[<<] 1947 [>>]
Jean-Jacques Pauvert reprints de Sade
1947 : Jean-Jacques Pauvert crée les Editions Pauvert : il a 21 ans, il publie Juliette, de Sade ; c'est un scandale - c'est un premier procès.
La police cherche les locaux de la maison d'édition, c'est un garage, celui des parents de Jean-Jacques Pauvert :
" Personne n'y croyait, la police pensait à un canular mais il fallut se rendre à l'évidence quand les libraires interrogés sur l'identité de cet éditeur attestèrent de mon existence, ils m'avaient bel et bien rencontré ! "
1947 : Juliette, d'abord, parce que " c'était un livre rare et je m'en était procuré un exemplaire à grands frais. Il faut dire qu'au XIXe siècle les libraires avaient abondamment réimprimé Sade en prenant soin de dater leur spécimen de 1797 comme s'il s'agissait d'une édition originale afin d'éviter les poursuites. Une astuce qui n'était un secret pour personne mais qui avait échappé à Barthes puisqu'il crut pouvoir affirmer qu'en 150 ans, jamais le divin marquis n'avait été publié. "
Le procès a duré : " n'ayant pu publier évidemment tout Sade d'un coup, j'ai continué sur ma lancée, aggravant mon cas. "
1954 : Les Cent vingt journées de Sodome, c'est " l'affaire Sade ", André Breton, George Bataille, Jean Cocteau, Jean Paulhan assistent au procès.
1955 : verdict, Jean-Jacques Pauvert est condamné pour outrage aux bonnes moeurs.
Par la suite, Jean-Jacques Pauvert a pu continuer l'édition des oeuvres complètes de Sade : elle paraissent en souscription de 1963 à 1968. En 1994, Pauvert, seul éditeur, en était à 24 volumes.
Entre 1947 et 1970, l'éditeur fait l'objet d'une vingtaine de procès (attaqués : Histoire d'O, Dictionnaire de sexologie, les Larmes d'Eros...). --http://pauvertweb.free.fr/pauvert/esprit/menu.htm [Jan 2005]
Cinema 16 [...]
Amos Vogel created the path-breaking film society Cinema 16 in 1947, introducing a continent to previously unseen worlds of experience.Race Music [...]
1947: The term "Rhythm and Blues" was coined in 1947 by Jerry Wexler as a replacement for the terms "race music" "sepia music" and "Harlem Hits Parade" during a reorganization of the Billboard charts [...]
From Caligari to Hitler (1947) - Siegfried Kracauer [...]
- From Caligari to Hitler: A Psychological History of the German Film (1947) - Siegfried Kracauer [Amazon US] [FR] [DE] [UK]
A landmark, now classic, study of the rich cinematic history of the Weimar Republic, From Caligari to Hitler was first published by Princeton University Press in 1947. Siegfried Kracauer--a prominent German film critic and member of Walter Benjamin's and Theodor Adorno's intellectual circle--broke new ground in exploring the connections between film aesthetics, the prevailing psychological state of Germans in the Weimar era, and the evolving social and political reality of the time. Kracauer's pioneering book, which examines German history from 1921 to 1933 in light of such movies as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, M, Metropolis, and The Blue Angel, has never gone out of print. Now, over half a century after its first appearance, this beautifully designed and entirely new edition reintroduces Kracauer for the twenty-first century. Film scholar Leonardo Quaresima places Kracauer in context in a critical introduction, and updates the book further with a new bibliography, index, and list of inaccuracies that crept into the first edition. This volume is a must-have for the film historian, film theorist, or cinema enthusiast. --Princeton UniversityThe Loved One (1947) - Evelyn Waugh
- The Loved One (1947) - Evelyn Waugh [Amazon US]
The Loved One is an odd little story about a love triangle among people who are unusually comfortable handling dead things. Dennis, a poet/pet mortician, is not entirely forthcoming about his occupation with Aimée Thanatogenos lest she, as a beautician of human cadavers, despise him for it. Aimée, for her part, is torn between her attraction to Dennis and her respect for Mr. Joyboy, who is what passes for a stud among morticians. Joyboy courts Aimée by manipulating into smiles the faces of the corpses he works on that are headed for her cubicle.Waugh's macabre novella pokes fun at the ceremonial nonsense with which we shroud death, packaging that manages to render the inevitable obscene. It's amusing, if not a "wickedly funny" satire as promised in the blurbs, and would perhaps be more successfully humorous on film. -- bk_mom for amazon.com
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl (1947) - Anne Frank
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl (1947) - Anne Frank [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]
A beloved classic since its initial publication in 1947, this vivid, insightful journal is a fitting memorial to the gifted Jewish teenager who died at Bergen-Belsen, Germany, in 1945. Born in 1929, Anne Frank received a blank diary on her 13th birthday, just weeks before she and her family went into hiding in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam. Her marvelously detailed, engagingly personal entries chronicle 25 trying months of claustrophobic, quarrelsome intimacy with her parents, sister, a second family, and a middle-aged dentist who has little tolerance for Anne's vivacity. The diary's universal appeal stems from its riveting blend of the grubby particulars of life during wartime (scant, bad food; shabby, outgrown clothes that can't be replaced; constant fear of discovery) and candid discussion of emotions familiar to every adolescent (everyone criticizes me, no one sees my real nature, when will I be loved?). Yet Frank was no ordinary teen: the later entries reveal a sense of compassion and a spiritual depth remarkable in a girl barely 15. Her death epitomizes the madness of the Holocaust, but for the millions who meet Anne through her diary, it is also a very individual loss. --Wendy Smith for Amazon.com
Anger 1 [1947] - Kenneth Anger
- Anger 1 [1947] - Kenneth Anger [Amazon UK]
Dubbed the Godfather of "Queer Cinema" and a legend in his own life-time, multi-talented Kenneth Anger is, among other things, an avant-garde film-maker, the author of the seminal dirt-dishing book Hollywood Babylon, a self-confessed Satanist, a former child star (he was the beautiful Indian prince in the 1935 Max Reinhardt version of a Midsummer Night's Dream), and the inspiration for a whole generation of film-makers, including such diverse talents as Martin Scorsese, Todd Haynes, David Lynch, John Waters, Rainer Werner Fassbinder and Kathryn Bigelow. All his ultra low-budget but extraordinarily inventive films, many of which were once banned and impossible to see, are now available on video. Fetishistic and mesmerising, Anger's films prove that you don't need an Arts Council grant, Lottery funding, or even more than a few bucks and some friends to blaze new trails in the realms of technique and taste.Volume One contains his first film "Fireworks", made at the age of 17 while his parents were away for the weekend, of which poet and film-maker Jean Cocteau was described as "coming from that beautiful night from which emerge all the true works". It touches the quick of the soul, and this is very rare. Also included is the dress-fetishist fantasy "Puce Moment" and "Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome" featuring a performance by the writer Anaïs Nin. --Leslie Felperin, Amazon.co.uk
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