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Related: 1920s
Film: Un Chien Andalou (1929) - Luis Buñuel
Un Chien Andalou (1928) - Luis Buñuel [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]
Airliner no. 4, Norman Bel Geddes with Otto Koller, 1929
The Barcelona Pavilion (1929) - Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
The Barcelona Pavilion, designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, was the German Pavilion for the 1929 World's Fair in Barcelona. It was an important building in the history of modern architecture, known for its simple form and extravagant material, such as marble and travertine.
The building stood on a large podium alongside a pool. The structure itself consisted of eight steel posts supporting a flat roof, with curtain glass walling and a handful of paritition walls. The overall impression is of perpendicular planes in three dimensions forming a cool, luxurious space.
The Pavilion was demolished at the end of the exhibition, but a copy has since been built on the same site. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barcelona_Pavilion [Feb 2005]
The Big Toe (1929) - Jacques-Andre Boiffard
Jacques-Andre Boiffard, The Big Toe (1929)
Jacques-André Boiffard, although under-represented here (his work dealing perhaps as much with abjection as it does with desire) does make an appearance, with one of his alarming, foreshortened close-ups of a big toe. Boiffard, whose surreal vision was extreme, sharp and succinct, provides a foil to Man Ray, who seems to be everywhere. --http://www.guardian.co.uk/surrealism/story/0,1339,554488,00.html
James Joyce meets Sergei Eisenstein
A remarkable meeting took place one November day in 1929 in Paris between two famous innovators, one in literature, the other in film: James Joyce (1882-1941) and Sergei Eisenstein (1898-1948).... The historical meeting ... took place on November 30, 1929, at 2 Square Robiac, 192 rue de Grenelle, Paris 7e, where Joyce had a flat.... As far as is known, Joyce never mentioned this meeting in writing. --Werner, Gösta. "James Joyce and Sergej Eisenstein," James Joyce Quarterly 23.3 (Spring 1990): 491-507. Tr. Erik Gunnemark. via http://www.kinema.uwaterloo.ca/tiess931.htm [Dec 2004]
The Great Depression
The Great Depression was the global economic slump that began in the United States following Black Thursday, the Wall Street panic of October 1929. On October 29, 1929, share prices on Wall Street collapsed catastrophically, setting off a chain of bankruptcies and defaults that quickly spread overseas. The events in the United States triggered a worldwide depression, which put hundreds of millions out of work across the capitalist world throughout the 1930s.On the global scale, the market crash in the U.S. was a final straw in an already shaky world economic situation. Germany was suffering from hyperinflation, and many of the Allied victors of World War I were having serious problems paying off huge war debts. In the late 1920s, the U.S. economy at first seemed immune to the mounting troubles, but with the start of the 1930s it crashed with startling rapidity. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Depression [Sept 2004]
Man With the Movie Camera (1929) - Dziga Vertov
Man With the Movie Camera (1929) - Dziga Vertov [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]
Dziga Vertov (January 2, 1896–February 12, 1954) was a Russian documentary film and newsreel director. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dziga_Vertov [Oct 2004]
Man with the Movie Camera (Chelovek s Kinoapparatom) is an experimental 1929 silent documentary film by Russian director Dziga Vertov. The film follows a cameraman around various cities, intercutting his footage with footage of him filming and footage of a woman editing, and includes a number of cinematic techniques such as double exposure, fast motion, slow motion, freeze frames, jump cuts, split screens, Dutch angles, extreme closeups, tracking shots, footage played backwards, and a self-reflexive storyline (at one point it features a split screen tracking shot; the sides have opposite Dutch angles). --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_with_the_Movie_Camera [Oct 2004]
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