Whipped women in cinema
--http://www.wsimd.com/wsim/women.htm, accessed and copied May 2004 Whipped women in cinema
3 Amen Fuer Den Satan - ( Italy 1971, by William Redford ) Original Title: LA VENDETTA E UN PIATTO CHE SI SERVE FREDDO. Aka "Vengeance Trail" or "Vengeance is a Dish Served Cold". A Spaghetti western. A beautiful Indian woman ( Elisabeth Eversfield ) is captured by an outlaw gang and kept on their ranch in a kind of "harem". One evening the chief commands her to sleep with one of his guests (Klaus Kinski). However, in the night she is recalcitrant. The gang wakes up to Kinski's cries and curses, and catches the fleeing girl in the yard. She has scratched Kinski's skin with her fingernails. The next day she gets her punishment, watched by Kinski and the others. With the arms widely spread, her wrists are tied to a wooden fence (front to fence), while she is told what awaits her. Her dress is torn open in the back so her back is naked. She is bull-whipped very hard from behind. Before each lash, the man swings the long, heavy whip like a lasso, giving the tail a high speed. You hear the hissing and the sharp cracks, and her moans become more and more intense. Some shots of her front, face and back at the right moments. After 8 lashes, the scene is interrupted by an arriving stranger. The Italian original might be even longer.(Thanks USbaer)
99 Women - A blonde prisoner is whipped towards the end of this Jess Franco snoozefest. Unfortunately all of the lashes are off-screen. The victim has the back of her prison dress ripped off, but we don't see very much because it is very dark.
Adult Version of Jekyll and Hyde - A close-to-porn David Freidman production. In one scene, Hyde whips a woman all over her body. Many marks appear in various places and it is a fairly long scene.
Adventures of Hajji Baba, The - Has a very brief foot-whipping scene.
Affair of the Necklace, The - 2001 film starring Hilary Swank as Jeanne St. Remy de Valois (whew!). Anyhoo, there's a scene towards the end of this snoozefest where Jeanne gets the back of her gown ripped off and is whipped. Of course, this being a big budget Hollywood production, the scene is very tame and we don't even get to see her back as she's being whipped...bummer.
Affaire du collier de la reine, L' - 1946 French drama based on the same story as "Affair of the Necklace" (see above). There's a picture of the whipping scene from this film in my member's gallery titled "necklace." It looks like the scene in this one is much better than the one in the 2001 version. Anyone out there have it?
Ai no borei - japanese movie by Nagisa Oshima: a woman, with her lover, is suspended to a tree and beaten savagely by soldiers to reveal the killing of her husband, and where the body is; long and violent scene, but the woman is dressed.
Alla mia cara mamma nel giorno del suo compleanno - actress Eleonora Giorgi (same of Story of a Cloistered Nun) is spanked with a belt, and later we see good marks on her bare bottom, while treatened.
All Women Are Bad - Tied up naked woman is whipped by shirtless man.(Lescan)
Amazons - The one directed by Al Bradley. Has a scene where a topless amazon is briefly whipped by a man. A few marks appear but the briefness (and quality) of the scene make it hardly worth any merit.
Amazons of Rome (aka Slaves of Carthage)- A woman is tied to a post and lashed. Unfortunately, the whipping is stopped at one lash! She then has her top pulled down to expose her nude in public, but a bunch of guards surround her to protect her modesty. We get a couple of brief glimpses of her whip-marked back, though. This scene doesn't make sense unless you know the plot of the film, and I'm too lazy to put that here.
Angelique and the King - ANGELIQUE ET LE ROI (Fr/Ger/It 1965 by Bernard Borderie) A monarch from the far east visiting France shows Angelique (Michele Mercier) some of his "way of ruling": they watch a basement hall, where a woman is tied to a pillar and whipped savagely on her bare back. Intense screams (german dubbing), only few lashes onsreen (german version may be cut), and shot from about 10 meters away. The monarch says that the woman will receive at least 100 lashes. Well, maybe the uncut print has some more of them. But what I saw was too short to be a real "classic one". (Thanks USbaer)
Angelique 2, Teil - This has a scene in which some prostitutes are whipped, though Angelique (who was among them) is spared.
Angelique and the Sultan - ANGELIQUE UND DER SULTAN (France 196? , I know only the German title) Original: ANGELIQUE ET LE SULTAN (?) Old-fashioned adventure movie. Michele Mercier in a sultans harem. She is whipped in public because she offended the sultan by spitting into his face: Her arms are tied up so the feet can just touch the ground. She is half topless so the strong whip marks on her back/side are visible. Pretty long scene. 13 lashes (6 on screen) with 2 camera positions (front/back). The impact of the long whip sends her swinging back an forth. Sharp cracks and loud moans/cries. Afterwards she hangs exhausted at the rope, her head fallen back. (Thanks to USbaer)
Anna and the King of Siam - Not to be confused with "The King and I", although they both tell the same story. Has a scene where a woman's lover has been whipped. She refuses to admit any wrongdoing, so she has her bra-like top removed and is given one stroke before Anna stops the whipping.
Antonia & Jane (1991) - Woman plays a sex game with her lover, answer the question right or be whipped, oops wrong answer.(Lescan)
Art of Dying, The- has a brief scene in which a prostitute is being whipped by a client. A 'hero' shows up to rescue her, and to tell her she shouldn't be involved in such things.
Autumn Born- Dorothy Stratten gets whipped several times in this film. 1. while handcuffed to a bed she is whacked with a stick on her back and bottom. 2. has the soles of her feet whipped. 3. whipped on her back while bent over on the ground topless. 4. Whipped on her ass while wearing a corset. Overall, the scenes are pretty good and this is definitely worth a look.
Bad Girls - Madelaine Stowe is whipped by the bad guy..you only see the lash curling around her neck, but later she has the wounds tended to.. pretty realistic. There is also a shot where the lovely Ms. Stowe is bathing with the other girls. She gets out of the water and we can see welts on her back from a previous (and supposedly recent) lashing.
Bad Girls - (1981) XXX Starring a very young Michelle Bauer in her X-rated days , under the name Pia Snow. Fake whipping scene , but what a body she has.(Lescan)
Bamboo House of Dolls - At the beginning of this Shaw brothers prison flick, all of the female concentration camp inmates are commanded to whip another Asian inmate to death. It doesn't take long, though, as she dies under the lashes of the second whipper, who then commits suicide. Unnecessarily gruesome (IMO), but the beginning of the scene where the victim is stripped is very nice.
Barbarians, The - Virginia Bryant is tortured by Michael Berryman in order to find out where the "magic ruby" is. He whips her back with a fake looking cat o' nine tails. Her hair is covering most of her bare back for some strange reason, but her acting is rather realistic. Later, we see some other girls tending to the whip marks on her back.
Barbed Wire Dolls - Jess Franco prison bore has a scene toward the end where a naked woman is tied face down and cropped lightly on her ass. It's supposed to be a torture scene, but it's totally unrealistic. This is off the topic of the list, but there are a few good scenes of Franco's wife, Lina Romay, tied face down to a metal wire frame and given electric shock treatment. I mention those because they are the only good scenes in the film.
Bare Behind Bars - aka Prison of the Dead.This prison flick lives up to its name,delivering a ton of naked chicks. However, the violence (including two whipping scenes) is really weak. Avoid it unless you're watching for the nudity.
Bastard Out Of Carolina - A Showtime original movie about the physical and sexual abuse of an 11 year old girl (Jena Malone). She's whipped with a belt several times in the course of the movie. You hear some of them and you see one of them. She's shown from the front and she stands holding onto the bathroom sink while she's whipped. Later, when she gets drunk at a party and a relative tries to help her use the bathroom, you see that the backs of her thighs are welted black and blue. A very good, but disturbing movie.(Anonymous)
Beastmaster - We do not see a whipping here, but Marc Singer pulls Tanya Roberts' blouse down by her shoulder, sees her whip marks and says "They whip you like a beast" (We really don't get to see anything in this scene, unfortunately. Check out "Purgatory" for another Tanya Roberts movie which should have had a whipping but didn't deliver. - Oslo)
Belle De Jour - In the opening scene of this film, Catherine Deneuve is taken out into the woods with her husband. He orders two other men to tie her to a tree, strip her to the waist, and whip her on the back with riding whips. A good, but very brief scene that turns out to be taking place in Deneuve's mind.
Beloved - a nude black slave is tied to ground and bullwhipped very savagely, we see only her face reactions for one lash but the scene is one of most "strong" we ever seen; later in two scenes we see her bare back covered with heavy scars.
Belt, The - James Russo beats his wife with a belt several times in this film. She's always clothed, and there is very little thrill value of the scenes in this courtroom drama.
Big Bust Out, The - A topless (and later bottomless) young black woman is whipped on her back by a sadistic dwarf(?!) with what looks like a wet cloth. Must be some cloth, as she has big bloody red marks all over her back. This is a fairly long scene and the camera dwells on her body for quite some time.
Big Doll House, The - Pat Woodell gets whipped with a wet towel by a prison guard while chained high up in the air. Ms. Woodell is topless, but her hair covers her breasts. Short scene but worth a look.
Big Snatch, The - Lame, cheap David Friedman production has a scene where a group of girls are forced to spank another girl's bare bottom with a small piece of garden hose. Poorly acted and a bad job all around. Who ever got off on these things?
Bitter Rice - The film is about "rice-girls" who work the rice fields in the Po valley in Northern Italy. Among them is sexpot Sylvanna Mangano (who in my opinion was the most natural beauty of the European exports outside of Ingrid Bergman) who constantly taunts and sexually teases the men in the valley. The women are all jealous of her and the men all want her. She finally goes too far with victoro Gasmann. After arranging a tryst with him, she just plays games and as he advances toward her she picks up a switch from a pile and pushes him away with the tip. Tiring of this he takes the switch away from her and begins to whip her with it. Unfortunately there is no baring of Miss Mangano's skin, and she is not tied as she is whipped nor is the swishing of the switch very audible. The redeemable aspect of this film is in the primal cries of pain and facial expressions of the victim as she backs away to escape the lashes. Likewise, the man's expressions become pure lust as he administers her comeupance. The scene fades and a rape is implied. The rest of the film is irrelevant except Miss Mangano straightens out and becomes his loyal mistress after the whipping. 14 or 15 lashes in all. (Anonymous)
Black Narcissus - A clothed Indian girl is whipped by an old toothless hag with a tree branch.
Blind Cat - Don't know what the real Japanese title of this movie is. It appears to be one of the many direct-to-video Japanese adult crime thrillers. Contains a scene where a woman is tied up and beaten with a stick, as well as a very nice scene where the title character (a blind swordswoman) has her top and bra ripped off and gets whipped across her bare back. If anyone has more info on this film I'd love to hear about it.
Blood Feast - A captured women has the back of her dress ripped off (off-screen) and is whipped to death (on screen) by Faud Ramses as part of a recipe to resurrect an Egyptian goddess. A fairly long and extremely bloody (but fake looking) scene.
Blood Sucking Freaks (aka The Heritage of Caligula?!) - A Girl is taken prisoner by a macabre acting troop. She is taken to the dungeon where she is placed in a guillotine, with a rope holding the blade up in her mouth. She is then caned, until she screams and is beheaded. (Thanks Barry) There's also a scene towards the beginning with a woman on all fours crawling and being whipped. - Oslo
Bluebeard - It's been a while since I saw this movie, but if I remember correctly, one woman is quite rude to Bluebeard and he finally takes a whip to her. She likes it and kneels on the floor encouraging him to whip her harder. He doesn't like this and ends up killing her. (Thanks John)
Bohemian Girl, The - This Laurel and Hardy film (?!) has a near whipping scene towards the end in which the title character is tied to a whipping post and has her clothing pulled down to expose her upper back. The whipping gets stopped, but the scenes of her tied to the post looking back in fear are still quite nice.
Botany Bay - An old woman is whipped as punishment after having a bit of the top of her dress ripped off. We hardly see any whipping, and even if we did it wouldn't merit a look. I just mention this because the video box makes it look like the lovely Patricia Medina is going to get whipped. She doesn't, so don't waste your money. Nice box cover, though.
