Oz (magazine)
OZ first issue (January 1967) Smiling Lips cover
Oz was a satirical humour magazine first published between 1963–69 in Sydney, Australia and, in its second and more famous incarnation, from 1967 to 1973 in London, England. Strongly identified as part of the underground press, it was the subject of two celebrated obscenity trials, one in Australia in 1964 and the other in the UK in 1971. On both occasions the magazine's editors were acquitted on appeal after initially being found guilty and sentenced to harsh jail terms.
The UK trial is widely regarded as the start of the backlash in the UK against the cultural values of the permissive sixties. Oz has been parodied in the short-lived television series Hippies.
The central editor throughout the magazine's life was Richard Neville. Co-editors of the Sydney version were Richard Walsh and Martin Sharp. Co-editors of the London version were Jim Anderson and, later, Felix Dennis. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OZ_magazine [Jun 2005]
Schoolkids OZ
Oz Issue 28, otherwise known as "Schoolkids OZ" became a cause celebre during and following the prosecution of its editors for obscenity
Issue 28, otherwise known as "Schoolkids OZ" became a cause celebre during and following the prosecution of its editors Richard Neville, Jim Anderson and Felix Dennis for obscenity in 1973. This prosecution brought the magazine to the attention of a far wider public than would have been the case had it simply been ignored. John Lennon and Yoko Ono joined the protest march against the prosecution and organised the recording of "God Save Oz" by the Elastic Oz Band, released on Apple Records, to raise funds and get publicity. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OZ_magazine [May 2004]
Oz covers
OZ 18:Fingerlickin' Good! (Feb 69), Robert Crumb cover
Andy Warhol
Jerry Rubin
Michael X
Robert Crumb
Soft Machine
Angelo Quattrocchi
Clive James
Richard Neville in Marakesh
image sourced here.see also: all covers from all Oz issues, with links to complete issues.
Alternatively, browse the collection (with complete issues online) here.
OZ 18. (February 1969) Fold-out tabloid format, Crumb ‘Fingerlickin’ Good’ cover
Struggling/dancing woman on inside cover. Andy Warhol interview. Summer Solstice poem. ‘Eldridge Cleaver Welcome Here’ photo. Private Eye ad. ‘Emergency Yippie Report’ by Jerry Rubin & Friends. Revolutionary Militant Student ad. Rules for the Black Panther Party. Michael X. Angelfood McSpade Robert Crumb cartoon. ‘How to Commit Revolution in Corporate America – and in Corporate Britain’ part 1 by G. William Domhoff. The Soft Machine interview by Michael Broome and Mary Moore and Joseph Strick film rumours. MGM Records ad. Middle Earth/Roundhouse ad. ‘The MC5 Kick Out the Jams!’ LP reviews: Buddy Miles, Brian Auger & the Trinity, Tim Hardin, Zappa/Ruben & The Jets and Al Stewart. Terry Reid. RELEASE change of address/ad. ‘The Rat Game’ by Angelo Quattrocchi. ‘Wind Up Black Dwarfs’ by Clive James. Poverty cooking. IT subscription ad. ’What ‘Paul Getty, the Freak Horseman of the Djmaa El Fna, and the Nude Texan Girl from the Albert Hall Alchemical Wedding Did Last Month‘ – Richard Neville on Marrakesh and his meeting with Lee Heater. Full page How to Achieve Sexual Ecstasy ad. --http://pers-www.wlv.ac.uk/~fa1871/LondonOz.html
see also: 1969 - Oz - UK underground - underground press
London OZ
(January 1967-November 1973)
A Rough Guide to OZ and Some Stuff Therein…OZ 1. (January 1967) Smiling Lips cover
Theological Striptease. Turn on, tune in, drop dead. Why New Statesman editor Paul Johnson is so bloody successful, In Bed with the English — Germaine Greer analyses the English man, LBJ playmate foldout, ‘Madonna of the Napalm’ poster, Colin MacInnes on Michael X, Private Eye-the death, David Widgery denounces the paper for having succumbed to establishment celebrities.
OZ 2. (March 1967) Laughing Mouth Cover
Bite Sized Oz! Monster Posters! Martin Sharp Toad of Whitehall poster with reverse cut-out ‘Image Seekers’ parody. ‘Shut That Guy Up!’ – Mark Lane on the cover up at the BBC over Warren Commission/Kennedy. Letters including reader willing to have sex with Germaine Greer. Day by dreary day. Martin Sharp ‘Direct from Nirvana Frisco Speaks’ cartoon. ‘British Breasts’—Germaine Greer analyses breasts and bras (+competition to find the best). Amphetamines, where to score in London, prices and dealers. Metamorphoses poem by Peter Porter + graphics. ‘Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against the 20th Century’ - interview with Malcolm Muggeridge + Martin Sharp cartoon. Detourned romance strip. ‘A Work of Art’ by Elizabeth Smart. ‘No, Sir, When a Man is Tired of London, He is Tired of Life’ - David Widgery on the London scene. Playmate of the Month (Toad Wilson of Whitehall) text.
OZ 3. (March/April 1967) Pink Mona Lisa cover.
Mike McInney cartoon/article. Merry Pranksters and Acid Tests. Timothy Leary Playboy interview. Will the real Frodo Baggins please stand up? 2 page naked girl sitting on toilet/parliament. An address to politicians-pop-drugs. Protest Postcards to politicians. Colin MacInnes ‘In Praise of Ugliness’. Yoko Ono film protest. 3 page Martin Sharp foldout What Beautiful Eyes She Has with Revlon Invents Wet Lipstick on the reverse.
OZ 4. (May 1967) Gold quadruple cover by Michael English
(insert: Oz sheet No. 1) Martin Sharp graphics and tarot cards on reverse of poster, for full image click here. Letter from John Calder & letter/report on man who challenged Germaine Greer’s statements about British men. Full page Head Shop/posters ad. ‘Sgt Nasser’s Lonely Heartbreak Band’ – graphic Nasser/Peppers parody. Martin Sharp ‘Norman Normal’ strip. Ad for Cream’s ‘Tales of Brave Ulysses’. ‘Hamlet: I say, we will have no more marriages. Ophelia: but dahling, mommy’s already sent out the invitations’ - Hippy weddings and Guide to Living in Sin. ‘Why did Svetlana’s Old Man Marry Anyway?’ - Polly Toynbee on Russian Puritanism. ‘Candy is dandy Liquor is quicker Penguins are pink But don’t tell the vicar’ - Penguin books. Snakes & Snakes – a lovely game for courting couples. ‘Let Him Die Quickly’ - Angelo Quattrocchi on De Gaulle + graphic. Jehovah Christ Lucifer — Henrietta Moraes on The Process (de Grimston). ‘Changes’ photo and text. Martin Sharp ‘Welcome Sir Frisco’ text + graphic. ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ & ‘Egypt Tarot Predicted an Israeli Victory. Avoid Your Disaster…’ - astrology & tarot.
OZ 5. (June 1967) Special Surprise Issue
Plant-a-Flower-Child—Martin Sharp/Bob Whitaker poster with The Truth About the Great Alf Conspiracy on the reverse.
