Dada (1916 - 1923)
Era and geography: Cabaret Voltaire - Switzerland (place of birth) - France (important place in its development) - 1910s - 1920s
Bibliography: Lipstick Traces, a Secret History of 20th Century (1989) - Greil Marcus * Dada: Art and Anti-Art (1965) - Hans Richter
Dadaism was a queer special development of Symbolism. the writings of the Dadaist grew directly out of the Symbolist tradition, as their hoaxes and practical jokes recall the perverse non sequitur capers of Jules Laforgue's "Pierrot Fumiste" and Tristan Corbičre's stroll in Rome with a mitre, a dress-suit and a pig. --Axel's Castle : A Study of the Imaginative Literature of 1870-1930 (1931) - Edmund Wilson
Tropes and techniques: found art - appropriation - bricolage - photomontage - collage - nonsense - travesty - incongruity
Related: neo-Dada - Situationist International - punk - Surrealism - art - anti-art
Guillaume Apollinaire - Louis Aragon - Hugo Ball - André Breton - Salvador Dalí - Marcel Duchamp - Paul Eluard - Max Ernst - George Grosz - Raoul Hausmann - Hannah Höch - Francis Picabia - Man Ray - Hans Richter - Kurt Schwitters - Tristan Tzara
Hugo Ball, 1916, performing Karawane
Dadaism or Dada is a post-World War I cultural movement in visual art as well as literature (mainly poetry), theatre and graphic design. -- [Sept 2004]A Definition
1913 - Duchamp makes the first 'readymade' - a bicycle wheel mounted on a stool 1916 - Cabaret Voltaire opens in Zurich on 5 February. It soon takes the name 'Dada' 1917 - First issue of 'Dada' periodical published. Issues 1-4 of '391' periodical published by Picabia. Duchamp exhibits 'Fountain' in New York. 1918 - Tzara published his first manifesto, in 'Dada' issue 3. Club Dada in Berlin starts to use photomontage 1919 - 'Litterature' periodical edited by Breton published. Ernst and Baargeld found Cologne Dada. Kurt Schwitters makes the first Merz works. 1920 - Tzara arrives in Paris. Club Dada tour of Germany. Ernst and others stage the 'Spring Awakening' exhibition in Cologne. 1921 - 'New York Dada' periodical published, edited by Duchamp and Man Ray. Dada stages the trail of Barres and in doing so loses the support of Picabia. 1923 - Duchamp finally stops work on The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors Even 1924 - Breton publishes the first manifesto of Surrealism. Dada and Surrealist Journals in the Mary Reynolds Collection
"...In the early part of the twentieth century, literary and artistic reviews were the primary means by which the creative community exchanged ideas and remained in communication. The journal was a vehicle for promoting emerging styles, establishing new theories, and creating a context for understanding new visual forms. These reviews played a pivotal role in forming the spirit and identity of movements such as Dada and Surrealism and served to spread their messages throughout Europe and the United States." --
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