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P. Adams Sitney

Related: Structural film - film theory

Essential Cinema Collection

With Stan Brakhage, Ken Kelman and P. Adams Sitney, Jonas Mekas formed the Essential Cinema Collection in 1970, one of the first attempts to establish a canon of avant-garde film. --http://www.cinemadmag.com/print_issue_six_jonas_mekas.htm [Aug 2004]

Visionary Film: The American Avant-Garde in the 20th Century (1974) - P. Adams Sitney

Visionary Film: The American Avant-Garde in the 20th Century (1974) - P. Adams Sitney Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]

Critics hailed previous editions of Visionary Film as the most complete work written on the exciting, often puzzling, and always controversial genre of American avant-garde film. This book has remained the standard text on American avant-garde film since the publication of its first edition in 1974. Now P. Adams Sitney has once again revised and updated this classic work, restoring a chapter on the films of Gregory J. Markopoulos and bringing his discussion of the principal genres and major filmmakers up to the year 2000.--Editorial Review

P. Adams Sitney, "Structural Film", Film Culture Reader, 1970

See also: Film Culture

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