OZ 6. (June 1967) Other Scenes issue, Martin Sharp cover
Produced by John Wilcock of Other Scenes. Michael X photo, R. Cobb graphic. Blue Films by the Yard – obscenity & Scotland Yard. Image – In Memorium Rene Magritte. ‘What Does London Need Most?’. ‘The King and His Coca Cola Court’ - Richard Neville on Nepal. 1p Ray Leong photo of man chained to chair. ‘Dope Sheet’ - 2 pages on drugs by Chester Anderson. John Peel interview by David Phillips & Michael Gray. Letter from a Greek prison. ‘Jagger Saga’ on the Stones’ bust. Michael Tausig on R.D. Laing. Underground Television by Sheldon Renan. Pop lyric collage by Ben Carruthers. ‘The Pornb£oker’ - Anthony Haden-Guest on Maurice Girodias. Rosetalk – hippy language parody + graphics. ‘Leary in Disneyland’ by David Widgery. Snareart’ by Daniel Sporri. Picasso’s Play at St Tropez - Jean-Jacques Lebel. 2p Hama ‘Displacement’ cartoon. Marshall McLuhan’s Kingdom – 2p+ critique of McLuhan + graphics + Sphere ad for Understanding Media. IT ad. Release ad. OZ free back copies subscription ad. Back cover Other Scenes & OZ photomontage featuring Michael X.
OZ 7. (October/November 1967) Martin Sharp Bob Dylan cover
Angello Quattrochi - ‘Wog Beach Shock’ + graphics. ‘What’s So Good About Dylan?’: An Attempt at Analysis by Michael Gray 6p+ with graphics and transcription of ‘Song to Woody’. Nov 1st National Drop-Out Day ad. Other Scenes by John Wilcock. ‘Cock Up Spaniels’ by David Widgery. ‘Michael X and the Flower Children’ interview + photos by Horace Ove + notes from Malik’s pre-trial. 2p ‘Nothing But Flower Children’ photostrip. ‘In Bed With the Americans’ by Polly Peachum. Film ad for How I Won the War. Ad for Penthouse and its “5,000-word celebration of hippiedom” (this issue’s editorial notes a “reciprocal advertising arrangement with Penthouse” and condemns the fact that the OZ ad was censored because “Penthouse has exclusive rights to British obscenity”). IT subscription. Ad for The Mothers’ Freakout. ‘Blueprint for a Beautiful Community’ by John Wilcock. The Science of Being and Art of Living by His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi reviewed. 2p ‘Delusions’ cartoon by Hama. Back cover: ‘Had a Good Holiday?’ - Andrew Fisher’s indictment of sunbathing + Medusa graphic.
OZ 8. (January 1968) Louise Ferrier cover
(insert: Yoko Ono Film No.4 ad. for the Saville Theatre, with photo of 14hr. Technicolour Dream event; infamous mis-spelt Che Guevara poster with psychedelic While Dad’s Away, Mum Will Play poster on reverse) ‘The Circus is in Town’ - Martin Sharp Graphics. ‘Jessie in Kinseyland’. ‘Ozmosis’. R. L. cartoon. 1p+ Objet trouve - cigarette card National Types of Beauty. Forum ad. Oz subscription ad with Beardsley graphics. ‘Russia, You Have Bread, But No Roses’ - Angelo Quattrocchi on the Russian Revolution. London Magazine ad. Albert E. Kahn’s Smetana and the Beetles ad. IT subscription form. ‘The Stones, the Beatles, and Spyder Turner’s Raunch Epistemology’ by Richard Meltzer. ‘Image as Language’ ad. Other Scenes reviews Regis Debray’s Revolution in the Revolution. ‘Underground Confidential: World Wide Exclusive’ by Andy Warhol. ‘Think Sideways win £100’ by Edward de Bono. Michael St John ‘Epilogue’. Critique of Michael X. Playboy Club News page. 2p ‘Freelancer’ cartoon. Bulletin #12 from the Psychedelic Information Centre. Carpet Bazaar ad. ‘In Memorium Homo Sapiens Extinct’ back cover graphic.
OZ 9. (February 1968) Martin Sharp Flying Saucer cover
Dylan ‘song poems new stuff “FREEZE-OUT”’ - transcribed lyrics for ‘The Million Dollar Bash’, ‘Tiny Montgomery Says Hello’, ‘I see My Life Come Shining’ (sic) & ‘Crash on the Levee’. Ozmosis. ‘Blow-Up!’ – the Kennedy assassination and the ‘Moorman photo’. ‘The Digger Thing is Your Thing…’ call for a British Digger movement. Che Guevara montage. IT subscription ad. Letter from Michael X. Angelo Quattrochi’s open letter to Fidel Castro. Martin Sharp ‘If I Could Turn You On...’ graphic. 7p Flying Saucer Digest + graphics + Martin Sharp cartoon. Flying Saucer Review ad. ’A Healthy Mind in a…’ – Julian Manyon on schools. Big O Posters full page ad. ‘Devaluation Trilogy’ - David Widgery on Georg Buchner. R. Cobb modern Americans/dead natives cartoon. Geuvara/Guevara apology. A handout from The Antiuniversity of London + Bob Whitaker photo. Liberation News Service + montage/cartoon. Neil Oram photo/poem.
OZ 10. (March 1968) The Pornography of Violence issue
2p inside cover Incinderjell photomontage by Dow Corp. Martin Sharp cartoons run along bottom of most of the issue; also Situationist illustrations (special - cut each page into 3 strips for thousands of variations issue). Peace News, Arts Lab & AntiUniversity of London ads. ‘The Men Who Ban OZ’ - and banned books. ‘Justice & Violence in Armed Conflict’ by Andrew Fisher. Justice & Violence in Athens and Arkansas ‘68. War comic strips/real war photos juxtaposed. Barry Craddock ‘Presidential Elections’ centerfold cartoon. The Running Man’ ad. Response to ‘The Digger Thing’ in issue #9 and call for a forum. Roger McGough full page poem ‘Summer with the Monarch’ + photo. Underground ‘Conversation’/manifesto. Adrian Mitchell on Vietnam. IT subscription form. Splash Posters ad.
OZ 11. (April 1968) Dayglo Martin Sharp ‘sticker’ cover
‘The Meat Pack’ by Anthony Haden-Guest and Norman Rubington. ‘Black Power’ letter. Middle Earth and London Anti-University ads. Full page Big O Posters ad. ‘Vote, Vote, Vote, For Whoever You Like’ – mobilization for an international Yippie mock election by Jerry Rubin. ‘The Anglo American Pumice Factory’ by Richard Meltzer. Dr Hip ocrates. Martin Sharp’s ‘Vietloon’ text/montage. ‘Fading Freedoms/Latent Fascisms & Hippie High Hopes’ part 1 by Raymond Durgnat. ‘Yesterday I Subscribed to the New Statesman, Today I am Just, Reasonable, Good, & Dead’ + letters. ‘Hippy’ cartoon. Martin Sharp - Ringo graphic. Willem cartoons. Oz subscription page.
OZ 12. (May 1968) Fold-out poster/newspaper issue, Martin Sharp cover.
