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Related: burlesque - drag - grotesque - parody

In the 1989 film Dead Poets Society seven boys lampoon the school's values Tradition, Honor, Discipline and Excellence as Travesty, Horror, Decadence, and Excrement.


  1. An exaggerated or grotesque imitation, such as a parody of a literary work.
  2. A debased or grotesque likeness: a travesty of justice.
--AHD via http://www.answers.com/travesty [Mar 2005]

In relation to camp

12. The question isn't, "Why travesty, impersonation, theatricality?" The question is, rather, "When does travesty, impersonation, theatricality acquire the special flavor of Camp?" Why is the atmosphere of Shakespeare's comedies (As You Like It, etc.) not epicene, while that of Der Rosenkavalier is? -- Susan Sontag on Camp

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