Brand of Shame - A woman is whipped across her chest. More crummy Dave Friedman sleaze.
Brigade Mondaine - aka "Marrakesh Cult" - has a scene where a woman is tied between two posts and whipped for defying a cult leader's wishes. She's stripped to the waist and whipped with a long bullwhip. Mostly shot from the front, but we do get to see the whip hitting her back in one shot. Afterwards, there is supposed to be a scene where she makes love to the cult leader and you can see the welts, but I've never seen that part.
Broken Blossoms - Lillian Gish is whipped by her abusive father in this sappy D.W. Griffith film. This is one of three Griffith films on the list.
Brothers in Arms - A heavily clothed girl (played by Dedee Pfeiffer, Michelle's sister!) is tied squatting on the ground and whipped by Roberts Blossom (the old man in Home Alone!). Her clothes tear open in a couple of places and we get to see the whip marks, but the whipping is stopped by another man, who ends up taking her place.
Burial of the Rats - A young woman is tortured with whipping. Too bad she's clothed and we never get to see anything. Avoid it.
Cabaret - Liza Minnelli entertains the Baron in a nightclub where one girl whips another girl tied to a bedpost behind a screen, while another girl pours him champagne. It gave period atmosphere to the decadence of l930's Germany. (Thanks JF)
Caged Beauties - This Asian prison camp film supposedly has both male and female whippings in it.
Caged Heat II - A bad women-in-prison movie with a great whipping. Jewel Shepard gets chained with her face to a wall, has the top of her prison dress ripped off, and is given over twenty lashes by a guard. Nicely acted, though the whipping and the whip are really fake looking. Later, we see a couple of girls treating the whip cuts - which now, of course, look completely different.
Caged Women in Purgatory - A great women-in-prison movie with, unfortunately, not much whip action. Lots of great looking Italian girls on display here. One scenes involve women strapped to a cross while being whipped across the front of her body.
Caligula - Has a brief scene in Caligula's fantasies where a woman is strung up in the air by her arms and legs and whipped all over as she rotates. There are some whip marks on her back and sides.
Caligula's Slaves - Woman whips a nude slave. (Lescan)
Cargo of Love - Disobedient white slave girl is tied face down and naked to a bed and whipped by the Head Mistress , while two goons watch. Sexy girl and good scenario, however very fake whipping. You would think for a cheapo movie like this they could get a girl to take a real beating.(Lescan)
Carribean - A slave girl, naked to the waist, is tied to a wooden cross while on her knees, and flogged with at least 10 lashes.(Thanks Frank!)
Casanova - There is supposedly a whipping in the 1976 version.
Chiavi in mano - a woman whips biefly herself in this stupid italian comedy from early 90.
Chinese Ghost Story - Supposedly this has a brief whipping scene.
Chinese Torture Chamber - Towards the beginning a girl is taken to the ground and has her bare bottom spanked by large boards.
Cleopatra (l933) - there is a twenty minute orgy scene (pretty tame by today's standards) where a lion tamer pretends to whip a half dozen girls amusingly dressed as lions and makes them jump through flaming rings. Quite a scene, what with DeMille's production values. (Thanks JF)
Commando Fury (aka Concentration Camp For Girls, Women's Prison 1991) - Has scene where a girl with the back of her dress ripped open has been whipped. She's released, and goes through the rest of the film with the same garb, so we get to see her whipped marked back several times.
Congress Dances -(l931) the little glove maker (Lillian Harvey, an English women who spoke perfect German) is sentenced to be whipped on her bare behind, but is saved at the last minute by no less a personage than the the king himself (Willy Fritsch). The young man who was to give the whipping almost breaks into tears. This was, after all, a musical comedy and scenes of torture would have been out of place. This is, by the way, a very charming film. (Anonymous)
Curse of the Crimson Altar - aka The Crimson Cult. Barbara Steele presides over the whipping of a woman tied face up and whipped over the front of her body. This scene is severely edited in most prints.
Creatures the World Forgot, The - two pretty cavegirls are stripped to the waist, laid on their backs and flagellated on their bare breasts by an old crone in a sort of ritual. I don't recall that there was any dialog in the movie. I saw it on television so you can imagine how tame the photography was, still it's the thought that counts! (Thanks Chuck)(Sorry, this title was previously incorrectly identified as The People the World Forgot)
Criminal Women Report (aka Edo Inquisition Torture) - Has a couple of scenes where Asian women are bent over on the ground and spanked hard with a paddle by another woman. Good scenes, but what a brutal film this is.
Crucible, The - In one, or maybe both, versions of this film a slave girl is whipped. In the new one, I know, there isn't much to see.
Cry of the Banshee - This is probably the only film that features cart-tail whipping that was so commonplace in England at one time. A woman convicted of witchcraft is branded, whipped through the streets of an English village, and then set in the stocks. When she's whipped, her shift is merely pulled down at the back, but for a couple of frames, one can see the garment slip off her shoulders, leaving her briefly naked to the waist. This is shown at a distance, and if you blink, you'll miss it. I think this film was cut to give it a PG rating. I've seen some rather racy stills from this film that apparently never made it to the screen. (Thanks Lawrence)
Dangerous Beauty - Original Title: The Courtesan. In Venice of the 1600s, when the Holy Inquisition goes after the courtesan class that is prominent among the elite, we see three beautiful women bound to overhead beams in a public courtyard, their dresses ripped open in the back, showing bright red stripes from recent floggings (which are not shown).(Vertigo)
Dark Secrets - At the beginning of the film, an extremely large-chested women (were talkin' major silicone here) is lightly whipped by another woman. To much like a bondage porno whipping to be any good. If you must see this, though, make sure you get the unrated version. This scene isn't in the crummy R-rated version.
Daughters of Satan - Two scenes. In the opening scene, and woman is tied above some spikes and whipped by the female leader of a coven. In a couple of shots we can see the whip marks on her back. In a later scene, a different woman is tied up, naked to the waist, and given a few lashes across the front of her body by the leader.
Deadly Sanctuary (aka Justine) - Another Jess Franco bore-o-rama, wasting the talents of Jack Palance and Klaus Kinski. In a couple of scenes a girl is whipped, but we can't really see anything. There is a two hour version of this film called Justine. Can anyone verify if that version is any better?
Death and the Maiden - Sigourney Weaver plays a woman who was tortured. In a nude scene early in the film, Sigourney is washing her face and we can see faint scars on her lower back. Not really a whipping scene, but interesting nonetheless.
Death Dancers - A lovely tied down lass gets her front whipped in a scene from this one.
Decline of the American Empire - Original in French , late 80's. One of the female leads is having an affair with a "rough" character who is into SM. Whip marks are shown while she is changing at the gym with her friend. Later we see her face at the window while she is being whipped by the boyfriend.
Defiance - xxx. Young girl (Jean Jennings) is wrongly sent to an institution where she is degraded, tortured and whipped. (Lescan)
Defilers, The - A sleazy nasty David Friedman production that is much better than you would expect. The closing scene has a kidnapped women being savagely beaten with a belt by one of the bad guys. Worth a look, though it is a bit disturbing (IMO). This is the only Dave Friedman production that I've been able to watch all the way through.
DeSade - Has a scene where the Marquis (played by 2001's Keir Dullea!) whips a prostitutes ass with a sword. There are several versions of this film. In some versions we get to see bloody marks and in others we don't. Either way, it's not that great a scene. Stop, Dave!
Destroy My Soul - Japanese nun film has several whipping scenes. In one, a nun flogs her own naked back at night. In another, two nuns fight it out with whips until they are too weak to hit each other again. Finally, a woman is tied with rose thorns and then brutally whipped with more thorns.
Detention Girls - Yay! I finally got to see this so-so film with an excellent (and lengthy) whipping scene. Thanks J*** - you know who you are. Anyway, this thing is about a girl doing hard time for getting busted at a campus demonstration. At one point, another inmate splashes water on a guard and blames it on our poor heroine. She's taken to the basement, forced to strip, and tied with her arms spread wide. The warden comes down and whips her with a bullwhip for a very long time as she says things like "How do you like that?" and "I'll give you something to talk about!" Most of the whipping is shot from the front, which is actually good since the marks that we get to see on her back in one shot are completely unrealistic judging from the apparent severity of the lashing. The actresses reactions are among the best I've seen. While she's not a very good actress, she does a pretty good job during the whipping scene. After the whipping, she's taken down and is taken to the infirmary. The prison doctor rubs some salve on her welts, which by then have all but disappeared. Later in the movie, two other girls are paddled. And, towards the end, our heroine is beaten with a belt on her bottom by the prison doctor.
Diamond Ninja Force - Woman is whipped by a Ninja.(Lescan)
Django - (Western, Italy 1967 , by Sergio Corbucci): Loredana Nusciak is tied with spread arms to a wooden bridge, her dress is torn down from one shoulder, then she is whipped by the chief of a cowboy gang. German version: 4 lashes ( 3 on screen ) done very realistically including the sound. She squirms and cries under each lash. I also liked the tension slowly being built up: First you see her being dragged through the sand towards the bridge; when she is tied up, the chief tells her what is going to happen to her. The scene is at the beginning of the movie. The ORIGINAL ITALIAN version I found on video has 10 lashes on screen (!!!) (uncut?) showing Loredana from different camera angles. But in the German dubbed version her voice is more impressing. (Thanks to USbaer)
Django 2 - a bad sequel of first one; in a scene we see a master giving only one lash, with a long bullwhip, to a beatiful creole slave while catfighing with another woman.
Dracula's Great Love - This Paul Naschy vehicle has several titles. Has a scene where a woman is being whipped by another woman. When Naschy comes in, they rip off the back of the womans shirt and he takes his turn whipping her. Then some women suck the blood from the wounds on the woman's back.
Dragonard - A black female servant is whipped. She has the back of her top torn open, but there is only one shot of her back from far away, making the whip marks hard to see. Still, this is a pretty good, well-acted scene.
Dragonard Rising - A black woman is whipped briefly toward the end of the film. Another long shot, nothing really to see.
Dressurakt fuer Wilde Maedchen - Know nothing about this one, but I saw it on another list. Help!
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Both the 30's version with Frederich March and the 40's version with Spencer Tracy have similar scenes in which Ivy shows Jekyll the whip marks that Hyde has given her. The 30's version has an additional scene in which a woman is treating Ivy's beaten back. The 40's version has a scene in which Tracy dreams that Ivy and his fiancé are horses and he is whipping them!
Dungeon of Terror - Also know as Jean Rollin's Requiem for a Vampire. Has a scene where a girl ties up her own girl friend and tortures her with a whip to extract information. Some marks appear on the girl back and buttocks, but we are just treated to shadows during most of the whipping.
Dungeons of Horror - a LOW Budget Black & White film (might be British). Though it sounds medieval, it is set in some castle on an island circa 19th century. One quick scene of a serving girl being whipped. (Anonymous)
Edge of Sanity - No whipping scene in this movie , just the results of one. Young woman mental patient is examined, when whip marks are discovered on her back. The look in her eyes indicates she enjoys a good beating.(Lescan)
Eerie Midnight Horror Show, The (aka The Sexorcist) - A woman's lover whips the front of her body with a rose thorn.
El Topo - Two women have a whip fight in Alejandro Jodorowsky's surreal masterpiece. One of them gets the upper hand, then lifts up the shirt of the other woman and licks her bloody wounds. Yecch!
Eleni - Kate Nelligan has the soles of her feet beaten near the end of this film. Not really a whipping scene...but it's my page and I like feet, so here it is.
Embryo - This black-and-white Japanese S/M film has lots of whipping. Unfortunately, my copy is extremely poor quality - and this is one case where the fact that it's letterboxed makes it even more difficult to view.
English Education - an erotic movie, roomed in a college for bad girls in late 30's, there are several whippings, canings and beatings.
Erotic Journey - Honk Kong 'pink' film that is basically a weak rip-off of Escape From Hell minus all the good violence. Has one scene where a couple of clothed girls are tied to cross beams and whipped across their fronts.