Centrefold hippy girl. ‘Fading Freedoms/Latent Fascisms’ part 2 by Raymond Durgnat. Racism in the UK — Excuse Me, Is That the Way to the Gas Chambers? Letter from Rishikesh (Maharishi camp). Outer cover poster: Martin Sharp graphics, Incredible String Band ad, Existence is Unhappiness and Desire Can Be Destroyed Oz benefit.
OZ 13. (June 1968) Golden Nigel English poster
Quadruple ‘Catherine and the Wheel of Fire’ poster with Big O Posters ad on reverse. Martin Sharp Legalise Pot Rally graphic. ‘We Need you Cohn-Bendit’ letter. Eva. The Fugs. Jean-Jacques Lebel. John Wilcock’s Other Scenes. IT subscription form. ‘Agit Oz’ - revolutionary quotes, chart + graphics. ‘When Harrods is Looted’ by David Widgery. 2p ‘Hubert Sanguine’ graphic by Andrew Fisher & David Spode. ‘The May Revolution’ and ‘Philistine’s Tears – Nectar of the Gods’ by Angelo Quattrocchi. Oz Night – the Nice ad. OZ subscription/back issue page. Graffiti 1968. Transcriptions from Dylan’s Don’t Look Back. Incredible String Band ad. ‘Smokeless Interzone’ by Michael Horovitz. Ozmosis – ‘We clothe every child in napalm’ by Paul Lawson. ‘The Alf-Back’ - the Queen in Australia. ‘Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey - The Worst Trip Ever’ by Tom Nairn.
OZ 14. (August 1968) Doors’ Strange Days cover
The Doors Waiting For the Sun and Roundhouse appearance ad. Berke’s Bourgeoise – a Lexicon compiled by Joe Berke. Soldiers with decapitated men photo – ‘Where We’re At’. ‘Trip Without a Ticket’ – 4p on the Diggers. ‘Towards the New Synthesis’ by Herman Kahn. Dr Hip Ocrates. “Ensure Confusion – every OZ is different” editorial, subscription & back issues. Peace News, Apple (a small ad that appears twice), Deviants, Time Out and Dr Alan Cohen lecture tour ads. Full page Martin Sharp cartoon strip. Full page Apple ad with text by Miles. ‘Fading Freedoms/Latent Fascisms’ part 3 by Raymond Durgnat. IT subscription form. ‘The Yellow-on-Orange-Press’ by Sheldon Williams. ‘Anti-U’ – the London Anti-University by Alan Krebs. ‘Anti-U2’ by Bill Mason. Ad for the Institute of Phenomenological Studies Dialectics of Liberation LP recordings. ‘3rd World’ – Norodom Sihanouk on Cambodia. ‘The Hair of Fabian Douglas’ – a 5p tale from ‘The Alf-Back’ by Neil Douglas about a boy expelled from an Australian school for having long hair. ‘Law & Order & Justice ho ho!’ a documentary about colour prejudice in the police force with credits to the BBC, Black Dwarf & Black Panthers. Viva Che! Lorrimer Publishing ad. The Electric Circus – devoted to the environment with an ‘Octahedron House’ cut-out plan. ‘1+1 +J-LG’ 2 or 3 tapes of a press conference with Jean-Luc Godard. Jefferson Airplane pic & ideal LP compilation by John Leaver. MGM Records ad. ‘Czechs Told’ by Richard Deutscher. ‘Chicago’ - Eugene Schonfield on Yippies and demos.
OZ 15. (October 1968) Martin Sharp ‘Jagger’ cover
Letter from Clive James. Martin Sharp cartoons. Germaine Greer’s ‘Flip Top Legal Pot’. IT subscription ad. ‘I Can’t Escape My Passion Drives: Confessions of a Suburban Wife’. ‘Dreaming of a Red Christmas’ by David Widgery, Martin Sharp graphic/collage. Oz back issues with cover images. ‘Barricades Around the Small Screen’ - Wayland Brown on TV. ‘Mr Ripper’s Dirty Books’-obscene publications. Interview with Allen Cohen about Meher Baba. Michael English illustration & C. Logue poem. ‘Continuity & Discontinuity’ by Edward de Bono, ‘The State of American Protest’ by Peter Buckman. Transcription of the Stones’ ‘Street Fighting Man’ and ‘Jigsaw Puzzle’ + photo. BFI report confidential. 2p Hippy graphics. ‘Down on the Farm’ - communalism by Emmanuel Petrakis. Martin Sharp’s Electric Circus Exploding Hendrix graphic. ‘Rock Aesthetics’ by Richard Meltzer. ‘Support your Local Police’ by Tom Nairn.
OZ 16. (November 1968) Magic Theatre, Martin Sharp Collages.
The Magic Theatre refers to Hermann Hesse’s novel Steppenwolf, “Entrance not for everybody. Price of admittance, your mind and 3 shillings”. Robert Hughes, author of The Shock of the New, said of this issue, “Sharp has assembled one of the richest banks of images that has ever appeared in a magazine”. The next issue of Oz described OZ 16 thus: “Sharp and Von Mora invite you to the Magic Theatre. Mixed media non copy. The worst selling most praised Oz ever”.
OZ 17. (December 1968) Louise Ferrier and Jenny Kee front cover
Louise Ferrier colour back issue/subscription page. Anti-war montage. ‘Counter-Authority’ by Peter Buckman. ‘The Half Remarkable Question’ - Incredible String Band lyric and 2p illustration. Martin Sharp graphics. Flypower. Poverty Cooking by Felix and Anson. ‘The Year of the Frog’ by Jule Sachon. ‘Guru to the World’ - John Wilcock in India. ‘We do everything for them…’ - Rupert Anderson on homelessness. Dr Hipocrates (including ‘inflation’ letter featured in Playpower). Homosexuality & the law. David Ramsay Steele on the abolition of Money. ‘Over and Under’ by David Widgery – meditations on cultural politics and Jeff Nuttall’s Bomb Culture. A Black bill of rights – LONG LIVE THE EAGLES! ‘Ho! Ho! Ho Chi Mall’ - the ethos of the ICA. Graphic from Nottingham University. Greek Gaols. Ads for Time Out and John & Yoko’s Two Virgins. Cream/Clapton. Interview with Manfred Mann. Deviants LP review by Felix Dennis. ‘Why Isn’t London Jumping’ by Geoffrey Cannon. James Taylor ad and ads for & review of Tiny Tim’s You Are What You Eat.
OZ 18. (February 1969) Fold-out tabloid format, Crumb ‘Fingerlickin’ Good’ cover
Struggling/dancing woman on inside cover. Andy Warhol interview. Summer Solstice poem. ‘Eldridge Cleaver Welcome Here’ photo. Private Eye ad. ‘Emergency Yippie Report’ by Jerry Rubin & Friends. Revolutionary Militant Student ad. Rules for the Black Panther Party. Michael X. Angelfood McSpade Robert Crumb cartoon. ‘How to Commit Revolution in Corporate America – and in Corporate Britain’ part 1 by G. William Domhoff. The Soft Machine interview by Michael Broome and Mary Moore and Joseph Strick film rumours. MGM Records ad. Middle Earth/Roundhouse ad. ‘The MC5 Kick Out the Jams!’ LP reviews: Buddy Miles, Brian Auger & the Trinity, Tim Hardin, Zappa/Ruben & The Jets and Al Stewart. Terry Reid. RELEASE change of address/ad. ‘The Rat Game’ by Angelo Quattrocchi. ‘Wind Up Black Dwarfs’ by Clive James. Poverty cooking. IT subscription ad. ’What ‘Paul Getty, the Freak Horseman of the Djmaa El Fna, and the Nude Texan Girl from the Albert Hall Alchemical Wedding Did Last Month‘ – Richard Neville on Marrakesh and his meeting with Lee Heater. Full page How to Achieve Sexual Ecstasy ad.
