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William Uricchio

Related: new media - media theory


William Uricchio (PhD, cinema studies, NYU) is professor of film, television, and new media studies in the Institute for Media and Re/Presentation at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, where he is chair of the film and television studies specialization and the new media and digital culture specialization. He is visiting professor of television studies at Stockholm University (1999), and has held previous visiting professorships at the Freie Universitat Berlin and Philips Universitat Marburg. Uricchio has been awarded a senior Fulbright research fellowship and an Alexander von Humboldt research fellowship, as well as other research grants, teaching and advising awards. In addition to his written work, he occasionally makes film and television documentaries, and he is currently producing a series of cd-roms. --http://www.let.uu.nl/~william.uricchio/personal/BIO.html [Nov 2005]