Dian Hanson
Related: erotica - men's magazines - sexology - Taschen - publishing
What you had emerging in the ’60s was over-the-counter and under-the-counter. When the laws loosened up a little we got a whole new group of men’s magazines that were not making it onto the newsstand, that were not following Playboy, not lifestyle magazines. So I divided the volumes as this: what was sold openly and what was sold clandestinely. As you move into the ’60s and into the ’70s you’ll find that there was more sold clandestinely, so that volume six will be the biggest of all, if we’re allowed to make it bigger. It’ll also be the most difficult to place [laughs]. In there we have things like Surrender to the Beaver and Warm Wet War Whore, Famous Anus, showing that pornographers never lacked for a sense of humor. -- Peter Landau of Mr. Skin interviews Dian Hanson via http://www.sexwrecks.com/2005/02/dian_hanson.html [Jul 2005]
Dian Hanson served her country in the sexual revolution, where she developed an interest in erotic publishing. She was one of the founding editors of Puritan Magazine in 1976 and went on to edit Partner, Oui, Hooker, Outlaw Biker, and Juggs magazines, among others. In 1987 she took over Leg Show magazine and transformed it into the world’s largest selling fetish publication. She considers herself an erotic anthropologist: the magazines and their readers her laboratory and test subjects. --via Amazon.com
[m]uch of what Dian Hanson writes is actually an earthy translation of her theories about sex -- theories that, as it happens, are rooted in academia. She has read every text about the libido that has come within her reach -- starting at the age of 14, when she found Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis in her local library. From there, she wended her way through Freud, Wilhelm Stekel, the sex-change expert John Money, and even the English satirist Geoff Nicholson, who is now Hanson's boyfriend. --http://newyorkmetro.com/nymetro/nightlife/sex/features/1862/ [Jun 2005]
see also Dian's regular column on taschen.com: http://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/books/sex/between/index/1.htm
Big Book of Breasts (2006) - Dian Hanson
Read an excerpt here.
Big Book of Breasts (2006) - Dian Hanson
[Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]Book Description
Some call it the American obsession, but men everywhere recognize the hypnotic allure of a large and shapely breast. In The Big Book of Breasts, Dian Hanson explores the origins of mammary madness through three decades of natural big-breasted nudes. Starting with the World War II Bosom-Mania that spawned Russ Meyer, Howard Hughes’s The Outlaw and Frederick’s of Hollywood, Dian guides you over, around, and in between the dangerous curves of infamous models including Michelle Angelo, Candy Barr, Virginia Bell, Joan Brinkman, Lorraine Burnett, Lisa De Leeuw, Uschi Digard, Candye Kane, Jennie Lee, Sylvia McFarland, Margaret Middleton, Paula Page, June Palmer, Roberta Pedon, Rosina Revelle, Candy Samples, Tempest Storm, Linda West, June Wilkinson, Julie Wills, and dozens more, including Guinness World Record holder Norma Stitz, possessor of the World’s Largest Natural Breasts.From the Publisher
The 420 pages of this book contain the most beautiful and provocative black and white and color photos ever created of these iconic women, plus nine original interviews, including the first with Tempest Storm and Uschi Digard in over a decade, and the last with Candy Barr before her untimely death in 2005. In a world where silicone is now the norm, these spectacular real women stand as testament that nature knows best.See also: breast - Dian Hanson
The History of Men's Magazines (Vol. 1 - 6)
Book Description
Open your notebooks, sharpen your pencils, and get ready for a history lesson like none you’ve ever experienced. Yes, that’s right: you’re about to learn everything you could ever want to know about the world history of men’s magazines—not sports, not fashion, not hunting or fishing or how to build a birdhouse in ten easy steps, but those titillating periodicals embracing the subject dearest to all heterosexual men’s hearts and other organs: the undraped female form. A twenty-five-year veteran of the genre, former men’s magazine editor Dian Hanson traces its development from 1900 to 1980 in six massive and informative volumes.Volume I explores the period from 1900, when sexy magazines first started to appear in France and Germany, through the decades of subterfuge and censorship up to the great global change wrought by WWII. Along the way the USA, England, Argentina, and many other countries join the publishing fun.
Volume II starts in the post-war period of the 1940s when the US surged ahead in magazine production while the rest of the world rebuilt and recovered, and ends in 1957 when censorship at last began to ease.