OZ 19 (March 1969) Germaine Greer/Viv Stanshall cover
Greer-Stanshall pics front, back, inside front and Greer intermittently throughout. Other Scenes. Martin Sharp ‘There was movement at the station…’ graphic. Spike – Richard Neville on Lee Heater and Abbie Hoffman’s Revolution for the Hell of it of which Neville writes: “ His strategy I would call the Politics of Play…” UPS. Photo of Mitch Mitchell, Noel Redding & Caroline Coon. Time Out subscription ad. ‘Frelimo’ – the Mozambique liberation struggle. ‘Food Explosion’ by David Ramsay Steele. Full page ‘piggies’ cartoon. Smoking – Professor Norman Zinberg talks to Caroline Coon about dope + Krishna Lama licensed dope shop ad. ‘Guerilla Psychic Warfare’ part 2 by G. William Domhoff (scribbled in parenthesis at the end: “If the revolution means prose like this let’s LOSE!”). Centrefold poems by Peter Mayer, typography by Alan Rickman. ‘Why the Press Council’s a Fake’ + graphic. OZ subscription ad. Mozic: ‘The Universal Tonguebath-A Groupie’s Vision’ – Staff writer Germaine talks to Dr G, a celebrated (and over educated) international groupie, by Germaine Greer. Jackie Lomax ad. ‘You Might Think it’s a Load of Old Cock, Man, But That’s Your Hangup’ – review of John & Yoko’s Two Virgins by Sebastion Jorgenson. LP reviews: Led Zeppelin, Rhinoceros, The Concert Ensemble, The Everly Brothers, Murray Roman, Touch. Full page photos of Marianne Faithfull as Ophelia and Mick Jagger from the Beggars Banquet sessions. Full page photo and quote from the Incredible String Band. ‘This Man is Dangerous’ – Detective Sgt Norman (Normal) Pilcher, head of Scotland Yard’s drug squad. ‘The Only Living Dylanologist’ – A.J. Weberman talks to Gordon Friesen + Dylan photo. Led Zeppelin, Family, Roy Harper, Gutbucket, Middle Earth, Island Records ads. Inside back cover ad for The Encyclopaedia of Sexual Behaviour.
OZ 20. (April 1969) Hells Angel cover and feature
John Wilcock’s Other Scenes. ‘The Situationists are Coming’ by Angelo Quattrocchi. ‘Bedtime Story’ by Peter Buckman. 2p ‘Victor Vulgar’ cartoon by Von Mora. ‘A Vicious God’. Poems and graphics. Word Play by Peter Mayer. Graphic by McInnerey. IT subscription form. Dr Hip Ocrates. Poverty Cooking (roast Trafalgar pigeon). ‘Out of the Psychodrama’ by David Widgery. ‘Hell’s Angels-Hell’s Who?’ – text and interviews by Andrew Fisher + pictures. ‘Child That I Am I Do’ – 4p text & pictures on the Incredible String Band by Danae. Ad for Lenny Bruce LP. Jimmy Page interview by Felix Dennis. Jann Wenner and Rolling Stone by Sebastian Jorgenson. LP reviews: Traffic, Blood, Sweat & Tears, Mike Bloomfield & Al Kooper, Howling Wolf.
OZ 21. (May 1969) Elektra Records ‘Amazement’ ad cover
(insert: Outcry! People's Park poster + Running Man Book News booklet) ‘Rex Organ M.D.’ cartoon. ‘Plant Your Seeds’. Wak Komix cartoons including Martin Sharp Magic Theatre montage - 8 page comic freakout (Clay Wilson, Crumb). Ad for Living Theatre. ‘Living the Revolution’ by John Gerassi. Dr Hip Ocrates. ‘Which Side are you On Baby?’ - Michael English graphic. Middle Earth and ‘Jeremy the best gay mag in the world’ ads. John Hurford 2 page graphic. Full page Janis Joplin pic and Thunderclap Newman ad. ‘Born Under a Bad Sign’ - Pete Townshend interview from Tony Palmer’s book. Zapple records ad. Tommy, Nashville Skyline and Liverpool Scene reviews. Rock n roll lyrics (The Chiffons, Johnny Kidd, Eddy Cochran, Little Richard). Poverty Cooking (leg of long pig). Ad for the Who’s Tommy. ‘The Groovy Thing is – You’re Not Alone’ – interview with Murray Roman. ‘Che Body Politic’ theatre review by Danny Hughes. ‘Up Ulster’ - Bernadette Devlin interview by Peter Buckman. Crucified rodent graphic. ‘The Chart is the Map’ Paradise Now body chart. ‘The Plot is the Evolution’ Living Theatre photomontage. ‘The Ritual is the Vision’ by Bill Levy. Marsha Hunt ad photo by David Bailey.
OZ 22. (July 1969) Martin Sharp Mickey Mouse/smiling moon cover
Square format. Zap Comix graphic. Marmalade Records ad. ‘The Million Dollar Underground’ by Germaine Greer. ‘Private Armies’ – John Crowley on squatting. Full page Saville Theatre Leonard Rossiter in Arturo Ui ad with framing Ebadajos graphic. Pop stars and drug law evasion. Full page ad for Jeremy: the magazine for people who don’t care about sex! John Wilcock’s ‘Other Scenes. ‘Loaded’ by Bob Pritchard & poems by Alan Bold and Pete Brown. Ad for an eveing with Steve Dwoskin. Dr Hip Ocrates. Poverty Cooking. Exploding Hendrix & Plant a Flower Child posters free with OZ subscription ad. ‘The Great Hippie Hoax’ – 7p of hippie horror stories and reprints including a book which allegedly advises that “hippies should be sent to concentration camps”. ‘Drugs is a 5 Letter Word’ by a Sunday Times reporter – critique of “the mindless coverage of drugs by mass media”. 2p centerfold graphics. ‘Television the Bankrupt Medium’ - Oz TV supplement. ‘The Tired Producer’s Notes for His Testament’ by David Sharp – a tired producer. ‘The Cultural Luddites’ by Tom Nairn. ‘Visual Wank’ by Ian Stocks. ‘Shoot it! Show it! Video Now’ by John Hopkins. Ads for Time Out and Some Of IT. Mozic: full page photo of Prince Charles playing the cello. Martha Velez and Murray Roman ads. Frank Zappa/Uncle Meat interview by Pete Drummond. Full page Rolling Stones ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want/Honky Tonk Women’ ad. LP reviews: Lenny Bruce, Pete Brown, Albert King, Blossom Toes and the Velvet Underground. 2p Rock Quiz + photomontage. Harvest Records ad. ‘Marsha’ – 2p interview with Marsha Hunt.