Erotic Rites of Frankenstein- Jess Franco vehicle has a scene where a man and woman are tied back to back. They are whipped with a long whip until they fall on stakes. There is a similar scene in a Franco film called "Golden Temple Amazons", I think.
Escape From Blood Plantation - Udo Kier is made to whip his Filipino slave girlfriend. She is tied to a post and is topless for much of the scene. Most of the whipping is off-screen, and the few that are on are brief. We get to see a portion of her whip marked back during the scene and some scenes after. Still, this is a pretty lame scene, though there are lots of cute slave girls on display through the entire film. Almost forgot, has another scene where a girl gets a couple of whacks with a stick across her clothed behind.
Escape From Hell (aka Escape) - The follow-up to Hotel Paradise has a scene where a woman is accused of stealing. She is held down on a tree trunk and has the back of her dress torn off, after which she is brutally lashed by a guard as the camp commander keeps egging him on to hit her harder. A long and intense scene.
Escape From Hell Hole - There are some whippings in this, the only Hindu women-in-prison movie I know of. But they must not have been any good because I can't remember them.
Escape From Inferno - aka "Nathalie, Escape From Hell." A redhead is chained to a short whipping post as is whipped by two women. Lengthy scene, which is unfortunately shot entirely from the front.
Ever After: A Cinderella Story - This teeny-bop, mystic-chick-flick has a brief scene in which we see Drew Barrymore's whipped back after she has been beaten (off-screen) by Anjelica Houston. Always nice to see that this type of stuff can still make it to the big screen - and in a film marketed to young adults no less.
Excessive Torture in a Female Prison Camp - has a brief scene where a woman is whipped while pushing a mine cart.
Face of Fu Manchu - A pretty Chinese girl is tied to a wall, arms outstretched, and her back is bared. Unfortunately, Fu Manchu stops the whipping.
Fair Wind to Java - Captured female island girl refuses to reveal the location of pearls, is taken to dungeon, tied, shift ripped to waist and whipped with cat. (Thanks Larry)
Female Market - This has to be one of the most misogynistic movies ever made! Only one whipping scene, though - and unfortunately it's poorly shot. The victim is a very beautiful asian women, and we do get to see the whip marks on her back several times throughout the remainder of the movie.
Female Prohibition Center - A girl lifts the lower half of her shirt up to show some reporters the whip marks on her back. Unfortunately, that's all we get to see in this otherwise very tame Asian film.
Fiorina la vacca - in this italian beatiful comedy a woman is caned totally bared by her husband, that she thinks to be a new lover.
Flash Gordon - The one that started it all for me. Ornella Muti is strapped to a table in a backless lycra suit. She is tortured by a dominatrix villain Kala who whips her with a cat o' nine tails. The whipping is pretty fake looking, but the marks on Muti's back look pretty realistic.
Flash of Green, A - A woman is taken into the woods, tied to a tree, and whipped with belts by "vigilantes." She is next seen walking along a road. She turns around and shows the blood on the back of her shirt. Later, she is in a hospital lying face down on a stretcher.
Flavia - (not Flavia, The Heretic) This Italian Roman Orgy film has lots of long scenes of female slaves being whipped across their asses and/or fronts. Unfortunately, no marks ever seem to appear on anyone, and the acting leaves quite a bit to be desired. Still, the subtitles (if they're correct) are very interesting.
Flavia, The Heretic - A rebel nun is stripped and caned on her back. We only get to see her facial reactions, though.
Flowers in the Attic - In this terrible adaptation of a mediocre book, a mother (played by Victoria Tennant) is whipped after she and her children go back to live at her parents house. From afar we see her remove her top as her father watches. Then we see her mother pull the whip out of a medicine bag (?!) Later, her mother makes her show the whip marks (very fake looking, especially for a fair budgeted movie) to her kids.
Frank and I - A girl is caned by a man that thinks she is a boy (did you get that). He makes the 'boy' take down her trousers and soundly canes her bare behind. Vicious bloody marks appear, and by the end of the scene he realized that the 'boy' is actually a girl. Sound inane? It is, but what a great scene. Also has a scene where the movie's hero and a friend go to a house of ill repute where the madam presents a drama for them. The drama is an "anarchist" being punished in Csarist Russia. A nude woman is chained to a wall in some sort of dungeon, and another woman whips her with a flogger which draws "blood." That scene alone is worth watching the movie for. (Anonymous)
Fraulein Devil - Woman is chained to the wall and whipped by a femal Nazi.
From Beyond - (Thanks JS for reminding me of this one). Has a scene where the main characters watch Dr. Pretorius whipping a woman on a TV screen. It's shot from the front, and the woman is wearing a tight leather outfit. In the original cut of the film, which was never released, the woman was nude (according to an article in Rolling Stone). She had to be covered in order for the scum at the MPAA to give the film an R rating. I recently viewed a copy of the foreign version of the scene, and the woman is indeed topless in it (Thanks JCSF!).
Gate of Flesh - Has two scenes where Japanese prostitutes are tied up and whipped with thin sticks by other members of their group.
Girl in Room 2A, The - In a flashback sequence, we see a dungeon torture scene that includes a nude woman being whipped. Fake looking, but the woman's writhing is kinda nice.
Glen or Glenda - Has a scene with a girl whipping another clothed girl on a couch. This is only in the rare re-release version of the film, and was added to please a wilder crowd. I think this scene was originally from Ed Wood's The Sinister Urge, but I could be entirely off base on this one.
Glitter Dome, The - In this lackluster cable movie, there is a scene in which James Garner and John Lithgow watch a porn film that they have confiscated. In the film, an "underaged" actress is tied naked to a frame and bullwhipped on her back by a man. The scene is very quick, but very nice.(Thanks for the tip Anthony!)
Golden Ninja Warrior - Topless (then naked) Asian women whipped between two beds - mostly shot from the front.
Golden Temple Amazons-Scene similar to "Erotic Rites of Frankenstein"
Goliath vs. The Vampires - has the raiders of the monster Cobrak whip a young village girl for not moving fast enough to the slave ship. This is an excellent film, by the way, and is like a pulp novel come to life. (Thanks JF)
Goya - in this spanish movie from 1973, Goya dreams a scene where a man whips his lover, the duchess of Alba, togheter another woman - the scene is taken in "slow-motion".
Hand of Pleasure,The - Man dressed in drag whips naked cute blonde chick on a bed. Extremely fake whipping scene , Thank goodness the victim is naked.(Lescan)
Handmaid's Tale, The - A girl has her feet whipped. We only see the aftermath, though. The camera shows the tops of her feet and we can see that the bottoms are bleeding, but that's it.
Hanzo the Razor's Torture From Hell - a woman gets a pretty nasty caning in this Japanese film. (Anonymous)
Harem Slave? -I found a tape made of some old Turkish movie about a slave girl becoming a harem woman. There's at least 3 whipping scenes: one dancer angers her master and gets whipped after lovemaking; the slave girl gets whipped by a slave auctioneer because she slapped a buyer; and the sultan's favorite whips the slave girl out of sheer jealousy. The title, as close as I can make out is "Harem Slave." Since the whole thing is in Turkish or Arabic, all you can do is sit back and enjoy - there's plenty of half-nude belly dancing as well. (Thanks Pathfinder!)
Häxan - very famous silent danish movie; during a "sabba" a devil whips briefly a nude witch.
Headmistress - Like all David Freidman productions, the whipping in this one is fake looking, but the girl sure is cute. Haven't really seen this one, but I've seen the trailer. For most Freidman productions, that's enough.
Heads or Tails - A prostitute is held down on the ground by two women. Her back is bared and a woman wearing black beats her with a bullwhip. Some light marks appear on the woman's skin. Too bad the rest of this film is just another one of those typical Italian spaghetti westerns.
Hearts of the World (l917) - In this D.W. Griffith film, a German officer whips Lillian Gish for not working fast enough. (Thanks JF)
Hell Mountain - This is a new film, so far unreleased on video in the US. It has been shown on pay-per-view a few times. A friend in Brazil sent this clip to me. The plot has something to do with a bleak (or not-so-bleak, depending on how you look at it) future in which women are captured and made to work in mines for some reason. A woman defies her mistress and is punished for it. She's stripped and suspended by other female prisoners, and the mistress gives her several lashes. The scene is mostly devoted to the preparation for the whipping. We never see her back, and we never see the whip make contact. Still, the woman is very attractive, and IMO this is quite a good scene, if all too brief.
Hercules and the Beast of Babylon - Three girls tied to crosses, facing their flogger and fully clothed (too bad) (Thanks Frank!)
Hiding Place, The - Pat Robertson meets Ilsa. In this Christian film, a woman is whipped off-screen by nazis. Very realistic sounds and screaming, but that's all we get. In another scene, a clothed woman is whipped by a Nazi guard.
Hiroku Nagaski Onna-Ro - Very similar to the film "Criminal Report." Has a couple of whipping scenes, but nothing is really shown.
Hitler's Children (aka The Hitler Gang) - Cute Bonita Granville gets tied to a post, has the back of her dress ripped, and is whipped for betraying the Nazis. The whipping is stopped by the hero after only a few lashes, though.
Hollywood Babylon - Soft-core production has a scene in which a naked woman is tied face down on a table and is weakly whipped on her back and buttocks by a woman as a film director looks on. A few faint marks appear.
Hot Spur - A woman is whipped in a barn by a kidnapper.
Hotel Paradise - Haven't seen this one, but I have seen the great whipping scene. In this prequel to Escape From Hell, two women are tied facing each other. They are stripped to the waist and a guard brutally lashes the tops of their bodies for a very long time. Another girl tries to stop it, and she ends up getting chased around the camp with a whip.
House of 1,000 Dolls - A prostitute wearing only a bra and panties is whipped on her back to extract information. Another girl is there, and she quickly stops the whipping by offering the information for fear that she will be next. The whip marks are fake looking. Later, we see the whipped girl having her wounds treated in the background of a scene.
House of Whipcord - This is a pretty good film in its own right. The whipping scenes are pretty lackluster, though. In the first one, we see the victim from far away. The back of her prison uniform is untied and pushed off her shoulders, but the damn door closes before the whipping starts. In the second whipping, with a different victim, the girl's uniform is untied, but we only see her lower back briefly. The rest of the whipping scene shows her facial reactions, which are well acted. Later, we get to see the second victims whip marks as she is lying on a bunk bed; the old woman who whipped her gazes intently at her marked back in a creepy way. This is a great psychodrama that has been underappreciated due to its sleazy reputation.
House of Women- There is a whipping of an inmate in this women-in-prison movie. Haven't seen it so I can't be more descriptive. Any help?
House on Todville Road, The - A female cult member is whipped. Later, we see the marks on her back as she is laying on a shower floor. Even later we see another cult member treating the whip marks. Still later we see her in the shower again, with the marks still there. And lastly she shows the marks to the visiting doctor to show him how "legitimate" this cult really is. The marks are unrealistic looking, and the whipping scene is pretty lame. Still, this is one of the cutest girls I've seen getting whipped in a film (besides Ornella Muti, of course).
House That Screamed, The (Spain 196? , by Nasco I. Serrador): Original: LA RESIDENCIA (aka The Finishing School) About an old-fashioned girls school: One beautiful girl breaks the rules again an again, until she is punished. The headmistress and some other women take her into a small sleeping room upstairs, tear her dress off while she squirms, spits and fights in order to escape. Then they lay her onto a bed, face down, and keep her in a tight grip. Her shirt is torn open leaving the back naked. One woman takes a whip (about 1 meter long, several straps) and beats her bare back sharply. Good sound. You see the red marks. Many lashes, but unfortunately the scene is intercut with another scene. If you have 2 VCRs, cut the good moments together to one scene! (Thanks to USbaer)
Husbands and Lovers - this movie contains an over the knee spanking to the star joanna pakula. also later we see a very realistic cane mark on her back, at which time she recounts the experience to her husband. we see her lover strip her and give her three very real and violent strokes with the cane. overall a pretty good movie.(Lefty)
I, The Worst of All - Has a brief scene with nuns flagellating themselves.
