Related: paraphilia - defecation - scatology - feces
Key work of art: Merda d'artista (1961) - Piero Manzoni
In film: Lies (1999) - Sun-Woo Jang
Coprophilia, also known as fecophilia, is a paraphilia consisting of the condition of feeling sexual excitement focused on feces, sometimes in conjunction with infantilism.
Alternative terms include scat fetishism, japscat and scat play, which share a root with the scientific and literary term scatology.
Some coprophiliacs engage in coprophagia, the eating of feces, which is a potentially hazardous activity due to the risks of infection with diseases such as hepatitis. Note that even consuming one's own feces could have potentially harmful consequences, as the bowel bacteria are not necessarily safe to ingest, and can result in an E. coli imbalance.
Slang terms include hot lunch, a dumper and Cleveland Steamer. -- [Nov 2005]
Coprophilia or "brown showers" is the need to smell or view feces or the act of defecation as a primary means of sexual arousal and gratification.
Coprophagia is eating feces.
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