OZ 23. (August/September 1969) Homosexual Oz
“yet each man kills the thing he loves…” Wilde quote on cover. Full-page IOW ad – Bob Dylan & The Band, Richie Havens. Max Ernst illustrations with captions and centerfold. Martin Sharp single frames throughout. A run of critical/cryptic statements which feature at the top & sides of some pages. Gay lovers photo - ‘Man Maketh Man’. ‘Suck for Peace’ – extracts from The Homosexual Handbook by Angelo d’Arcangelo. ‘Take it Like a Man’ – a young West London drug addiction clinic doctor on homosexuality. Michael J.W. Storey – the last supper. ‘Did You Feel the Earth Move Little Rabbit?’ - Bob Hughes on the moon landing. Miles on ‘Mother Earth’. Ad for The Julian Press. ’Return of the Media Pirates’: Caroline News – Alan Reid on pirate radio. Form/graphic declaration and article on leaving the Air Force. Dr Hip Ocrates. Poverty Cooking. Review of Some of IT, Turning On and Nik Cohn’s Pop from the Beginning. Harvest Records ad. Mozic: Blind Faith LP cover (nude 11 year-old girl) with a condemnation of it by Don Short of the Daily Mirror. Phil Ochs/Deviants/Pink Fairies music culture commentary. LP reviews: Blind Faith, Martha Vellez, Dr Strangely Strange and Tim Buckley. Spoof film ad. Trouble in Molopolis – Martin Sharp photo. Leonard Cohen ‘The Beautiful Loser’ by Raymond Durgnat. Time Out ad. 2p back issues + Middle Earth ad. ‘Biography of the Simeon Synthesizer’ by Simeon of Silver Apples. Back cover ‘Free chickens’ Gilbert Shelton cartoon.
OZ 24. (October/November 1969) The Beautiful Freaks issue
Lee Heater cover (insert: Honeybunch Kaminski poster with anti-Oz articles from the People [7/9/69] and a rebuttal from the Guardian [10/9/69] on the reverse). ‘Welcome to the OZ Freak Show’ by Ian Channell. Danae on Rufus Collins & the Living Theatre. Marcia Herscovitz interviews herself. ‘Urological Nurturement’ by John Ivor Golding. Gilbert Shelton ‘Freak Brothers’ strip. Lee Heater. Anthony Haden-Guest on ‘Bruce’, a freak. ‘I Agree with your Tactics But I Don’t Know about Your Goals’ - extracts from Jerry Rubin’s Do It! 1p+ John & Yoko photomontage. Dr Hip Ocrates. ‘Mr Orgone’ - Interview with Ilse Reich about Wilhelm. Rolling Stones Through the Past, Darkly ad. ‘The Navy Lark’. ‘Mozic and the Revolution’ by Germaine Greer. Harvest records ad. LP reviews: The Kinks, John Mayall and Steve Miller. ‘The Beatles Come Together’ - Abbey Road/John Lennon interview by Miles. Back cover ad (girl dancing in IOW festival crowd) for LP by Free.
OZ 25. (December 1969) Hippie Atrocities cover
‘The End Funnies’ cartoon. Mott the Hoople ad. 2p Elvis/Sun Records montage/game - A Trip Down Memory Lane with the Sun Stars. ‘America’s Real Uncle Sam’ – Robert Finnis on Sam C. Phillips. Mighty Baby ad. Plastic Ono Band Live Peace in Toronto ad. Review of Dylan’s Great White Wonder and Bob Dylan LPs by Felix Dennis. 4p CBS Records ad. Other Scenes. – Japan. Gilbert Shelton Furry Freak Bros cartoon. 2p Martin Sharp ‘Tiny Tim’ collage. Dr Hip Pocrates. Vertigo Records ad. Full page ad for the Beatles’ Something/Come Together. 3p Peter Fonda interview reprinted from the Georgia Straight + Easy Rider pics. ‘Ibiza: Syringes naked breasts and all that shit’. Centre page ‘Wrestling’ poster - Danne Hughes on Scunthorpe. ‘Just Bloody Tenants’ – the Morden estate. 2p on the Chicago Conspiracy Trial. ‘Tashkent’ – prison experiences by Anthony Lorraine. ‘Oxford’ – similar experiences by students Roj Jarman and John N. Gray. Special OZ Information Service; The Hash Scene - ‘The Lebannon: The Hole of the Lebanese Black’ by Harvey Matusow. IT Subscription ad by Edward(?). Moody Blues ad. ‘Goodbye Jack Kerouac’ by David Widgery. Arrest in Turkey. ‘Dynamite the BBC’. Other Scenes subscription ad. Full page ad for Plastic Ono Band’s ‘Cold Turkey’. ‘Arts Lab Death’ – letter from Jim Haynes. ‘Kill for Love’ – letter from Mick Farren (reply to Germaine Greer’s ‘Mozic’ article in OZ 24). Syd Barrett Madcap Laughs/‘Octopus’ ad. The Sun ‘Leper Rapes Girl’ reprint. Friends ad. Reviews: Quintessence, Mighty Baby, John Mayall, King Crimson, The Byrds. Straight Records ad. Full page Louise Ferrier photo/ Scarlett O’Hara quote. Blackhill Enterprises ad. Full page John & Yoko Wedding Album ad. Bonzo Dog ad. Full Page Rolling Stones Let It Bleed ad. Book Reviews: Pablo Neruda, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, Bernadette Devlin. 1p+trippy graphic. Back cover girl with whip photo by Gerard Malanga.
OZ 26. (Feb/March 1970) Pussy Power issue
(insert: Print Mint posters ad) Poem ‘A Sane Revolution’ by D.H. Lawrence. OZ subscription form. ‘Portrait of a Bolshevist’ 2p graphics. 1p Blackhill Enterprises and Vertigo ads. ‘The New Word Po Po’ – Edward de Bono. ‘Heavy Shit’ by Felix Dennis. ‘Gangster of Love Deported’ – extract from Bill Levy’s journal. LP reviews: Tim Buckley, Renaissance, Taj Mahal, Miles Davis. 4p CBS ad. ‘The Biggest Tool in Show-Biz’ - on Roddy McDowell. ‘The Slag heap Erupts by Germaine Grrer. Candy Darling photo centerfold. ‘The Food Explosion’ part 2. Lennon/Ono Instant Karma! ad. Dear Doctor Hippocrates. ‘Acid Flix’ – underground film by Albie Thoms. ‘Flogging Critics’ by Peter Buckman. 2p girls and car photo. Ad for Suck. Ad for Friends & ad for IT with Edward drawing. Full page Time Out ad. John & Yoko ‘Ban Guns’ ad. The Chicago Conspiracy Trial transcript and full page cartoon. ‘Played Out’ - David Widgery reviews Richard Neville’s Playpower. ‘Head Books’ by Jim Anderson. Chaoz – anti TV. Back cover Martin Sharp Marilyn/Vincent montage.