Idol of Paris - Period drama set in France. The two leading ladies fight a dual with whips, good fun scene. Later copied by Michael Winner for The Wicked Lady. Years ago Winner sued brit paper News Of the World after they claimed he caned his black girlfriend.
Il Figlio Del Corsaro Rosso (Italy 1959, by Primo Zeglio) - An old-fashioned pirate movie with Sylvia Lopez and Vira Silenti. In search of her brother's murderers, Lopez comes to the house of the evil governor of Panama. He tries to blackmail Silenti into marriage (in order to get an old treasure) by forcing her to watch Lopez being whipped in his dungeon. Tied with spread arms to a large wooden cross, she is heroic and implores Silenti not to give in (This is a pretty long scene showing beautiful Lopez most of the time, and giving a nice tension about what is in store for her). So her dress is ripped open at the back and her long red hair is placed in front of her shoulders. Then she gets about 10 lashes (half of which are onscreen, showing her from the back and side). In between, her dress is ripped apart a bit more, and the governor orders the torturer to continue harder. Eventually she faints. Some marks are visible, and her painful moans are pretty realistic (German version).(USBaer)
Il fiore delle mille e una notte - by Pasolini - a young black slave is whipped by master, but we only hear the whipping and screams.
Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS - A woman is whipped alongside a man to show which of the sexes are stronger. This is a very bloody whipping scene, as the two are eventually whipped to death. Later, we see the dead victims hanging upside down. This is a real sick one. It's one of the few movies that's just made me feel all dirty inside. But, then again, who am I to judge?
Ilsa, Wicked Warden - A female inmate is whipped in one of the few Jess Franco movies that are actually watchable. The whipping is extremely fake, and the victim has some ugly eye make-up on her fact to make it look like an eye was gouged out. Still, the eye thing is mostly out of sight and her writhing is pretty cool.
Ines the Novice - Has a scene in which a fellow nun strips and asks Ines to whip her. During the whipping, the nun asks to be whipped harder and harder. Faint marks appear on the nun's naked back. Finally Ines can whip no harder and stops. Later, Ines has a brief bout of self-flagellation for penance.
In Cold Blood - Original version. Has a scene in which one of the killers(played by Robert Blake)flashes back to a scene of his father whipping his mother with a belt.She's wearing a bra and half-slip crouching on a bed. (Thanks Tom)
Infidelity American Style - Woman is layed on a platform and whipped on her bare back by a man with a hat and cape.(Lescan)
Innocents From Hell - Has a scene where nuns are being whipped because they've witnessed a demonic possession and need to be cleansed. Quite bloody, though there are a couple of good shots.
Inquisitor, The - Argentino-Peruvian co-production has a whipping scene towards the end. A girl is stripped to the waist and tied to a post. We get to see just the ending of the whipping, but there are lots of shots of her marked back.
Intimate Moments - A businessman is surprised when the call girl he requested to join him on his plane turns out to be his own administrative assistant. She removes her dress, is thrown against the wall and given 8 or 9 strokes with a crop as she slowly sinks to her knees from the pain. (Thanks Larry)
Invitation to Ruin - There is a whipping in the "dungeon scene" that is edited out of some prints. A girl is chained high in the air, and her arms are far apart (this actually looks painful). A fat old hag whips her all over. At first we see the girls back, but eventually she turns around and we see her front as well. Her entire body is covered with fake looking marks. What happens to her after the whipping may make someone else's list someday, as it is more painful and degrading than anything on this one. It's a pretty good scene, if only because it looks like the actress had to suffer a bit to make the scene work.
Island Women - Female island prison movie contains a couple of whipping scenes. In the best one, a nude woman is face down on a wire bed frame being wacked with a stick. In another one, we see a chained up woman being whipped in a cell.
Issa Valley, The - Both the movie and the book contain a scene, where a female charactertries to seduce a man. She is very unpleasant for him and her annoying behaviour causes him some troubles. Finally he whips her with a leather whip. As Milosz wrote, "she bit the pillow to prevent screaming, but she felt happy, as she knew that by flogging her he takes her in posession". This extremely patriarchal sequence is recreated in the movie with some care. The whipping scene does not actually look 'realistic' (it is seen from sideview, with the woman lying on a bed and the man standing above her), but the extremely patriarchal mood is present in the movie. (Thanks Miklos)
Jaded - only one lash eared in this movie from late 90's: a nude girl is whipped by another one with a chain, on a beach, after a terrible raping, while a man takes a movie, we also see some light scars on back.
Jane Eyre (1996) - Supposed to have the whipping of a schoolgirl in it, probably with a switch. (John)
Jo Shuu:Sasori - All of the films in this Japanese prison series have female whippings in them, don't they?
Joseph Andrews - an English film that seems to have been made in the 1980's. This filmed version of a Henry Fielding novel features a scene in which the heroine, a young upper class woman, is jailed on trumped-up charges. Upon entering prison, she's stripped to the waist and chained to the wall to be whipped. Unfortunately, she's reprieved before she gets one lash. (Thanks Lawrence)
Justine - The one with Koo Stark supposedly has a whipping scene.
Justine De Sade - Has a brief whip-orgy scene in which three women and one man take turns whipping each other. Also has a scene in which Justine is whipped on her buttocks by a man while she is working pushing one of those water wheel(?) type things.
Kentucky Fried Movie - At the beginning of this mostly lame John Landis comedy, there is a b-movie film spoof that has Felix Silla (who played Twikki on Buck Rodgers!) whipping three topless co-eds. Played for laughs, but a nice scene nevertheless.
King and I, The - A runaway slave is brought to the king and dragged to the floor face down, guards on each arm holding them straight out from her body. The king takes a bullwhip and is about to strike her across the back when he wimps out. Was a nice dramatic moment though. (Anonymous) In THE KING AND I, the beautiful slave-girl Tuptim (Rita Moreno in the film) is spread-eagled on the floor, her garment torn away from her back, awaiting the sting of the lash from the king himself (Yul Brynner). She has committed the "sin" of desiring to escape to happiness with her young lover (Kralahome is his name, I believe). Tuptim has been given this vision of freedom by Anna, who brought to Siam the American novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, for which Tuptim recently portrayed the escaping Southern black slave in a theatrical recreation of the drama for the King for his court's entertainment. The King is using Tuptim as an "example" for all - in his resistance and reluctance to change which Anna has brought to him. He ultimately drops the whip, softening before the pleas from Anna to resist beating the young girl. (Anonymous)
Kiss Me Kill Me (aka Baba Yaga) - Directed by Umberto (Cannibal Ferox) Lenzi, and (I believe) based on Guido Crepax's "Valantina" comic. Has a scene where a female is whipped by a woman as her mistress watches. Approximately 10 strokes, most close ups of whipper and victim's reactions. (Thanks Larry)
Kiss Me, Monster - Another Jess Franco, and this one is actually good! Has a brief scene with a topless women being whipped in a dungeon. Believe it or not, Franco is also an accomplished jazz musician. I have one of his albums, and it's better than any of his films ever were!
Krik? Krak!, Tales of a Nightmare - Has a scene where a clothed black woman is whipped. Afterwards, we see close ups of two black women tied up. One has whip marks on her front, the other on her back. There's really not much to see here, though.
L'Armata Brancaleone - Barbara Steele starts whipping a man as she and him are undressing. He then starts whipping her. An unusual scene that (I think) is supposed to be funny.
La Badessa Di Castro - about a bunch of nuns during 16th cent. Usual nun thing, they get in trouble and are questioned in torture chamber. There is a good whip scene where a nun gets flogged across her bare chest with a cat for a good while. There are lots of good bloody marks look a little phony though. (Anonymous)
La matriarca - a woman, young and beautiful widow, dreams to be bullwhipped totally bared by her tennis-teacher.
La Monaca del Peccato (The Nun of Sin, Convent of Sinners, Nunnery on Fire) - Has a good scene where two nuns are stripped topless and whipped by the mother superior. Both are cute and one has quite nice...er...um...talents.
Lady Jane - Really sexy birching across a nice pert female bottom.16th Century England. Lady Jane Gray , played by English rose Helen Bonham Carter is refusing her mothers plan for her to enter into a political marriage. She is ordered to lay across a bench. The male servants are sent away . Two female servants remain to assist with her punishment people who get birched usually need to be held down or otherwise secured. A long birch switch of about five rods is held . We are close up on her face as we hear her breeches being removed, remember the birch needs to be across bare skin. Then we hear a swishing sound ,followed by a grimace of pain across her face. The birch goes on stinging after each stroke. A brief pause then another well measured stroke, then another. The scene fades from her face and squeals of pain to an exterior shot of the castle. Eight strokes having been heard on the sound track. We are not told how long the birching goes on for but later we see her in a crumpled heap, tears in her eyes, on the floor some at least of that defiance subdued . Her bottom which we know must be well marked is still smarting. (Anonymous)
Land of the Pharaohs - Joan Collins is whipped on her back. She's wearing a harem type outfit. Pretty good scene, but very brief.
Lash of the Penitentes (aka The Penitente Murder Case, El Asanato de los Penitentes) - In the original Spanish version, a woman is hung high up in the air and whipped. I've only seen the shortened American version without this scene, but there is a part of this scene intact in the widely available trailer for the film. Does anyone know where a Spanish version can be had of this 1930's exploitation classic? Help!
Last Boy Scout, The - Bruce Willis' character is fired from his secret service job for stopping a senator (I think) from whipping a prostitute. In the pan-and-scan video we don't get to see much. Is there a letterboxed version, and do we see anything in it?
Last Orgy of the Third Reich (aka Caligula Reincarnated as Hitler) - Nazi commandant is determined to break a beautiful blond. Various threats and tortures are tried but in one scene she is nude on the floor, wrists bound to her ankles. Standing over her he whips her with a cat and demands that she scream which she refuses to do. (Thanks Larry)
Last Sundown, The - A group of prostutes are banished from a town and are to be escorted to jail in another town. One tries to escape and is whipped for her troubles.
Lautarja - (possibly aka "Tabor Uhodit v Nebo" or "Gypsies Are Found Near Heaven." Dir. Emil Lotianou, Soviet Union, 1973. Tells about gypsy life. In the w-scene a young man and a young woman are tied, their upper bodies naked, face to face to a boom and doomed to 20 lashes. Almost all of them are given before the woman faints and the whipmaster (or whoever he is) commands to stop. The scene is very realistic and great. (Anonymous)
La villa di Satana - (Satan's Mansion) a low-budget movie (maybe french or german) from sixties. A great and strong scene: during a storming night a man, with the car breakdown, takes shelter in a big, dark mansion, whose master is a diabolic noble man; toward the end of the movie, he enters in a big room, and sees a woman suspended by wrists to the high ceiling, she's totally nude and is longly and savagely bullwhipped all the entire body (fully covered of bloody welts) by an assistant of the master: this one says that the whipping is orderd by the master just for pleasure
Le Bordel, ou la maison des confidences - like others by the De Sade' novel, there's a scene toward the end, not much to see anyway.
Le calde notti di Poppea (Poppea's hot nights) - young Poppea (Nero's infamous wife) in a brothel is taken to see a prostitute whipped by a client.
Le piacevoli notti - it's an italian comedy with two scenes: in the first a woman fully dressed is birched for forfeit, in the second we don't see any whipping, but there is Lucretia Borgia (!), chained in a dungeon, with the bare back fully coated with bloody marks of a recent whipping ordered by her husband.
Le schiave di Cartagine - several scenes of slaves whipped in this italian sword&sandal from 60's.
License to Kill - At the beginning of this James Bond film, Robert Davi places a naked girl over his lap and whips her lower back and ass with a short whip. The whipping is all off screen. Later Bond ends up in room with her naked, and we get to see the savage marks on her back.
L'Île du bout du monde - french movie; a woman is beated by a man on bare back with a strip, while catfighting with another girl, nothing really shown.
Lo sparviero del Nilo - a man is captured and taken in a dungeon: to know if he's really mad like he pretends, soldiers whip his wife to observe the reactions; we don't see the woman, but we hear her loud screams.