Volumes III and IV cover the short but crucial transformation period of 1958 to 1967: ten years in which the world and its men’s magazines changed out of all recognition to anything that had came before. Volume III begins with the redefinition of American obscenity laws and follows the flowering of mass distribution, or newsstand, men’s magazines around the world. Volume IV traces the roots of "special interest" and under-the-counter publications during this same period, ending with the Scandinavian sexual/social revolution that resulted in the repeal of all obscenity laws for most of Northern Europe.
Finally, in Volumes V and VI you’ll find the years 1968 to 1980: the post-sexual revolution era of sudden publishing freedom. Volume V covers the newsstands of the world, showing everything from homemade hippie ‘zines to periodicals for big bottom fanciers.
Volume VI, the final word in this encyclopedic series, is reserved for the most daring and extreme edges of the publishing field. Here you’ll peek inside the adult bookstores of Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the US and Japan to see what sexual freedom really meant.
From the Publisher
Each volume contains over 400 pages and 15 to 20 chapters, profiling important or quirky publishers and their magazines, single countries in a given era, distinctive genres such as swinging ("Suburban Sin") or spanking ("Spank You Very Much!"), top models, and those back-of-the-magazine advertisements for male girdles and X-ray spectacles. Most importantly: while the books are amply supplied with fascinating and educational text, they are also chock full of magazine covers and photos—a whopping 5000 images in all! Who knew learning could be so much fun? --via Amazon.comOn pulp paper
It was around this time, the late 1890s, that pulp paper was introduced. This would soon become a great boon to the budding men's magazine industry and to the print-hungry public. Prior to pulp, all paper was made of rag - often literally recycled cotton clothing - whitened with clay. Paper such as this provides beautiful reproduction and is extremely durable; books printed on it can last hundreds of years. It is also comparatively expensive to produce and makes little sense for printing cheap, disposable magazines upon. Still, until 1890, this is what most magazines were printed on, while newspapers were on thin, so-called newsprint. Pulp paper came out of the new western timber industry. --http://www.taschen.com/pages/en/excerpts/sex/show/4/118.htm [Jul 2005]see also: pulp - 1890s - men's magazines - Dian Hanson
Vol. 1: from 1900 to post-WWII (2004) - Dian Hanson
Dian Hanson's: The History of Men's Magazine: From 1900 to Post-WWII (2004) - Dian Hanson [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]
In 460 full-color pages you’ll learn how the first magazines appeared around 1900 in France, Germany and the US. Then follow along through the timid teens, the decadent twenties, the desperate thirties through the war and reconstruction. Covered in Volume 1 are men’s magazines masquerading as movie magazines, humor magazines, detective magazines, art magazines, nudist magazines, and “spicy” fiction, as well as items like the Tijuana Bibles that pretended nothing and made no excuses. --http://www.taschen.com/pages/en/catalogue/books/sex/all/facts/03812.htm [Jun 2005]
History of Men's Magazines: Post-War to 1959 (2004) - Dian Hanson
History of Men's Magazines: Post-War to 1959 (2004) - Dian Hanson [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK] --via Amazon.com
History of Men's Magazines Volume 3 (2005) - Dian Hanson
History of Men's Magazines Volume 3 (2005) - Dian Hanson [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]
History of Men's Magazines Volume 4 (2005) - Dian Hanson
History of Men's Magazines Volume 4 (2005) - Dian Hanson [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]
History of Men's Magazines Volume 5 (2005) - Dian Hanson
History of Men's Magazines Volume 5 (2005) - Dian Hanson [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]
1970s at the newsstand "Separation is great, as long as the separation is of my thighs." —Adults Only
Open your notebooks, sharpen your pencils, and get ready for a history lesson like none you’ve ever experienced. You’re about to learn everything you could ever want to know about the world history of men’s magazines—not magazines about sports, not fashion, not hunting or fishing or how to build a birdhouse in ten easy steps, but those titillating periodicals embracing the subject dearest to all heterosexual men’s hearts and other body parts: the undraped female form. Former men’s magazine editor Dian Hanson traces its development from 1900 to 1980 in six massive and informative volumes.