OZ 27. (April 1970) Acid Oz - Sex Fair Special, Bob Crumb cover
LSD – ‘The Acid Facts’ text and graphic. ‘The Chemical Revolution: To Trip is Human, To Revolt Divine!’. 2p+ Thead cartoon. ‘Not So Instant Karma’ by Jim Anderson. ‘Zabriskie Petit-Point’. ’14 Ways of Looking at Charles Manson… and one way of talking to him’. 2p Martin Sharp ‘Acid is Good For You’ graphic. ’Dope Hope’ by Steve Morris. The Wooton Report on LSD and Amphetamine by Steve Abrams. ‘Women on the Moon’ – Michelene Wandor’s reply to Greer. Tony Bell cartoon. ‘Candy Darling finds Love at Last’ - interview with Arthur Lee/Love by Jim Anderson. Centrespread ‘I Was a Teenage Bopper’ prepubescent girls photo by Thomas Weir (incidentally, he also did the back cover shot for the Dead’s Aoxomoxoa LP). Extracts from Robert Finnis’ History of Teen Idols and Teenybop. ‘Satans Slaves Read Books’ – review by Jim Anderson. ‘Crazy Otto Sheds His Guilt’ - Albie Thoms on Otto Muehl. LP reviews: Live/Dead, GTOs, Mick Farren, Jefferson Airplane, Steve Miller, Rod Stewart. 4p+ CBS Records ad. ‘Playpower in Pornoland’ by Richard Neville. Playpower ad. 2p photomontage by Jo Garcia. Back cover - Oz back-issues and subscription with David Nutter ‘castration’ photomontage.
OZ 28. (May 1970) The Schoolkids issue
2p photo of editors & contributors, plus photos & biographies. ‘The Return of King Kong: Guerilla Babes Wipeout!’ – school experiences/letters. Jail Bait of the Month photo. School Atrocities. Headmaster of the Year and school articles. ‘Xam Blues’. Vivian Berger’s ‘Rupert/Crumb’ montage and ‘Rupert Dancing’. Gilbert Shelton Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers cartoon. Let it All Hang Out – Oz Freak of the Month. Photo of students/quote from Nixon about “bums… blowing up the campuses”. ‘High Skool Confidential: Billy Bunter Breaks Out’ – from The High School Revolutionaries’. 2p Rehearse for the Apocalypse text and graphic. ‘Brown Shoes Don’t Make It’ – music by Charles Shaar Murray. Back issue bonanza and ‘Pud’ cartoon. Siné cartoons. Oz Sucks – letters. Dr Hippocrates. ‘Head Books’ by Charles Shaar Murray. ‘Jeff Beck: Truth is Blue’. Review of Theodore Roszak’s The Making of a Counter Culture by Bob Hughes. LP reviews: Incredible String Band, Atomic Rooster, Lord Sutch, the Doors. Tony Palmer’s Born Under a Bad Sign reviewed. ‘Uncle Tom Holland and All!’ by Hakim A. Jamal. Oz Multi-Purpose Anti-Form from the International Society for the Abolition of Data Processing Machines. Speed Freak Fun cartoons. For more on the Oz trial, and specifically Rupert Bear’s role Click Here
OZ 29. (July 1970) Female Energy/Cuntpower Oz
‘New Ways with Play Clothes’ – Germaine Greer knits private parts. ‘The Kiss of the Lash’ - Judith Malina interviewed by Danne Hughes. Dr Hippocrates. Michelene Victor’s ‘Whoring Along the Hudson’. ‘Conversations with Anais Nin’ by Jim Anderson. ‘The Politics of Female Sexuality’ by Germaine Greer. ‘The Kings Shall Be Queens’ by Danae Brook. Full page Hendrix/Band of Gypsys ad. ‘There’s a Schmuck in the Tall Dark Hallway…’ by Emmett Grogan. ‘Fungus Food Forecast: a faint chemical taste in the mouth’. ‘To Live Outside the Law You Must be Honest’ – politics & the law. LP reviews: Jimi Hendrix, Leon Russell, King Crimson. Woodstock movie ad. ‘Liberation Come!’ by Kerry Rolfe. ‘Sexual Politics: A Manifesto for Revolution’ by Kate Millet. ‘Nancy Kotex’ cartoon. Canned Heat Live ad. ‘Sugar and Spice’ by Christine Pickard. ‘The Perils of Pauline’ cartoon. Altamont – male deodorant spray parody ad. ‘The Divine Monosyllable – from a 19th century dictionary of slang and its analogues’. Full page ad for Phun City. Back cover photo of a suffragette arrest.
OZ 30. (October 1970)
(insert: Jimi Hendrix/Oz News poster) ‘Communal Life in America’ montage. ‘Sources of Power’ – Neil Rock on the pot trail. Moroccan anti-kif poster. ‘Conversations with a CIA Agent’. Germaine Greer remembers Hendrix in ‘Hey Jimi, Where you Gonna Run to Now?’. The Sun newspaper montage. Hog Farm/Wavy Gravy interview. General Waste More Land interview by Micheline Victor. ‘Yohimbina Diaries’ by Neal Phillips. 1p desert musicians graphic. Mott the Hoople ad. Think Ink Mike Wellard cartoon/ad. ‘OZ Up the Khyber’’ – travel. Very Cold Turkey. Japan. Keef Hartley Band ad. ‘Little Orphan Amphaetamine’ Gilbert Shelton cartoon. Morocco Death Picnic. Chile. The Fourth World graphic. ‘Marrakhash Sexpress’ by Jim Anderson. High Tide ad and ad for film The Man Who Had Power Over Women. LP Reviews: The Rolling Stones, North Indian Music, Keef Hartley, Pete Bardens, The Doors, Dr John. Subscription - ‘Giant Rip-Off seized School Kids OZ on secret sale!’. Vertigo records ad. ‘Love Rock Tribal Schlock’ – Kate Garrett on Hair. Good Times – travel: San Francisco, Switzerland, the Hotcha! Tribe. Letter from Dan Goff Productions. ‘Surf Shine Supermen’ – 4p surfing in Australia by David Elfick & Rusty Miller. Back cover ad for Zappa/Mothers Weasels Ripped My Flesh.
OZ 31. (Nov/December 1970) Yippie Oz/Brave New Morning cover
Oblong size, the legend on the cover reads, “He drives a Maserati She’s a professional model The boy is the son of the art editor of Time magazine: Some revolution!” End of an Era Oz 2p graphic. “All God’s Children Got De Clap” – politics & personalities by Richard Neville. ‘Charles Acid’ Charles Atlas ad parody. Track records ad and ad for George Harrison’s All Things Must Pass. ‘Magick Mushroom’ by Lynn Darnton. Illustrated small ads by Peter Till. Dr Hippocrates. IT bust. Tim Harris and Sheila Rowbotham review Germaine Greer’s The Female Eunuch. Spike on Suck and Otto Meuhl with Crumb cartoon. ‘Bang! Bang! You’re Dead’ by David Widgery with Jim Leon graphic. Jerry Rubin in London. Ad for the film The Body. Book reviews of Peter Laurie’s Scotland Yard and Beneath the City Streets. LP reviews: Johnny Winter, Dave Mason, Ike & Tina Turner, Pink Floyd, John Cale, Neil Young. Yippie Quiz. Underground films at the NFT by David Triesman. ‘The Obscene Phone Caller’ cartoon. Clive Goodwin reviews The Story of the Black Panther Party by Bobby Seale. 4p ‘Sergeant Death meets Wonder Wart-Hog’ Gilbert Shelton cartoon. ‘Local Jew Boy Makes Good’ - 2p Charles Shaar Murray review of Dylan’s New Morning with graphics by Ed Belchamber. H.R. Giger graphic. Ads for Colloseum’s Daughter of Time and on the back cover Frank Zappa’s Chunga’s Revenge.
