Sheryl Straight
The by Sheryl Straight:--Sheryl Straight, The Erotica Bibliophile [Aug 2004]The main focus of is on the illustrators and illustrations from rare vintage erotic and clandestine literature that were published in Europe between the 19th and early 20th century. Represented are artists such as Martin van Maele, Gene Bilbrew, Felicien Rops, Luc Lafnet {aka Jim Black}, Jean Macorlan, etc. There are also detailed checklists of works published by Charles Carrington and his agents, Jean Fort (Collection des Orties Blanches), as well as artist checklists, and title pages of vintage erotica.
The content in this website has been compiled through extensive research using published and unpublished erotica bibliographies, art books, online library catalogues, auction catalogues, bookseller holdings, personal and private collections and, last but definitely not least, scholars, colleagues and friends who have kindly shared with me their knowledge of erotic literature.
Since these pages will always be a work in progress I update this website on a fairly regular basis as I compile and/or receive information. I make every effort to be as accurate as possible. However, if you do find an error in one of the listings please contact me.
Erotomaniacs timeline
Research for this page was based on information gathered from the following sources:
Datenschlag Chronicle of Sadomasochismus.
Gibson, Ian. The Erotomaniac. Da Capo Press, 2001.
Kearney, Patrick. A History of Erotic Literature. Macmillan, 1984.
Kinsey Institute.
Magnus-Hirschfeld Archive for Sexuality.
Marchand, Henry. The French Pornographers. Book Awards, 1965.
Mendes, Peter. Clandestine Erotic Fiction in English 1800-1930. Scolar Press, 1998
--Copyright © 2003 Sheryl Straight via [Aug 2004]Patrick J. Kearney on
This is how Patrick J. Kearney introduces The Erotica Bibliophile:Sheryl Straight's The Erotica Bibliophile is an elegant and well-designed site dedicated to erotic art and publishers from approx. 1880 through 1950, with an emphasis on s&m and related themes. It is particularly valuable for its checklists of publishers such as Carrington and Fort, and artists like Martin Van Maele. The choice of artwork throughout the site, including many bibliographically useful titlepages, cannot be recommended highly enough. A most valuable resource. -- [Sept 2004]your Amazon recommendations
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