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The DS (also known as Déesse, or Goddess, after the punning initials in French) was a model of Citroen automobile manufactured and sold between 1955 and 1975. The DS is characterized by long, smooth, fluid body lines, a hydraulic suspension system, front-wheel drive, and a large, preternaturally comfortable interior. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citro%EBn_DS [Jan 2005]

Unidentified photograph of Citroën SM, presumably from a 1970 car show

Citroën DS (1955 - 1975)

Structuralist philosopher Roland Barthes, in an essay about the car, said that the Citroën DS looked as if it had "fallen from the sky." To Barthes, the car was a "monster of modernity," a symbol of the new and somewhat threatening future ahead.

Citroën SM (1970 - 1975)

The Citroën SM was a high performance coupé automobile produced by the French manufacturer Citroën between 1970 and 1975. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citroën SM [Mar 2006]

Groovy cars

1970 US Citroen Mehari brochure
image sourced here.

Citroen Mehari in an unidentified European comic

front cover of the 1972 French Citroen brochure
image sourced here.

from the 1972 Citroen brochure
image sourced here.

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