Love Camp - This is the one with Laura Gemser. It's a terrible movie, but it has a scene at the beginning where two lovers are tied to posts and whipped, since Gemser's cult forbids monogamy. Interestingly, the man is whipped by a woman, and the woman is whipped by a man.
Love Camp (Franco) - aka Frauen im Liebslager. Two women are whipped after fighting in the camp. Only their reactions are shown, but these are pretty realistic (except for some REALLY exaggerated expressions by the second girl) and this is a very long scene - one of the longest whipping scenes I've ever seen in a non-bondage film. Definitely worth a look.
Love Camp 7 - The infamous Dave Freidman/Bob Cresse Nazi low-budgeter. Has a scene where all of the women are made to hold up a bucket, and the one who drops it will get whipped. Unfortunately, this scene cuts away just as the commandant starts lashing his chosen victim. Has another scene where a woman is tied with her hands behind her back and then whipped with a belt. This scene is very realistic, and the marks look real. Later in the same scene we see the whip marks on another woman's back as she crawl on the floor to let the tied woman stand on her. Pretty good scenes considering the talent (or lack thereof) behind them.
Love Camp 27 - Same basic no plot Nazi schlock as LC-7. Has one fairly gruesome scene where one girl is called out by her number for punishment. She is stripped naked, bound face up on a bench, and then flogged by two stocky wardresses with bundled switches. They beat her from neck to knees and there is plenty (relatively) of agonized reaction and bloody welts. The "star" of the film is quite pretty and is called up next, but unfortunately the commandant stops it before anything happens. Bummer. Still, it's not bad, considering. (Ed)
Love Crimes - Patrick Bergan crops a topless girl who is acting like a horse. Nice scene, but very mild.
Love In Sampan - Asian woman is whipped by her domineering husband. Later we see her in a shower and we see the marks on her back (in addition to a really hot lesbian scene).
Lucrezia Borgia - french-italian co-production of 1953 - Lucrezia Borgia is spanked with a belt by her brother, infamous duke Cesare Borgia, for avoiding her husband from being murdered.
Lust For Freedom - A woman is stripped to the waist and whipped for trying to escape from prison. The shots of the whipping are all reaction shots or extreme close ups of a part of her back, and the marks are unnecessarily gruesome looking. If you look closely, though, you can tell that two different 'whips' were used in the scene.
Lust Weekend - There are various whippings of both sexes in this sixties sex film. None of them are really any good, but there is a good scene where a woman has the whip marks on her back treated by two other girls.
Lustful Turk, The - Cheesy David Freidman production has a few fake-looking whippings of cute girls.
Lycantropus & The Vampire, The - no whipping, but we see a brief scene where a girl is chained in a dungeon, and has the bare back covered with bloody marks, later another scene where three girls are tied to a triangular post, have dresses ripped off for torture, but no whipping again, later they are untied with the bloody back again.
Maciste nella terra dei Ciclopi - in this italian sword & sandal (1961) a group of captive women is lashed several times by the guards of an evil queen while pushed in the dungeons, forced to reveal who, among them, is the queen, and so on, not much to see anyway, since they're full clothed.
Magus, The - starring Anthony Quinn, Candice Bergen, and Michael Caine. It makes little sense, but it contains a scene in which Quinn invites Caine to administer a bullwhip to Candice's bare back. She is tied with her arms raised. He is tempted, but drops the whip and walks away. Hot scene, horrible movie.
Maid of Salem - Bonita Granville is up to spreading rumors and dad takes the belt to her - we hear her yelling offscreen. (Anonymous)
Maidens of Fetish Street - Wife catches husband in bed with another woman and whips her silly.(Lescan)
Maitress - Gerard Depardieu whips a woman who is tied to a chair. Yes, those welts on her ass are real, as is pretty much everything else in Barbet Schroeder's excellent look into the S/M scene.
Malenka - aka Fangs of the Living Dead. By the same guy that made Night of the Sorcerers. A female vampire wearing a backless negligee is chained in a dungeon and whipped on her bare back. From what I've heard this is a brief scene. (Thanks Anthony)
Man Called Intreped, A - Barbara Hershey is whipped by a nazi. You see it but she is in th dark, so just an outline. (Thanks CT) ]
Man In The Moon - Young Reese Witherspoon's father is upset with her because she did something that accidentally caused her pregnant mother to end up in the hospital. When her father comes back into the house and sees her, he pulls off his belt and chases her. It's done off screen, but if I remember correctly, you can hear at least one crack of the belt. Nothing more is shown. (John)
Mandinga - Female slave whipped.
Mandingo - A female slave is whipped naked with a belt early on in this star-studded dud. Later another slave is whipped by her mistress. She's clothed, but later her master lifts her top halfway up to look at her whip marks.
Mangiati vivi! (Eated alive!) - bad italian adventure movie from 70's: a woman is bullwhipped by her cult master for trying to save her sister by a terrible raping.
Mannaja - italian spagetti-western: actress Martine Brochard is a prostitute whipped on bare back by order of the town-keeper; five lashes anyway.
Man With a Maid - Victorian soft-core has some weak whipping. Nothing too notable, this film is more for straight bondage fans.
Man With Two Heads, The - Has Dr. Jekyll (as Mr. Hyde) whipping a prostitute. She's clothed. Later she shows the marks to Jekyll. This film, directed by the late Andy Milligan, is easily one of the worst movies ever made. In fact, I do not think that a good Andy Milligan film exists.
Mark of the Devil - A woman is whipped while stretched on a rack, but nothing is shown. Also, a woman is whipped in a barn, but is fully clothed.
Mark of the Devil II - A bald nun is made to get a cat o' nine tails, then strip as her Mother Superior beats her. The nun is the forced to beat the Mother Superior. Pretty lame scene, though, if you ask me.
Massacre of Pleasure - Toward the end of the film, a female is tied to a post and has a belt taken across her back. Very brief scene.
Mia moglie è una strega (My wife is a witch) - it's a comedy, with one scene: italian actress Eleonora Giorgi (same of Story of a Cloistered Nun) is a witch longly whipped to confess, but the scene is comic and unrealistic.
Mole People, The - Has a brief scene where a servant girl is whipped for spilling water. She is forced to kneel for her whipping, which is stopped by John Agar. (Thanks Anthony!)
Moll Flanders - Near the start, a priest tries to grab Moll (Robin Wright) in a confessional and she stabs him with a knitting needle. In the next scene, she's being held over a table and whipped with a large birch to get her to take back what she said about the priest. You only see one or two strokes and then it ends. (Anonymous)
Mondo Bizarro - In a fake Nazi play, a 'Jewish' girl is whipped. Totally fake and really cheesy.
Mondo Freudo (aka The Sensual Taboo) - By the same lovely folks that brought you "Bizarro". This one purports to show a real Japanese night club act where a girl is whipped, then caned on her back, then whipped again. All pretty lame, the supposed victims are smiling. What the hell were these people thinking?
Monella - a woman is spanked with a white glove on bare bottom by her lover, in this italian erotic movie.
Mongols, The - A girl is tortured with the whip. She is topless, but her hair covers most of her back. Still it's a pretty good scene. Her reactions are very nice. Later, as some women are led out to be burned, you can see whip marks on their backs if you look closely. Also has a scene in whick Jack Palance flogs Anita Ekberg. In a later scene we can see the marks across Anita's back.
Monk and the Daughter of the Hangman - Don't know the plot of this one . Has a scene where the Hangman is reluctantly giving a woman (the daugher?) a public flogging. It's shot from the front. Later, the Hangman is rubbing a black substance on the woman's bloody back, as the Monk flagellates himself.
Mortal Transfer - French black comedy has a scene where the main character watches a video of a woman being whipped. My copy of this movie is in French with no subtitles...and unfortunately I don't speak French. Does anyone out there know where I might get an English subtitled or dubbed copy?
Ms. Stilleto (aka Isabelle, Duchess of Devils)- The title character is tied up and whipped by two men after trying to escape from a dungeon. She is tied facing the camera, and her reactions are fairly realistic.
Muskateers of the Sea - This film may have a whipping scene with Anna Maria Pierangeli. (Thanks Anthony)
Naked Massacre - Foreign movie Psycho killer tells girl to strip , she panics and freezes ,so he pulls down her pajama bottom and uses his belt on her bare bottom.(Lescan)
Naked Warriors - Has a brief scene where a woman whips another woman. Their both clothed and we don't really get to see the victim at all.
Nashville Girl - Father catches his daughter (Monica Gayle) listening to a radio in Church. Later we see him using his belt on her in a barn.(Lescan)
New Eden - A sci-fi/sword-and-sandal film with Stephen Baldwin and Lisa Bonet. In one scene, lovely Lisa gets whipped by a dominatrix villianess. Brief scene, with only a few lashes given. Alas, Lisa is fully clothed in the scene. After the whipping, Bill Cosby has a brief cameo, in which he tells Lisa that that's what she gets for leaving The Cosby Show ;)
Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave, The - aka The Night She Came Out of the Tomb has a nice bullwhipping in a basement, although the victim is not tied. Saw only the german version, so this one could be better. (Thanks Usbaer) I've seen the supposed 'uncut' print, and it wasn't much better. That's probably why it was one of those that I couldn't initially remember for the list. - Oslo
Night of the Following Day - At the end of the film, Marlon Brando returns to a house to find kidnap victim Pamela Franklin tied to a closet door. She's been stripped to the waist a whipped with a belt by the villian he has just killed. He unties her and lay her on a bed. At the end, it all turns out to be a dream (how lame)!
Night of the Sorcerers - Amando de Ossorio's politically incorrect horror number has several scenes where natives tie and whip clothed American women. We never get to see much, though.
Night of the Sorcerers - Uncut Version - Whoops! Guess I made a mistake with this one! The uncut versions of the whipping scenes have the women getting their clothes completely whipped off their bodies! Still, I would have preferred it if they were whipped from the back, but the uncut version is a definite improvement over the version I previously described.
Nightmare Castle (aka Night of the Doomed) - Barbara Steele and her lover get whipped in the uncut version of this film. Their both clothed and the scene is so brief that it is worthy of little merit.
Nightmare Circus - aka "Barnyard of the Naked Dead". Two whipping scenes. A woman, held captive, is whipped in a barn while laying on the ground. She gets about 12 lashes. Ok scene. Later, another captive girl gets whipped in the same barn. 9 lashes this time, but excellent screaming, face shots, and a good back shot with torn shirt. (Anonymous)
Nightmare in Badham County - Theatrical Version - In the theatrical version, which was shown overseas and on cable, a woman is stripped naked and whipped on her ass with a belt. It is a very gritty and realistic scene. Later, Deborah Raffin is whipped, but all we see is her face as her gown is torn down her back and the first lash hits her. She lets out an agonizing scream and the scene fades out. In the next scene a prison guard treats Deborah's wounds, but nothing is shown.
Notorius Concubines, The - Has two whipping scenes. In the first one, the master is whipping one of his slaves for spreading rumors. She is tied naked to a table and whipped across her lower back and bottom. Unfortunately, the scene is shot from afar at first, and after we are only shown her reactions. The second whipping has the master whipping another slave, this time clothed. She is on the ground and is whipped all over as she squirm all around. Later, we see the whip marks on her back and her master tells her that they will fade, but the memory of them will not.
Object of Desire - (19??) European xxx. 2 scenes. 1) Whore gets out of line and is whipped by the servant woman. 2) Woman is taken to a duneon setting chained and whipped by a muscular black man.(Lescan)
O Estranho Mundo de Zé do Caixão (The stange wold of Coffin Joe)- brazilian cheap movie of early 60's: in a dream a man sees himself to the Hell, while watching many men and women tortured and whipped by devils; anyway ALL the movies of this strange film-maker (Zé do Caixão, a.k.a. Coffin Joe, writer, producer, director and main role actor of all his movies) have fake whipping scenes.
Office Girls (1972) aka: Eros in the office European movie. Man causes his maid to trip over his foot and drop her tray, this gives him an excuse to whip her. He ties her face down and naked and his wife whips her. Later in another scene we see the man of the house whipping the maid just before 2 guys come to her resue.(Lescan)
Olga's Girls - All of the Olga movies have whippings, but they are all pretty lackluster except for a pretty good scene where a girl is tortured in this one.
