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Related: dirty - repugnance - emotion


Disgust is an emotion typically associated with things that are unclean or uneatable. Disgust is one of the basic emotions of Robert Plutchik's theory of emotions.

Disgust may be further subdivided into physical disgust, associated with physical or metaphorical uncleanness, and moral disgust, a similar feeling related to courses of action. --http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disgust

Facial expression

Emotion. A sickening feeling of revulsion, loathing, or nausea.

Usage: Disgust shows a. in a curled upper lip; b. in digestive vocalizations, e.g., of repugnance; c. in narrowed (i.e., partly closed) eyes; d. in lowered brows of the frown face; e. in backward head-jerks and side-to-side head-shakes; and f. in visible protrusions of the tongue. --http://members.aol.com/nonverbal2/disgust.htm


Is hygiene in our genes?.

Disgust is a response that protects us from danger, which we have inherited from our ancestors, says Dr Val Curtis.

Dog shit, dirty nappies, vomit, bad breath, stained towels, lice, nasal mucus, half-eaten food, saliva, worms, rotten meat, maggots, sores, urine, rats and sweat. What do all these things have in common? The answer is that we find them disgusting. And surprisingly enough people everywhere seem to find them disgusting too. In Africa, India and Europe people say such things turn their stomach and make them recoil. Touching excreta or maggots is hard for most of us and we go to great lengths to remove the evidence of such revolting yucky stuff from our lives.

Though disgust has been recognised as one of the six basic emotions since the days of Darwin, it has been very little studied. So much so that one researcher called it ‘the forgotten emotion of psychiatry’. Nevertheless, disgust is something we are all familiar with. We easily recognise the facial expression: a wrinkled nose and the corners of the mouth pulled down. We know the feeling of nausea, the shudder, the urge to drop whatever it is that is disgusting, and the way we almost automatically say ‘Yuck!’.

However it is not at all clear why we have an emotion of disgust. We know that fear keeps us safe from danger and hunger helps keep us nourished. Does disgust also have a purpose? --http://www.channel4.com/culture/microsites/A/anatomy_disgust/curtis_t.html

Facial expression

Disgust is a strong negative feeling of aversion or disapproval. You may have a sickening feeling of revulsion, loathing or nausea. Disgust, as registered by the wrinkled nose, lowered brows, narrowed eyes, a protruded tongue and a open-mouthed look of a baby who has just tasted lemon juice, certainly is universal.

You can tell when people are disgusted by their facial expressions; they raise their cheeks, curl their upper lips, the lip corners are drawn down and back, narrow or partly close their eyes, lower and slightly narrow their eyebrows, lowering the inner corners of the eyebrows, draw up and wrinkle their noses, jerk their heads backwards, shake their heads side-to-side, protrude or move forward their tongues, and make gutteral sounds of "ach" or "ugh".

Sometimes people feel disgust for certain things that others do, or the way they do things. Maybe it's not the actual people themselves, although it is easy to regard someone whose actions are largely revulsive as someone to dislike. --http://www.edu.pe.ca/southernkings/emotionsdisgust.htm

On Disgust (2003) - Various

  1. On Disgust (2003) Aurel Kolnai, Carolyn Korsmeyer (Editor), Barry Smith (Editor) [Amazon US] [FR] [DE] [UK]
    Aurel Kolnai, considered a philosophy pioneer, draws on Husserl’s phenomenological method to dissect disgust. He distinguishes disgust from other emotions of aversion such as fear and contempt and shows how it relates to the five senses. Kolnai argues that disgust is never related to inorganic or nonbiological matter, and that its arousal by moral objects has an underlying similarity with its arousal by organic material: a particular combination of life and death. Included is an article published shortly before the author’s death titled "The Standard Modes of Aversion: Fear, Disgust, and Hatred." --amazon.com

Hiding From Humanity: Disgust, Shame, and the Law (2004) - Martha Nussbaum

In search of universal sensibilities.

Hiding From Humanity: Disgust, Shame, and the Law (2004) - Martha Nussbaum [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]

Martha Nussbaum, a leading American philosopher, wrote a book published in 2004 entitled Hiding From Humanity: Disgust, Shame, and the Law which examines the relationship of disgust and shame to a society's laws.

A recent study found that women and children were more sensitive to disgust than men. Researchers attempted to explain this finding in evolutionary terms. While some find wisdom in adhering to one's feelings of disgust, some scientists have asserted that "reactions of disgust are often built upon prejudices that should be challenged and rebutted." --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disgust#Disgust_and_shame [May 2006]

See also: disgusting - shame - law

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