As Volumes 3 and 4 covered different aspects of the 1960s, Volumes 5 and 6 showcase the two sides of 1970s men’s magazines. In Volume 5 we explore newsstand magazines gathered from around the world. See the effects of the Sexual Revolution in Germany, England, France, North and South America, Japan, Hong Kong, and Italy. Read profiles of Hustler publisher Larry Flynt and Screw’s Al Goldstein, and of lesser known, but no less fascinating characters like Peter Wolff, hippie genius of the True Sex genre, and gun-toting Myron Fass, last of the pulp-pushers. See the evolutionary end-stage of sex humor magazines, the overflowing abundance of big breast titles, the emergence of swinging as lifestyle and publishing niche, the curious phenomenon of reader-written erotica, more funny, amazing and confounding ads from the magazines’ back pages and cap it all with the 70s’ top five covergirls (and one coverboy).
Volume 5: 1970s At the Newsstand contains 460 full color pages of covers and magazine interiors and 18 chapters of information-rich text. Together with Volume 6 it forms a complete overview of men’s magazine publishing of the 1970s. With Volumes 1 through 4, these two books complete the six-volume set of Dian Hanson’s: The History of Men’s Magazines.
History of Men's Magazines Volume 6 (2005) - Dian Hanson
History of Men's Magazines Volume 6 (2005) - Dian Hanson [Amazon.com] [FR] [DE] [UK]
Volume VI, the final word in this encyclopedic series, is reserved for the most daring and extreme edges of the publishing field. Here you’ll peek inside the adult bookstores of Denmark, Sweden, Germany, the US and Japan to see what sexual freedom really meant. --via Amazon.com
What you had emerging in the ’60s was over-the-counter and under-the-counter. When the laws loosened up a little we got a whole new group of men’s magazines that were not making it onto the newsstand, that were not following Playboy, not lifestyle magazines. So I divided the volumes as this: what was sold openly and what was sold clandestinely. As you move into the ’60s and into the ’70s you’ll find that there was more sold clandestinely, so that volume six will be the biggest of all, if we’re allowed to make it bigger. It’ll also be the most difficult to place [laughs]. In there we have things like Surrender to the Beaver and Warm Wet War Whore, Famous Anus, showing that pornographers never lacked for a sense of humor. -- Peter Landau of Mr. Skin interviews Dian Hanson via http://www.sexwrecks.com/2005/02/dian_hanson.html [Jul 2005]
see also: Dian Hanson - men's magazine - erotica
Naked as a Jaybird (2002) - Dian Hanson
Naked as a Jaybird (2002) - Dian Hanson [FR] [DE] [UK]
About the Author
Dian Hanson served her country in the sexual revolution, where she developed an interest in erotic publishing. She was one of the founding editors of Puritan Magazine in 1976 and went on to edit Partner, Oui, Hooker, Outlaw Biker, and Juggs magazines, among others. In 1987 she took over Leg Show magazine and transformed it into the world’s largest selling fetish publication. She considers herself an erotic anthropologist: the magazines and their readers her laboratory and test subjects.Product Description:
If you missed the Jaybird revolution the first time around, don’t get left by the wayside now! Find out what inspired John and Yoko to take their clothes off!The year was 1965, the place was southern California. Public nudity was illegal and nude photography was, in the eyes of the government, pornography (unless practiced in the conservative confines of a nudist camp or tastefully displayed on the pages of a nudist magazine).
A new brand of nudism, however, was on the rise among hippies and other free-spirited individuals who loved nothing more than to peel off their clothes and lounge around in their birthday suits.
Jaybird magazine, a celebration of groovy nudism, was born out of this tumultuous climate, hovering in a gray area somewhere between the decent nudist magazines and porn. Over its eight-year life span, Jaybird (appearing under many titles, such as "Jaybird Happening" and "Women’s Home Jaybird") grew from a standard family nudist journal to a far-out, psychedelic happening of naked hippies frolicking in wacky settings-preferably showing as much pubic hair as possible. Though the tone of the magazine evolved, the philosophy stayed the same: nudity is natural and fun for all.
These days, issues of Jaybird are impossible-to-find collectors’ items, Technicolor testaments to a bygone era of free love and pubic pride. But not to worry-TASCHEN has resurrected Jaybird with this highly amusing, lavishly illustrated, sweeping retrospective of the magazine that let it all hang out. --via Amazon.com
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