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Karl May
Karl Friedrich May (Hohenstein-Ernstthal, February 25, 1842 - Radebeul, March 30, 1912) was the best selling German writer of all time, noted chiefly for wild west books set in the American West and similar books set in the Middle East; in addition, he also wrote some lesser-known stories set in his native Germany, some poetry, an autobiography, and a play. May also dabbled as a musical composer, writing two very famous romantic German songs, "Forget Me Not" and a version of "Ave Maria". --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_May [Nov 2005]
May's works were immensely successful, particularly in continental Europe, and have been translated into more than thirty different languages. More than 200 million copies of May's books have been sold world-wide. Nonetheless, he is virtually unknown in the English-speaking world, though this is slowly beginning to change. Several of his novels were made into films, with most being filmed with the mountains of the former Yugoslavia doubling for the wild west. These films predated the mid-1960s Italian Spaghetti Westerns by some years. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_May#Life_and_career [Nov 2005]
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