OZ 32. (January 1971) square format Emergency Issue Granny’s Oz
Cover reprints the obscenity charge against OZ. Obscene Graphic? (now you see it – now you don’t). Brian Bolland graphic strip and stills from Performance (Jagger’s penis). ‘Whistle while you Wank?’ by David Widgery. OZ Obscenity Fund plea and cartoon. ‘Hi Ho, High Ho! It’s Off to Work We Go’ by Louis Jigsaw with full page Trades Union flag with Shelton’s Freak Brothers imposed and a Robert Crumb frame. ‘Trot Trot Trotsky Goodbye’ by Tom Ludd. ‘The Radicalization of the Superheroes’ by Lindsy and Lawrence Van Gelder. Ad for Performance. ‘Letters Luff Left’. Acid House/Clinic Invitation. ‘You Don’t Know How Good You Got it Here in Britain Mate for Example…’ - repressive laws of entry by Neal Ascherson illustrated with apologies to Gilbert Shelton. ‘Don’t Forget the Glutamate Mum!’ by Brian J. Ford. ‘Swede ‘n’ Sour Discover America’ – Laura Furman on American deserter communities. Centrefold Columbus and the Pig graphics by Irons. ‘Mystic Guerillas’ by Jamian Ananda. Monster Comix, back issues, badges, OZ subscription offer. The Pellen Centre ad. ‘What Really Happened at Scotland Yard’s Christmas Party’ by Richard Neville. Fotheringay ad. Muddy Waters interview by Charles Shaar Murray. ‘Put a Real Queen in the Palace’ by Graham Hunt, member of Gay Liberation Front. ‘Y-Front Guerillas’ – Warren on the Gay Liberation Front. ‘Good Morning Little School Girl’ by Marilyn Brando, a grateful graduate of Schoolkids OZ. ‘Oh Lord This Cell is Cold’ by Michael Kustow. Full page John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band ad and ditto Yoko Ono/Plastic Ono Band. ‘It’s All White Ma I’m Only Bleeding’ – Hakim A. Jamal on racism. ‘Blind Man’s Luff’ by Germaine Greer + Cembrowicz and Rankin graphic strip. LP reviews: Velvet Underground Loaded, Egg, Jimi Hendrix Live Experience 67-68. Ad for Performance. Print Mint Poster Sale. Back Cover Jagger/Performance ad.
OZ 33. (February/March 1971) Norman Lindsay cover art
4p graphics by Condon. OZ subscription ad with Oliver Twist illustration. Vertigo records ad. 2p ‘Raw War’ cartoon. ‘There’s No Business Like Bomb Business’ by Dave Dellinger – A Time to Look at Ourselves, reprinted from Liberation Magazine. National Enquirer Judy Garland graphic by Heathcote Williams. ‘Tales of Sherwood Forest, or: What Shall We Do With the Bank of England’ from a séance with Robin Hood. ‘Whistle While You Wank Re-Visited’ – Tom Ludd’s critique of David Widgery. Michael X. ‘Cuntpower Trials’ – in court with the women accused of disrupting Miss World by Rosemary Pettit and Others – “The girls were fined and Women’s Liberation found the court entirely irrelevant”. ’Ink is Definitely Coming’ OZ obscenity fund and Ink production. ‘A Plague of Locusts’ – Felix Dennis reviews Rockin 50’s Rock ‘n Roll. LP reviews: Janis Joplin, Laura Nyro, Jefferson Airplane and Yes. ‘A Deafening of Prophets’ – book reviews by Peter Buckman. Uriah Heep ad. Ad for Richard Neville’s Playpower. ‘Soul On Acid: Leary in Algiers’ by Michael Zwerin. ‘There Was Once a Shepherdess’ 3p cartoon by Guitton. ‘Down on the Farm’ interview with ‘animal lover’ Bodil conducted by Ole Ege. ‘The Anarchist Cookbook: “Turn On, Burn Down, Blow Up!”’ by Jim Anderson. Ad for Man LP. ‘Splendour in the Rice’ by Jay Landesman. 2p woman/eagle montage. ‘The Daddy of Them All’ – Peter Jones on Richard Dadd + full page reproduction of The Fairy Feller. Back cover OZ Police Ball! ad for an obscenity trial benefit at Middle Earth.
OZ 34. (April 1971) Parent’s Guide to Drug abuse cover
4p erotic graphics + centerfold by Peter Webb/Hornsey College/Burman. Spike: Oz trial – the charges against OZ 28 + 2 letters from angry headmasters + plea for schoolteachers, psychiatrists and sociologists who will defend OZ. Full page Cochise ad. ‘All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace’ - Richard Brautigan poem. ‘Letter from America’ – Abbie Hoffman defends himself. Selection’s from Germaine Greer’s Fan Mail: Letters to a Female Eunuch. RELEASE ad. ‘The Last Laugh’ 3p cartoon. Robin Jenkins on Imperialism and exploitation. ‘The Fight’ Robert Crumb cartoon. ‘Uganda Me Goose!’ by Alex Mitchell. Ads for Nasty Tales, Mushroom Records, Caravan. Latin America. ‘Chad: The Ultimate French Farce’ by David Triesman. Ad for William Burroughs Jr’s book Speed. ‘Our Man in Oman’ by Peter Hellyer. ‘One Little Piggy Hogged the Media’ review of Medicine Head LP and reflections on music and the media by Felix Dennis + Diagram of a Drug Abuser. Mail order OZ. Neon Records ad. ‘They’re Selling Postcards of the Hanging’ by Louis Jigsaw. ‘My Lay in My Lai’ by former Sgt Dan Mouer. Vertigo Records ad. Ad for Lennon/Ono Power to the People. LP reviews: Hendrix, John Lee Hooker/Canned Heat, The Incredible String Band, Ray Russel, David Crosby. Review of Marijuana in books and the news. Review of R.B. Fisher’s A Dictionary of Drugs. ‘The Revolution is Over – Tough Shit… You Missed It!’ by David Reynolds’. Back page ad for Ink.