Olga's House of Shame - see above
One Russian Summer - aka Days of Fury. A female servant is whipped for supposedly stealing a mirror. This is one of the best whipping scenes ever (IMO). She is tied with her arms spread and is wearing a backless gown. There is a lot of tension built up in this scene, since there are pauses between the lashed and we wonder how long the whipping is going to continue. It only lasts for five lashes, but this is still a really good scene. The marks on her back are fairly realistic. Later, her whipped back is shown to a crowd to instill a riot, though the marks are not the same as they were before, which kinda takes away the believability of the whole thing.
One-Eyed Soldiers - Has a scene in which Luciana Paluzzi (Bond Girl in "Thunderball," I think) is tortured. She is stripped to the waist and given a couple of lashes. We don't get to see much, but there are a couple of good shots of her bare back. Later, we get a pretty good shot of the marks as the hero unshackles her.
Orgy of the Dead - by A. C. Stephen, with the screenplay by none other than Ed Wood! Besides the fact that the movie is filled with poor acting, terrible editing and continuity, it seemed nothing more than an excuse to feature strippers in a horror setting. There are 2 whipping scenes: the first one features a woman in a cat costume with her breasts hanging out in front of her costume and her tush poking out of the back. She strips down to a bikini panty with some dude cracking a whip near her. The second scene (right after the first) features another muscular dude applying a cat o'nine tails to the back of a chained-up slave girl right across her back. He simply walks away and she begins to dance around the dungeon. Weird and wonderful?! (Thanks Pathfinder) How could I have forgotten this one? - Oslo
Other People's Secrets - (199?) A woman (Monique Parent) is chained and whipped by another woman.(Lescan)
Outcast, The - Joan Evens is held by her brothers and given 7 lashes by her father before she breaks free and as she turns we see the whip marks on the back of her dress. She verbally defies her her father and gets 2 more lashes before climbing a horse and escaping to town. There she is tended by an elderly woman and her upper back is bare but (in typical hollywood fashion) the marks had disappeared. The sounds of the horsewhip lashing her are as realistic as I've ever heard in any movie. (Anonymous)
Patriots - A woman is believed to have betrayed the IRA and is tortured. When we see her she's naked save for a cover on her head, and has several marks from the wire whip a female agent has used on her. She is questioned and the scene goes on for a while. The agent whips at her hands with the wire as she is forced to hold herself up by her fingertips. The tortured woman in this scene is likely not Linda Amendola, the actress playing the role. It's probably a body double since her face is covered and there's a body double listed in the credits.
Peking Opera Blues - Lengthy torture scene with Brigitte Lin. When we first see her she has already been treated to a session of the whip. She's fully clothed, but the back of her shirt has been ripped open in several places. A bucket of sand is then thrown on to her back. One of her torturers rubs his hand into to some of her wounds. Another set of lashes is applied, and a bucket of salt water is thrown on to her back, causing her to shriek loudly. Like the rest of the movie, this scene is artistic and well-done.
Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of the Yik-Yak, The - The only whippings in this film are those of some female chariot pullers, and we don't really get to see anything. Still, for bondage fantasy fans, the rest of the film more than makes up for this.
Pets - A woman being kept as a man's pet recounts to another woman of the time that he whipped her. She's lying face down on the ground wearing only panties. He whips her bare back with a large bullwhip. Fake-looking bloody marks appear on her back.
Philosophie dans le Boudoir (aka Beyond Love and Evil) - Marquis DeSade adaptation has a female whipping scene.
Pink Floyd - The Wall - Quick cuts of a clothed schoolgirl being caned by the headmaster.
Piscine, La - french movie - with Alain Delon, Romy Schneider and Jane Birkin - Alain Delon briefly whips Romy Schnieder with a stick. Delon really likes his stick-whipping, doesn't he (check out "Spirits of the Dead").(Anonymous)
Poor Cecily - Has a torture dungeon scene at the end of the film. Cecily is whipped on her back while in a cage. There are some other scenes of girl's getting their backs whipped, but we don't get to see much. The really cool scenes, though, have another girl, then Cecily, tied to a rack and whipped across the front of their bodies. Both of these are long scenes and many marks appear. Their screaming and cries are pretty realistic, too.
Possessed, The - Many movies by this name. This is the low budget one about an asylum. Has a screaming woman holding some prison bars on the box cover. Has a scene where a hunchback ties an insane woman with her face to the wall. He rips open the back of her shirt and lets about half a dozen good whiplashes fly into her bare back. Fake looking bloody lines appear, but overall this is a pretty good scene IMHO.
Pretty Baby - Brooke Shields is a child prostitute. When she tries to seduce the black son of one of the servants, the madame decides she needs a lesson and has one of them carry her out to the woodshed for a strapping. You hear the sound of 10 lashes and a couple small yelps, then Brooke comes stalking out and yells "It didn't even hurt!". When she turns to go, you can see that her nightgown is torn over her butt.(John)
Prison de Mujeres - Brief scene with a female inmate hanging and naked, as a female guard is whipping her.(Lescan)
Prison Heat - Toward the end of this Asian women-in-prison "pink" film, two women are tied in fairly elaborate bondage on the floor of a dungeon and bullwhipped by a dominatrix guard. Most of the whipping shots are from a long ways off, except for a couple of hits to the front of one of the women. Pretty good scene in an otherwise lackluster WIP flick.
Prisoner of Paradise (1978) XXX - On a dangerous mission, John stumbles upon a secret German prison camp. The Nazis have been kidnapping beautiful native girls and using them for their bizarre sexual desires. However the 2 women whipped in this film are captured army nurses. First whipping scene sounds nasty but you don't see much , the second is much better and you can actually see the force of the whip against her bottom. (Lescan)
Prisoners of the Lost Universe - Slave girl is whipped off-screen. She is later shackled up and left to die (Antony and Tom)
Punishment of Anne, The (aka The Image, The Mistress and the Slave) - Contains 2 very long and powerful scenes. A man she has been ugly to is seated in an arm chair. Ann is told by her mistress to strip, select a whip, is chained kneeling at the chair and whipped extensively as the man watches her reactions. A later scene is in a dungeon where Ann strips completely, wrists are tied overhead is tortured with needles by mistress then thoroughly whipped with a cat by the same man. (Thanks Larry) This in another one of those great ones that had somehow slipped my mind when I was compiling the list. - Oslo
Punition - (Ausgepeitscht, Karin Schubert) What a great german title for a lousy film! Only one short whipping in the whole film! (Thanks Axel)
Quando i califfi avevano le corna - it's a comedy with three scenes: in first and second a Caliph whips the girls he married the day before, to kill them the day after (like in "One thousand and one night tales"), they are nude; in the third scene another Caliph orders two prostitute to be flogged with one hundred and ten lashes on bare bottom, while tied to a column: anyway we see only nine lashes, and the scenes are unrealistic.
Queen Kelly - Erich Von Stroheim's unfinished masterpiece has a scene where the title character, played by Gloria Swanson, is whipped out of a castle by an evil queen.
Queen of SM - also known as "Bondage Fantasia." This Japanese bondage anthology has a couple of whipping scenes. In one, we see a nude woman tied to a tree being whipped. The best one has a nude woman tied to a chair being whipped with a belt. This is one of the better Japanese SM movies, as it is basically a "greatest hits" of various tortures.
Quills - Madelaine (Kate Winslet) gets whipped for helping the Marquis DeSade smuggle out his writings. The whipping itself is poorly shot, but we get to see a long shot of her marked back afterwards. Later, there's a scene with her getting the marks on her back treated.
Quo Vadis? (an italian version from 1912) - like every movie version of this famous novel, there's a scene where a beautiful slave is whipped, but unfortunatly we see only the shadows on a wall.
Ramrodder, The -An Indian girl is stripped naked, tied to a tree, and whipped by her husband for sleeping with the title character. Decent whip marks cover her back and ass.
Rat Island - Typical women in prison sleaze also known as "Island Women." This has a couple of brief whipping scenes - though neither of them are anything special. I think that the "Island Women" prints are probably missing the scenes.
Rent-a-Girl - Near the end of a film, a dominatrix is blackmailed by two other girls. They first paddle her, then they unzip the back of her dress and whip her back. Many marks appear (probably chocolate since this is a black -and-white film). After the whipping, we see the woman painfully crawl to the bathroom.
Return of Martin Guerre, The - A topless woman is weakly whipped alongside her husband in a fertility ritual. This one almost shouldn't be up here, but here it is.
Return to Treasure Island - A clothed women is tortured by being beaten on her back with a belt. (Snidely)
Revenge for a sister - is a french movie from 1968, where a girl wants to kill some men that raped and killed her young sister: one of these villains is a photographer rich and famous, that likes sadistic scenes; she offers herself like model, and is chained totally bared in a dungeon and whipped by two assistants; very long but fake and unrealistic whipping.
Rififi - Movie about a jewel heist gone awry (sound familiar?). Has a scene where a woman's dress is pulled down to expose her upper back and reveal the belt marks that her 'lover' gave her.
Robin Hood - Uncut 1922 version with Douglas Fairbanks. Has a whipping scene with one of the female citizens of Nottingham getting 4 or 5 lashes on her bare back after the new sheriff comes to town. Pretty bare & pretty graphic, especially considering the time.
Rollerblade 7 - Has a scene where a girl is whipped on her bottom while being held against prison bars.
The Roundup - Hungary 1965. A naked female prisoner is caned to death in a Hungarian prison. (anonymous)
Sacred Flesh - This artsy-fartsy 2000 production is a throwback to the lesbian nun movies of the seventies, with way too much pretension and not nearly enough sleaze. Still, there are a couple of decent (but brief) whipping scenes. In one, a nun flogs herself bloody. In a later scene, one nun whips another across her naked back.
Sahara - Brooke Shields gets a couple of lashes from John Rhys-Davies off-screen.
Salò - the last movie by Pasolini: there are several scenes of whipping, both male and female. Very bief anyway.
Samson and the Seven Miracles - Good whipping scene. A beautiful young princes is tied to a whipping post, stripped to the waist and flogged across her bare back with at least 7 or 8 lashes (on camera) she then has salt water applied to her wounds with a feather. The entire scene is shot from the front. Great facial expressions and very believable screams.(Thanks Frank!)
Sankofa - This African film supposedly has whippings of both male and female slaves.
Sarah Balabagan Story, The - This true story concerns the Filipino maid sentenced to death in the United Arab Emirates circa 1993/4 and pardoned by President Sheikh Zayed Ibn Sultanal-Nahayan - but not before she had been given 100 strokes of the cane. The film was banned by President Ramos in the Filipines because the UAE protested that it showed their justice system in a bad light and it threatened diplomatic relations! A spokesman for Ramos at the time said that " the scene where Miss Balabagan was given 100 lashes was overdone because it showed a burly male guard flogging her with a large stick - ordinarily, if the inmate is female, then a female guard will perform the lashing" (Anonymous)
Satan's Slave - The main character has a flashback to a priest (played by the film's author David McGillvray) presiding over the whipping of a supposed witch. The whipping is brutal and the woman's breasts are shown in the whipping shots. Quite shocking and exploitative but great fun. (Thanks Mark)
Scacco alla regina - (?) female whipping scene(?)
Schoolgirl Hitchhikers - A young woman is whipped with a switch on her front, threatened with a hot iron, has her hair and clothes cut off then a pair of tongs is taken to her until she faints.(Tom) (Damn, those are some mean looking welts - they have to be real! - Oslo)
Scream Street (aka A Scream in the Streets) - A man in a massage parlor attacks the massage girl with a belt. He gets a few good whacks on her ass, then she starts running around and he ends up whipping her into a corner before police arrive.
Secret Sex Lives of Romeo & Juliet - This ribald sex comedy has a nice whipping scene. A cute girl with short hair is shackled naked as a man bullwhips her. The man overseeing the whipping orders it to continue. However, when he leaves, the whipper whips a long board instead - though the girl continues screaming as if she is really being whipped. It's a ridiculous scene, but not without its charm. I just wish that the real whipping had continued on longer!
