespeare wrote two plays in which the perception of adultery plays a significant part. In both Othello and The Winter's Tale it is the (false) belief by the central character that his wife is unfaithful that brings about his downfall.
In The Country Wife by William Wycherley, the morals of English Restoration society are satirised. The characters treat adultery as a game, the object being to commit as much of it as possible without losing ones reputation, and while preventing one's spouse from committing any.
The following works of literature have adultery and its consequences as one of their major themes. (M) and (F) stand for adulterer and adulteress respectively. -- [Jul 2004]
- Ulysses (1922) The story of Leopold Bloom, who wanders the city of Dublin on June 16, 1904, while his wife, Molly commits adultery.
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