Italian exploitation
Parent categories: Italy - exploitation
Related Amarcord (magazine) - cannibal film - exploitation film - Italian erotica - Italian horror - giallo films - mondo films - il sexy - spaghetti western - sword and sandal films
Directors: Joe D'Amato - Dario Argento - Mario Bava - Tinto Brass - Ruggero Deodato - Lucio Fulci - Riccardo Freda - Gualtiero Jacopetti - Sergio Leone - Antonio Margheriti - Bruno Mattei
Screenwriters: Ernesto Gastaldi
Titles: Quo Vadis? () - Bitter Rice (1949) - Black Sunday (1960) - The Whip and The Body (1963) - Femina Ridens (1969) - The Libertine (1969)
Il Boia scarlatto (1965) - Massimo Pupillo
Image sourced here.Sylva Koscina in L'Assoluto naturale (1969) - Mauro Bolognini
image sourced here.Pia Giancaro in Boccaccio (1972) - Bruno Corbucci
image sourced here.Non avere paura della zia Marta (1989) - Mario Bianchi
Non avere paura della zia Marta (1989) - Mario Bianchi
image sourced here.Biancaneve
Michaela Miti in Biancaneve & Co (1982) - Mario Bianchi
image sourced here.Genere: Erotico
Status: ex rental Regia: Mario Bianchi
Cast: Michela Miti, Gianfranco D' Angelo
Paese di produzione: Italia
Anno: 1982
Durata: 93 minuti
Etichetta: Futurama
Audio: Italiano
Codifica: PAL
Colore: colore
Commento / Trama: Versione erotica della famosa favola. La Miti è sempre nudissima --
image sourced here.Pour l'anecdote, la série Biancaneve aura eu tellement de succès en Italie qu'ils en firent un film en 1982, " Biancaneve & co [[IMDb]", avec l'actrice Michela Miti, et qui sortira en France sous le titre de " Blanche Neige et les 7 sadiques ". -- [Aug 2005]
Les 26 premières histoires sont dessinées par Leone Frollo et sont bien sur les plus intéressantes, tant au niveau de l'histoire qu'au niveau du dessin qui est vraiment fantastique ! -- [Aug 2005]
see also: Italian cinema - Italian comics - Italy - adult - comics
La morte ha fatto l'uovo (1968) - Giulio Questi
La morte ha fatto l'uovo (1968) - Giulio Questi
image sourced here.inspired by [Aug 2005]
Pimpadelic Wonderland Google gallery
See also: Italian cinema - giallo film - 1968
Psychopathia Sexualis in Italian Sinema (1968 - 1972)
Psychopathia Sexualis in Italian Sinema [Amazon FR]
Franco the libertine, Ella the nymphomaniac, Gilberto the mad sadist, Sayer the aesthete sadist, Mary the homicidal mantis, Ahmed the debauched, X. the vicious politician, X. the fanatic and moralist judge, Kay the sexually dissatisfied, the mysterious Greta, Diana the arrogant mistress and her black servant Janita, Santino the foot fetichist, the psychopatic Dr. Lyutak, the submissive Marcia, the refined Lesbians Paula and Mudy, Silvia the happy masochist... These are the eccentric characters enliving the incredible stories of this anthology of Italian movies from the so-called Sexual Revolution, featured in the form of “cineromanzo”. Krafft-Ebing’s theories, Sade’s fantasies, Freud’s analyses in a bizarre and entertaining cocktail of “hot” sequences chosen from rare Italian magazines of the ‘70s featuring such film as:
La matriarca / The Libertine (Pasquale Festa Campanile), L’assoluto naturale (Mauro Bolognini), Eros e Thanatos (Jean Bastide aka Marino Girolami), Femina ridens / The Laughing Woman (Piero Schivazappa), Venus in Furs / Paroxismus (Jess Franco), Bella di giorno, moglie di notte / Wife by Night (Nello Rossati), The Lickerish Quartet / Esotika erotika psicotika (Radley Metzger), La verità secondo Satana (Ralph Brown aka Renato Polselli), A.A.A. Massaggiatrice bella presenza offresi... (Demofilo Fidani), Delirio caldo / Delirium (Ralph Brown), La donna invisibile / The Fantasies of a Sensuous Woman (Paolo Spinola), Top sensation / Seducers (Ottavio Alessi), Scacco alla regina (Pasquale Festa Campanile), Lo strano vizio della signora Wardh / Blade of the Ripper (Sergio Martino)... -- [May 2005]
Incredibly strange movie fantasies from cineromanzi 1968-1972
Nude For Satan (1974) - Luigi Batzella
Nude For Satan (1974) - Luigi Batzella []
Two strangers who wreck their cars on a rural highway during a storm take refuge in a mansion. A doctor (James Harris), who has left an unconscious woman, Susan (the striking Rita Calderoni), in his car walks in to discover depravities behind every door when Susan suddenly appears, dressed in a flowing gown and acting as if they were old friends. The next morning, Susan wakes up in his car and enters the mansion to find a leering aristocrat, his snaggle-toothed servant, and the doctor dressed as a count and acting like a decadent dilettante. It's as if the two exist in parallel universes, confronted with ghost versions of one another in a portal to the past controlled by a devilish hedonist. Director Luigi Batzella deftly combines the weirdly stylized horror and out-and-out exploitation (scenes of bondage, torture, unmotivated sex, and an orgy are sprinkled throughout) for a film dripping in eerie mood and nightmare imagery. The doppleganger story of split psyches doesn't always make sense, and a few clumsily executed scenes are laughably silly (a hoary papier mâché and pipe-cleaner spider is the worst offender), but the handsome production is unexpectedly compelling and unsettling.--Sean AxmakerA previously lost sleaze masterpiece, chock-a-block with lesbianism, whippings, black magic and dubious dubbing. This is Italian gothic with huge dollops of seventies style. A man who seeks help for an injured woman at a gothic castle finds it inhabited with his and her "darker" halves.
Kriminal (1966) - Umberto Lenzi
Image from the 1966 film Kriminal.
image sourced here.Kriminal is a fictional character created for Italian comics by Magnus and Bunker and adapted for film by Umberto Lenzi. -- [Aug 2005]
Umbero Lenzi
Umbero Lenzi (Massa Marittima, Italy, August 6, 1931), is an Italian film director who has mainly been active in low budget crime films. -- [Aug 2005]See also: Kriminal - character - fumetti - Italy
Suor Omicidi/Killer Nun (1978) - Giulio Berruti
Suor Omicidi/Killer Nun (1978) - Giulio Berruti [] [FR] [DE] [UK]
New York Daily News
"LURID & GORY! Frenetically Illustrates The Viciousness Of Religious And Sexually Driven Bigotry"All Movie Guide
"Explicit And Graphically Sadistic"Killer Nun
From the Secret Files of the Vatican! Uncut! Uncensored! Unholy!Legendary Swedish sex bomb Anita Ekberg (LA DOLCE VITA) stars as sister Gertrude, a cruel nun who discovers depraved pleasure in a frenzy of drug addiction, sexual degradation and sadistic murder. Joe Dallesandro (ANDY WARHOL'S FRANKENSTEIN),Lou Castel (A BULLET FOR THE GENERAL), Alida Valli (SUSPIRIA) and the lusous Paola Morra (BEHIND CONVENT WALLS) co-star in this notorious 'Nunspolitation' sickie based on actual events that took place in a Central European country not many years ago!
Branded as obscene around the world and banned outright in Britain, Killer Nun has been completely remastered from original vault elements and is now presented with all of its blasphemous sex and violence fully restored for the first tme ever n America! --from the production company
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