Weblogging, blogging
Related: internet - commonplace
A weblog (often web log, also known as a blog) is a website which contains periodic, reverse chronologically ordered posts on a common webpage. Individual posts (which taken together are the weblog) either share a particular theme, or a single or small group of authors. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weblog, Apr 2004Subject matter
Blogs run from individual diaries to arms of political campaigns, media programs and corporations, and from one occasional author to having large communities of writers. Many weblogs enable visitors to leave public comments, which can lead to a community of readers centered around the blog; others are non-interactive. The totality of weblogs or blog-related websites is usually called the blogosphere. When a large amount of activity, information and opinion erupts around a particular subject or controversy in the blogosphere, it is commonly called a blogstorm or blog swarm. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weblog [Apr 2005]Links [...]
Because links are so important to weblogs, most blogs have a way of archiving older entries and generating a static address for individual entries; this static link is referred to as a permalink. The latest headlines, with hyperlinks and summaries, are offered in weblogs in the RSS XML-format, to be read with a RSS feedreader. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weblog, May 2004Filtering information
Whatever their principal purpose, all blogs filter information and archive it in an enduring chronological manner. Because updating is immediate and seamless, the information can be extremely timely. The format also encourages conversation and exchange in ways a static Web site cannot. A blog can have multiple authors, and readers can comment on the posts, ask questions and receive prompt and specific responses. --http://www.reedsmith.com/library/publicationView.cfm?itemid=20934 [Feb 2005]Academics blogging
The tremendous amount of intelligent cultural criticism and discourse surging through the blogosphere makes me wonder why there aren't more media studies academics catching on. Dick Hebdige, this place is callin' for you, man! Simon Frith, where's your head at? How about one of my fave profs in college, Henry Jenkins (who foresaw the impact of the blog years ago)? NYU punk-rock-prof extraordinaire Steve Duncombe -- is he around? Angela McRobbie -- does she have a blog?I wonder what it would've been like if Barthes and Adorno and Bourdieu and Lyotard and Foucault and Freud and all those dudes had been blogging, the weird cross-pollinations that would've occurred between minds, what woulda happened if Marinetti had interweb access (think how easy it would've been to crank out those manifestos), Man Ray, Huelsenbeck, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Mayakovsky, Lissitsky...James Joyce...--http://www.theoriginalsoundtrack.com/blog/archives/00000020.htm [Jul 2004]
The weblog pattern
We got the weblog pattern in around '96 with Drudge. We got weblog platforms starting in '98. The thing really was taking off in 2000. By last year, everyone realized: Omigod, this thing is going mainstream, and it's going to change everything.
The vertigo moment for me was when Phil Gyford launched the Pepys weblog, Samuel Pepys' diaries of the 1660's turned into a weblog form, with a new post every day from Pepys' diary. What that said to me was: Phil was asserting, and I now believe, that weblogs will be around for at least 10 years, because that's how long Pepys kept a diary. And that was this moment of projecting into the future: This is now infrastructure we can take for granted. -- Clay Shirky in http://www.shirky.com/writings/group_enemy.html
http://www.technorati.com/ find out who is linking to youBlogdex [...]
What is BlogDex, and what inspired you to build it?
Blogdex is meant to be an index of the zeitgeist of the greater weblog populace. Currently, some 12,000 weblogs are crawled daily and indexed by the links that they contain. The premise is simply that the more popular a piece of content is, the more people will link to it. Looking back across the past six months, it's not uncommon for a Web site to get hundreds of links in a matter of days. The results are presented as a sort of billboard chart, updated regularly with the current memes of the moment. http://www.blogroots.com/chapters.blog/id/8Trackback
Backlinking [trackback] crudely approximates the two-way linking feature of an early hypertext system invented by Ted Nelson called Xanadu. Nelson coined the term Hypertext—the linking of information and a system for viewing it—in 1963 (its actual invention is thought to be by Vannevar Bush in 1945), but his project was hampered by the technology of the time as well as Nelson's noble flaw: a passion for maximum efficiency and correctness. Nelson spent most of his life developing an impressively overengineered system that would have been perfect if only his team had the strength to complete it, and Xanadu's glory was stolen from under its feet by a much quicker and dirtier system invented by Tim Berners-Lee in the late 1980s: the World Wide Web. (Ted's rather bitter about this, understandably.)--http://www.disenchanted.com/dis/technology/xanadu.htmlSocial Navigation
This process or technology – called collaborative filtering, weblogs or social navigation - has drawn quite some attention. “Among marketers, the hope is that such computerized recommendations will increase demand...It means that people might read more, or listen to music more, or watch videos more, because of the availability of an accurate and dependable and reliable method for them to learn about things that they might like” (Gladwell 1999) former Microsoft executive and co-founder of Net Perceptions, a firm specialising in collaborative filtering, Steven Snyder says. According to Net Perceptions’ website, “This is an example of where technology really is helping us provide better service and sell more — and that is the name of the game”. And e-commerce specialists Fingar, Kumar and Sharma (1999) claim that “collaborative filtering is at the heart of one-to-one personalisation and community building...the technology can be used to collect ratings about items available in an I-Market…Once an I-Market has collected a critical mass of ratings, it can respond to customer enquiries with recommendations that are tuned to customers’ preference patterns. Customer-driven collaborations and buying patterns tracked by collaborative filtering facilities can also be used to achieve advertising precision never before possible – the ultimate tool for up – selling and cross-selling”. --George Dafermos
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