Secrets of Love -(segment titled The Spanking) Very attractive young woman is caned in this period piece, first by the male head of the household, then by her lover. 18 strokes are given to her bare bottom as she stands against the wall and are counted out by the woman of the house. Later the woman's bare bottom is caned by her husband. (Thanks Larry)
Seduction: The Cruel Woman - Woman briefly whipped in a bathtub by her female lover.
Seven Miles from Alcatraz - Another 40's anti-Nazi pic with Bonita Granville (from "Hitler's Children") in another whipping scene. This time she's pinned to a steel girder and lashed with a heavy electrical cable by a female spy. She's fully clothed and not a hair out of place, manages to look mildly distressed, but patriotic! I'd guess that this gal had a 3-lash-saved-by-the-hero clause in her studio contract, or mayby the same screen-writer. (Thanks Scotty!)
Sex and Zen - There is a great whipping scene in this one. A Man whips his lover after she claims that she loves her husband as she gets whipped by him every day. The rest of the story is good too. There are plenty of sex scenes. Apparently there is Sex and Zen II and III !. (The English version has the Whipping scene shortened... See the Cantonese one to get the full uncut scene.) (Anonymous)
Sexual Adventures of Cleopatra(?) - One of Cleopatras servants in accused of treason. She is made to walk on all fours between two rows of other beautiful servants yielding cat-o-nine-tail whips. She whipped all the way through and she reacts quite beautifully. Marks appear all over her back and buttocks until she reaches the other end where Cleopatra is sitting on her throne. Later we see her kneeling in front of Cleopatra begging for mercy and we can see her marked back. (Anonymous)
Shachor - an Israeli film 1994/1995 - there is a strapping scene given on the bottom to a young girl(partially seen)
Shadow of the Eagle - Officials try to force a Noblewoman into signing a false confession that would eradicate her heritage. She refuses, and is whipped for he defiance. We see her tied with her arms in the air. The back of her dress is then ripped open. Unfortunately, it's all downhill from there. We never hear her scream, and we never see the lash hit. Oh, well - it's no surprise since the movie was made in 1950.
Shadow Killers - Horrible chop-socky number has some spliced in scenes from horrible Girls in Tiger Cage. Some very weak spanking and whipping, kept mostly off-screen.
She - The color piece of shit with Sandhal Bergman. Has a scene in which she and another girl are chained with their backs to wooden crosses. They are then flogged with a cat o' nine tails across the front of their bodies. Their both wearing skimpy amazon garb, but no real nudity is on display.
She-Demons - A woman is whipped by a Nazi in this black-and-white bore. We don't get to really see any of the whipping, just the end of it. She dies, as does the rest of the film.
She-Wolf of Spillburg - A soldier holds a woman while a female commandant whips her back and buttocks with a short whip. No marks appear, but the whipped women does writhe quit a bit.
Ship of Lost Women aka Ship of Condemned Women or Ship of Lost Souls? - An Italian film (originally: La Nave Delle Donne Maldette), that unfortunately does not live up to its title. Story about a ship transporting criminal women does contain a couple of whipping scenes, but they are both brief, and nothing like the poster for the film. Vidcaps of the scenes will be posted eventually, and can be seen on WSIM Volume 10.
Shooter, The -This Michael Dudikoff vehicle has a scene similar to "Django." A prostitute has the back of her blouse ripped off and is whipped by bad guys until Dudikoff comes along and spoiles their fun by blowing them all away. This is also probably the only film in the database starring country singer Randy Travis (just an interesting bit of trivia).
Shotgun - Two scenes , first a woman takes off ther blouse to show whip marks, second prostitude is whipped on bed , don't actually see the whipping.(Lescan)
Sign of the Cross - Christians, including many women, are goaded with whips to the coliseum at the end of the film.
Sinful Dwarf, The - A kidnapped woman is whipped by a 'customer' of the title character. She is naked and writhes around quite a bit. A little blood appears on her, but it's very fake looking.
Sinful Nuns of St. Valentine, The - Recently re-released. This has a scene toward the beginning where a nun, kneeling on the ground, is whipped by her mother superior. The whipping is all shown from the front, and much of it is in long shot and hard to see.
Sister Streetfigher - a woman gets hung up by her heels and whipped. Unfortunately, she's fully clothed.
Slammer Girls - Bad WIP comedy has an off-screen whipping scene.
Slave of the Sword - In this neat little Asian number, a woman is whipped after biting the ear off of a man she was forced to have sex with. Nothing is shown in this one except her reactions. Later, though, she takes revenge and gets to whip the woman that whipped her. This time the victim is tied with her hands above her head. She is naked to the waist and we do get to see the whip marks on her back briefly. Worth a look.
Slaves in Cages - This film is absolutely loaded with whipping scenes. For the most part, though, they're done in a rather fake slow motion. Furthermore, marks never appear on our poor victims. There's always got to be a catch, doesn't there? By the way, the film's about a rich playboy that kidnaps women to use in a show for his freinds. At least this film is somewhat more entertaining than the similar "Bloodsucking Freaks."
Slaves of Sheeba - A young woman is tied face down on a rack with her bare feet in the air. A man then tortures her briefly by whipping the soles of her feet. This is in black-and-white, and cheap, but is a neat little scene.
Snake People, The - one of Boris Karloff's last films - Mexican I think. Again, low budget but nice scene of a young Mexican woman being whipped by a dwarf. (Seems this is all part of a Voodoo-like ritual, with lots of cult-followers looking on). (Anonymous)
Space Thing - A female crew mate is unrealistically whipped by her female commander because "men are off limits". The girl is face down on a bed and is whipped on her back and ass. There is a bit of fake blood on her back , which makes the scene all the more ridiculous.
Spara Joe... e così sia! (Shoot Joe...and amen!) - italian spagetti-western. Actress Franca Polesello is a prostitute stripped naked and whipped by a gang, to not be payed for her "services".
Sparrow - A young girl whips herself in a convent in the very recent Franco Zefferelli film.
Spiando Marina - with Deborah Caprioglio, toward the end, during a sex party, she's stripped and chained by two girls to be whipped, but we don't see anything, next morning we see some welts on bare bottom while treatened.
Spirits of the Dead (aka Histoiries Extraordinaires) - Bridgit Bardot is whipped by Alain Delon after she loses a card game to him. He undoes the back of her dress and beats her bare back with a thin stick as another man holds her tightly. A few marks appear on her back, and her writhing is a joy to behold. A great scene that should be checked out by all, now that the thing is finally on video in a beautiful letterboxed print.
Spiteful Woman - Asian film has female flogging?
Split Second With Caged Women - Has a fairly lengthy scene in which a woman, tied face to the wall, is bullwhipped by a prison guard. The whipping is pretty fake, and the marks that appear are even faker.
Spymaker - This film is about Ian Fleming's real life adventures. In one scene, he discovers a woman who has been whipped on her back by the bad guy. Nothing special.
SS Extermination Camp (aka SS Campo de Extermino, Women's Camp 119) - Two women are stripped, chained up, and whipped as punishment by a commandant. Neither of the women are very attractive, but the scene is rather realistic. The copy I have is terrible, so I can't really tell if the whip marks are any good or not.
SS Girls - (1978) Another Nazi sex camp ,where women are trained to please the Nazis. 3 minor scenes in this one all in the same sequence.
Star Slammer - Two girls are put into a metal contraption and paddled on their bottoms. Only get to see their reactions, though.
Starlet - An actress is put in stocks and whipped on the set of a movie. Played for laughs, and pretty lame - though the girl is cute.
Stigmata - Patricia Arquette is phantom-whipped (you have to see it to understand) on a subway car. Afterwards we see her in a hospital getting the lash marks treated.
Stormquest - At the beginning of the film, three beautiful warrior women are excommunicated from their group. They are tied to posts and have one shoulder of their dresses ripped off. Then they are briefly lashed. We only get to see the front of them, though. There is supposedly and uncut print of this movie, is the scene any different in that one?
Storm Warning - (US 1950, by Daniel Fuchs and Richard Brooks, b/w) Ginger Rogers accidentially witnesses a murder by Klansmen. When she intends to inform the police, she is kidnapped by Klan members and taken to one of their secret meetings in the woods. They threaten her with punishment, but she does not give in (thanks, screenwriter!). Surrounded by the white-hooded men and illuminated by a burning cross, she is held tight with spread arms, facing another man with a long horsewhip 2 meters in front of her. The chief announces the flogging with a megaphone. Then she is given 7 lashes ( 5 on screen, showing her front). The whip hits her shoulders, but is long enough to curl around her chest. She is fully clothed, but the cracks are so sharp that you could "feel" the welts beneath her clothes. Painful moaning (German dubbing). Of course, the hero comes to rescue her much too early. - Nice threatening atmosphere, with the chief like a judge in an old-fashioned court. (Thanks USbaer)
Story of a Cloistered Nun -A young nun is tied topless with her arms spread out and is whipped on her back for leaving her room at night. Nice scene. Afterwards she is taken down and we get to see the whip marks. We also see another nun treating the whip marks on her back.
Story of O - (France 197? , by Just Jaeckin): A classic one which you might know already. Beautiful young woman Corinne Clery agrees to do anything which her boyfriend demands from her. Several well-done whippings (NOT the boring consensual stuff). She is brought to a secret chateau where she is stripped completely, hands tied above her head, then receives several lashes with a riding crop. You see the pain + excitement in her face, and short shots of her back and butt when the crop comes down. You hear the sharp lashing sound and her moaning. Later in the film she is tied topless between 2 posts in a room and whipped by another woman whom she had cheated in a game. This time you see her front and face only, but it is also a long well-done scene with good sound. The uncut(?) french version is much better than the german one! I dont know the U.S. one. Maybe you can tell me ? - Usbaer There is also another scene where a maid beats Corinne off-screen, and we later see her tied between two posts with several whip-marks across the front of her body. And there is yet another scene in which the woman that beats Corinne for cheating is beaten by her. As far as I know, the US version and the French version are the same except for a couple of talking scenes. - Oslo
Story of O (Cable Series) - I think just about every one of these has a flogging in it. I've seen Vol's 1,2,3,8, and 10 - and they all have at least one good whipping. The actress playing O is stunning, though the acting is quite atrocious. Well worth a look if this is your thing, and if it isn't why are you here?
Story of O Part II - In this stupid movie that has nothing to do with the original, 'O' has the back of her dress unzipped and allows a man to whip her back with a thin stick. Short scene and her back is never fully shown. Afterward, she utters the immortal line "I measure power not by the blows you can give, but by the blows you can take." This flick's one blow I could have done without.
Strangler in the Tower - We briefly see the aftermath of a whipping. A woman has been whipped for information by a secret cult. On of the cult members covers he whipped back with a cloak, and she winces in pain.
Suburbia - Don't know if this one should count, but it does have a scene where a teenage girl shows a guy the scars on her back that her father gave her.
Summer Heat - European movie. Boy dreams about punishing his mother who is dressed up as a naughty school girl. Weird little flick, but great looking women.(Lescan)
Super Ball - Simular to the movie "Starlet" . Crew making a low budget sex film. whipping scene is pretty fake but the chick is good looking and totally nude.(Lescan)
Superchick - Big-breasted Ushi Digart is whipped naked on the set of a movie. Whip marks cover her back and buttocks. Nice scene, even though it is a film-within-a-film thing.
Susana - A young brat is thrashed with a whip in this Luis Bunuel film.
Sweet Sugar - Phylis Davis is tied spread-eagle to a couple of posts. A guard then takes a bullwhip and lashes at her back. Unfortunately he is stopped, and the whipping never continues.
Sword of El Cid - (Spain/Italy 1965, by Miguel Iglesias) A typical "sword-and-knight" movie with a good scene in a forest. Chantal Deberg (beautiful, long black hair) and Iliana Grimaldi (blonde) are trapped by the 2 villains. Each of them is tied standing to a big tree by knotting leather straps around the wrists and than around the tree. Faces to the trees, arms slightly raised. The dresses are torn open leaving the backs naked. The men take long leather thongs from their riding equipment and fasten their spurs at the ends (to increase the weight and impact). Then they ride their horses in circles. Each time they pass the trees, the quickly weilded thongs hit the bare backs sharply. Some lashes onscreen, mostly showing Deberg's face and back, with bleeding weals. Her head moves back with each lash. (Thanks USbaer)
Sword of the Barbarians - (aka Barbarian Master) A woman is briefly whipped at a whipping post.
Tai-Pan - An Asian girl is whipped off-screen. A door opens and we see her whipped back. A couple of girls take her down and immediately start treating the wounds. Nice whip marks, but the scene is very brief.
Tank - Jennilee Harrison gets a belt whipping from the sheriff. She's in bed in her trailer and after a short lecture, the sheriff orders her to pull up her shirt and pull down her panties. Five lashes are shown on camera, but the angle is from by her face, so you don't actually see her butt or any marks, but you do see the sheriff swing the belt.
Tarzan and The Slave Girl - A slave is sentenced to 20 lashes, of which none are seen and only 3 are heard. The couple of marks on her back go away quick. (Thanks Marijke)
Terminal Island - A girl is tied between two conveniently placed trees, has the back of her denim shirt ripped open, and is whipped on her back by a man as a bait to help him and his friends escape from the island. This is one of Tom Selleck's early films. Magnum P.I. fans take note.
Three Bad Sisters - Kathleen Hughs takes a riding crop to sister Marla English's face in. A scary scene. (Thanks JF)
Three Came Home - Brief scene where a middle-aged woman is beaten with a stick by a guard. Don't see anything, though.
Three Pirates, The - Starring Mai Britt from La Nave della donne Maldette and Yolanda. Like the other two, this film is also purported to have a flogging scene. (Thanks Anthony)
Thrill of the Vampires - Has a lengthy but extremely fake scene in which two naked women are chained up and whipped. The writhing and moans do not match the stroke of the whip at all. Terrible, terrible. Another Jean Rollin misfire.
Throne of Fire (aka The Bloody Judge, Night of the Blood Monster) - The Jess Franco witch-torture film with Christopher Lee has a scene where a woman is whipped on her back. We only get to see this happen from the front, though. Later, we get a brief glimpse of her whip marks. There are a couple of other brief scenes, but it's nothing to whip home about. Not to be confused with the Sabrina Saini fantasy of the same name, which unfortunately has no whippings in it.
Tor - (1964) Medieval barbarian endeavors to free an enslved village. Woman is brought in front of a group and given 5 lashes. Pretty tame , but what do you expect for 1964.(Lescan)
Tom Thumb - Tom Thumb's mother has the back of her dress ripped off. She is about to be whipped, but she is save in the nick of time. (Anonymous). (Oslo: Does anyone know what version of "Tom Thumb" this is?)
Torture Zone - aka The Fear Chamber. A woman has the back of her shirt ripped down and is whipped, but we unfortunately do not get to see anything.
Tortured Females - Cheap 60's grindhouse flick has some weak whippings of cute women that can't act. Similar to the Olga films, as the whips miss by a mile and the marks either don't appear or look way off. Watching this movie all the way through without hitting fast-forward will give you brain cancer.
Tower of London - The 60's version starring Vincent Price has a scene in which we see the side view of a girl's back that has been savagely lashed. The girl is later murdered, and revisits Price in spirit form. She shows him her back and asks him "Is it not attractive, as a woman's back should be?"
Triumph of the Spirit - Willem Dafoe's girlfriend is whipped after she tries to steal a piece of bread from a near dead inmate in a concentration camp. We only see her face, and the painful expressions on it. The other violence in this film is some of the most graphic ever shown in a mainstream film, so I don't know why they wimped out on the whipping scene.
Trottoirs De Bankok, Les - Yoko (not Ono), a very small Asian woman, is chained with her hands abover her head nude in a dungeon. A woman whips her with a crop all over her back for a very long time. We get to see her reactions, and after the whipping we get to see her back. Since the film is in French, I don't know whether the scene is for torture or punishment. Either way, its a very good scene.
Turkish predon and the Princess - There is a scene where a gang leader ties up the princess, tears off the dress from her back, and give five very strong lashes with a bullwhip - anyway the scene is shot from the front.
Uncle Tom's Cabin - The 60's one with Herbert Lom has a brief whipping scene of a clothed female slave. In a later scene she strips and we can see a bit of the whip marks on her back.
Unconquered - Don't know if this should count. Paulette Goddard is tied with her hands above her head, has the back of her shirt ripped off, and is almost whipped. Could have been a great scene. In the book this is based on the character really does get whipped (it still gets stopped, but after a few lashes). Cecil B. DeMille must have wimped out. Big disappointment, and the movie's terrible too.
Up From Slavery - A black slave girl is prepared for a whipping. Unfortunately, the whipping itself is off-screen.
Ursus nella terra di fuoco - the scene is fake but not bad (it'is about a queen, before a coup d'état was a slave, that whips a prisoner, before princess and her master, chained by one ankle in a dungeon): long and a little violent with several lashes, but fake (we see a glass between the two girls!). After we have a brief view of the red-welted back.
Utamaro's world - roomed in Japan middle 18 century, a girl is tortured by two police investigators to confess where is her boyfriend (a thief): in a dungeon she's suspendended totally nude, and longly and savagely beated, with a birch and a bamboo-stick, all over her body: very long and intense scene.
Vampire Circus - (1971) A woman is blamed for the death of a liile girls death and is sentenced to be whipped by the village people (not the music group). Woman whipped is played by Adrienne Corri.(Lescan)
Vanessa - female gets several strokes (Thanks Larry)
Velvet Edge - Two loving couples are herassed by a gang. One of the women upset the gang leader by spitting in his face and pays for it by getting whipped while totally nude by the gang leader, the rest of the gang looks on . Pretty good scene , however the camera angles could have been better. (Lescan)
Vendetta cieca (Bild revenge), a spaghetti western from70's: we don't see any whipping, but while some captive girls are taking a bath, there is a woman, their master, watching with a riding crop, and we see one of these girls climbing some stairs having some welts on the bare bottom.
Venture into the Bizarre - (197X) xxx. Two girls are chained and whipped by two men while a couple looks on and gets turned on. You do see blood on their backs.(Lescan)
Vertical Smile, The - an erotic cheap french movie from late 60's; there's a very bief scene at the beginning.
Vice Squad (1982) - Wings Hauser plays a vicious pimp who ties a hooker face up to a bed and beats her to death with a "pimp stick", a folded up wire coat hanger. I believe at least one stroke is shown on camera. Near the end he captures the star hooker, played by Season Hubley and chains her spread-eagled on a mattress in preparation for the same treatment. He only gets to give her one stroke before the cops break in and rescue her.
Videodrome - In David Cronenberg's confusing masterwork there are several whipping scenes of women. Unfortunately, they all take place on a television screen with blurry reception. A couple of really good scenes, though. Supposedly one of the women got really into it, according to a Cronenberg interview.
Viking Queen, The - The title character (played by one-named actress Carita) is taken into the center of the village. The bad guy then tears off the top of her dress, grabs her hair and places it in front of her shoulders. He then orders another man to flog her with a heavy cat o' nine tails on her bare back. The whipping shots are from afar, but pretty realistic. Later in the scene, she is taken down. She falls to the ground and we get a good look at her bloody whipped back.
Viva Villa - Has a female whipping scene that is kept in shadows, I think.
Walking Tall - Buford is tipped off that some guys are holding a woman who they believe was his informant. When he finds her, she's being held down by two men and whipped with a razor strap by a third as several others watch. Her entire back is covered with bloody marks. Buford is enraged by this and starts kickin' ass as only he can. This could have made for a great scene, but we only catch the tail end of the whipping (no pun intended).
Waxwork - Towards the end of this film there is a scene in which The Marquis DeSade has Deborah Forman chained up. The back of her dress is pulled open by two women, and she is heavily bullwhipped. Marks appear, but they are light compared to the actual punishment she is supposedly receiving. Still this is an intense scene. Deborah's squirming and begging the Marquis to beat her more are a joy to behold. The rest of the film isn't bad, either.
Warrior and the Slave Girl - Italian picture,1958, called originaly "La rivolta dei gladiatori". Slave girl refuses to tell where a noble prisoner is and is flogged by order of her mistress. After the whipping, the mistress (Gianna Maria Canali) takes the whip and gives her some more lashes. (Thanks Gaucho)
Westward the Women - trail boss Robert Taylor get in an argument with strong willed red head, cracks bullwhip twice near her face to get her attention, they argue, she turns to stomp off, he gives her one hard stroke on her back. (Thanks Larry)
What? - Sydne Rome is taken on a beach by Marcello Mastroianni, tied the wrists to the ankles, and is birched on bare bottom for sex game.
Where the Hot Wind Blows - aka The Law Gina Lollobrigida is tied face up on a table and gets 3 or 4 strokes on her front (pretty well done actually). (Thanks Larry)
Whip and the Body, The - Christopher Lee (didn't we just see him a minute ago?) takes a whip to beautiful Daliah Lavi twice in this film. The first time he whips her on a beach. She is clothed at first but he ends up whipping part of the back of her dress off so we can see the marks. She kills him later in the film, but his spirit returns to flog her a second time. This time she's lying on a bed and wearing a bodice, but by the end of the scene it's completely whipped off her and Lee's spirit is lashing at her flinching bare back. Great scene in an excellent horror movie by Italian maestro Mario Bava (under the psuedonym "John M. Old").
Wicked Lady, The - Faye Dunaway and Marina Sirtis (yep, Troi from Star Trek: The Next generation) go at each other with long bullwhips. Though she eventually wins the fight, Sirtis has her top whipped off and gets several whip marks all over her body before it's done. Later we see Dunaway getting her whip marks treated. A great scene in a lousy movie.
White Slaves of Chinatown - See the Olga's Girls entry.
Wild and Willing - (197x) European movie Girl is caught having sex in the back of a van with her boyfriend by a nun. She is taken into the nun's office and whipped on her bare bottom. Later in the showers the other girls inspect her wounds.(Lescan)
Wishmaster - a girl in a frayed white bikini and dress is whipped by tentacles for a couple secs. not really much but it's there. (Thanks Chris)
Witchmaker, The - aka The Legend of Witch Hollow or Witchkill. After betraying her cult, a girl is held down by two men, has the back of her shirt opened, and is given a few hard lashes across her bare back with a short whip by the cult leader. She then gets off the table, and as she walks back to her place we get a good, long look at her whipped back.
Women in Bondage - This Nazi b-movie hides under many names. Has a scene where a woman is whipped on the ground with her arms chained around a pillar. Has anyone seen it?
Women in Cages - Pam Greer uses a bullwhip on her female lover (brief and not realiastic). Later, however, Pam is tied face up to a slanted tree, shirt ripped showing most of her breasts and given 5 hard strokes with a tree branch. (Thanks Larry)
Women of Hell's Island - A black woman is tied to a triangle, has the back of her shirt ripped off, and is publicly bullwhipped. Short, quickly cut scene. Unrealistic sound and screams, and we don't really get to see anything. Later, she is taken down and she painfully tries to crawl to her bed, which another girl helps her do. In this scene we get to see a few shot of her bloody back, but its not very real looking.
Women Prisoners of Devil's Island - Scene near the beginning where we briefly see a girl stripped to the waist and tied to a tree. The whip marks on her back are barely visible. Later, there are scenes of her lying on a bed, and we can see a couple of the whip marks.
Yolanda, Daughter of the Black Pirate - I saw it a long time ago, so I don't remember much about it, except that Yolanda was a female pirate. Toward the end of the film, she is tied to the mast and flogged. Can't remember if the scene was realistic or not. I do remember enjoying the scene. (Thanks HJ)
Zenabel - it's an italian comedy with a brief scene: a woman (a duchess) is tied totally bared to a column and bullwhipped to confess where the little sons are.
Zeta One - (1969) by Michael Cort: There are some scenes of whippings of alien girls, but rather unrealistic.
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