OZ 35. (May 1971) Special Pig issue cover by Ed Belchamber
Stop Press: OZ Obscenity Trial June 22nd Old Bailey. ‘The Contortions of Modern Cricket’ A commentary on the current state of the game – Suck, sexuality and politics by Jim Haynes + graphics. ‘The Continuing Story of Lee Heater’ by Jim Anderson + graphics. How Howie Made it in the Real World 3p cartoon by Gore. Full page Keef Hartley Band ad. ‘The Bob Sleigh Case’ by Stanislav Demidjuk – freak injustice. ‘Act Like a Lady’ – gay advice from Gay Dealer + graphics by Rod Beddall. Chart: ‘The Medical Effects of Mind-Altering Substances’ – based on charts by Sidney Cohen MD and Joel Fort MD. Drug Chart Extra. ‘Acid Through the Looking Glass’ and The YageDitran Conjecture – Peter Stafford author of LSD—The Problem Solving Drug and the forthcoming Psychedelic Baby Reaches Puberty on psychedelics. Full page trippy Alice and white rabbit graphic. Drugs Fight Dirty – Hit Back Hard text & graphic. Full page Dan Pearce graphic. Pink Fairies & Roy Harper ads. Ozjets D’art at Clytie Jessop’s Gallery in Kings Road – thanks for the exhibition + graphics including Hockney’s portraits of the editors. Mail order OZ including Luff, Honeybunch, pregnant elephant and Three Virgins (girls from the centrespread of OZ 27) T-shirts & badges. Ad for Jill Neville’s The Love Germ. Edward cartoon ad for Nasty Tales & IT. Centrespread Hans Bellmer graphic. Mike Murphy cartoon. Edgar Broughton Band & Brian Auger ads. ‘Desolation Dribble’ – David Reitman plays basketball with Dylan + Dan Pearce graphic. ‘His Duty to Serve – Hers to Inspire’ – Lee Harris on Gandhi. Gnidrolog by Charles Shaar Murray + full page 3rd eye photo. Spike: the Little Red Schoolbook and repression. Ink. Richard Brautigan poem ‘Flowers for Those You Love’. St Cecelia ad. ‘Terror on the Tubes’ – Stanislav Demidjuk on Theatrespiel performance. S. Clay Wilson Spider Joy cartoon. ‘See Me Feel Me Touch Me Heal Me’ Esalen and Encounter Group Therapy – Jerome Liss talks to Don Braisby + graphics and groups list. Gypsy and B.B. Blunder ads. Fan mail + Lynn Barnes graphic. Thin Lizzy & early Hendrix on Saga Records ads & Friends of the Earth books by Ballantine ad. LP reviews: Brian Auger, Third World War, John Cale & Terry Riley, Keef Hartley Band, Loudon Wainwright IIIrd. 2p M.J. Weller catoon The Firm. Back cover ad for United Artists Records featuring boy reading OZ 33.
OZ 36. (July 1971) Dream Power cover by Jim Leon
(insert: Janis Joplin/Oz Old Bailey Trial poster)Inside front/inside back and back cover Big O Posters ads. Voltaire quote, Director of Public prosecutions quote + ‘Necrophilia’ Jim Leon illustration. ‘Dream Power’ – dreams, ecstasy, shamanism and the Malayan Sonoi by Ioan Lewis and Kilton Stewart + illustrations including John Hurford. ‘The W.H. Smith Story – An extract from Satan’s Slaves by James Taylor, available from your friendly local W.H. Smiths (Smiths refused to handle OZ) + graphic and text: “Paranoia is a new form of awareness and awareness is very close to love” - Charles Manson. Presenting The Old Codger 3p cartoon. ‘Obscenity, who really cares? Propaganda all is phoney’ – a discussion b Dave Robins. Full page John Thompson graphic. Oz Package Tour Feature: Indian Summer by Simon Watson Taylor. Full page M.J. Weller cartoon The Firm. ‘Someone Somewhere Wants a Letter From You’ protest forms by Anthony Haden-Guest re: the war against the underground press, police harassment and corruption, legalisation of soft drugs. Full page Frendz ad. ‘Here Come de Judge’ – pig law by Ned Ludd. White Panthers. STYNG. Digger Action Movement. Barry Fitton poem. Photo of the Cottingley fairies. Centrefold full Jim Leon cover + ‘A draft charter of children’s rights’. ‘How Abbie Hoffman Stole “Steal This Book”’ – an 8p accusation of plagiarism by co-writer Izak Haber + graphics + extracts. Letters + C. Broulin graphic. ‘And Then Along Came Jones’ A Letter from John Sinclair – 3p of Sinclair against scag + graphics. Full page Victorian porn/tree of life montage. Full page John Thompson graphics. Film ad for Sunday Bloody Sunday. Edward cartoon/ad for Nasty Tales issue 2. ‘Women Are Goddesses or Sloppy Beasts’ - 3p David Widgery comment on Norman Mailer’s Prisoner of Sex + Jim Leon, Eddie Cairns and Hans Bellmer graphics. Acid in Wonderland Peter Till graphic/lyric/ad for Neil Tucker LP. LP reviews: Head Hands and Feet, Stormcock by Roy Harper, Four Way Street by Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, John Entwistle. OZ mail order including trial T shirts and naked editor prints by David Hockney.
OZ 37. (September 1971) Angry OZ
(Issue inverts itself half way through, both covers are ‘front’ covers) Ad for Traffic. R.D. Laing ad. Ink ad. Angry Brigade Communique 6. ‘Grass?’ by Andrew Cockburn + full page ‘I crossed my fingers and took my first puff of marijuana’ graphic + 2p ‘They Said I was Out to Lunch’ cartoon. Ike & Tina Turner ad. William Morris The Wood Beyond the World ad. BAMN: Outlaw Manifestos and Ephemera 1965-70 ad. LP reviews: The Who Who’s Next, The Mothers Fillmore East June 1971, Jack Bruce Harmony Row. Ad for Tony Palmer’s The Trials of OZ. ‘Tyger’ by David Widgery + Blake illustration. ‘The Cannock Chase Murders’ poem by Judge Argyle QC + MacKinnon graphic. Film ad for Taking Off. OZ mail order. Full page Elastic OZ Band ‘God Save Us’ ad in front-page tabloid form. ‘Another OZ scoop – We Meet Ronald Biggs’. Ad for Yoko Ono’s Grapefruit. ‘Under Whose Thumb’ Mary Strong/Andy Levine on the Rolling Stones, macho, egoism & cocaine + Jagger/Nazi torture montage. ‘Good Little Bad Girl’ – Harry liked his wife in lingerie but everyone else did too! Sandy Denny ad. Full page graphic + thanks to the one juror who thought OZ 28 not obscene and the Judge who granted the editors bail. ‘What UCS?’ – Stanislav Demidjuk on the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders. ‘Not So Much Oppression More a Way of Life’ – Roger Hutchinson on the north and STYNG. 2p text and graphic sequence on ‘pig law’. ‘How to Deprave & Corrupt’ – Warren on the OZ trial & sexual freedom + pics of couple. Full page ‘big ladies’ ad for Who’s Next. Letter from Fulham Women’s Liberation Workshop. Transatlantic Records ad – “We don’t think Mr. Justice Argyle would like our new releases either”. ‘Internment’ – Northern Ireland by Brian Trench. ‘Rage of Innocence’ – James McCann, Crumlin Road jail escapee. Polydor/Atlantic records ad. ‘One Big Frame Up’ – Angry Brigade: The prison letters of Jake Prescott and Ian Purdie. Full Page Mothers Fillmore East ad. ‘Go Home Ozzies’ – Garth on deportation.
OZ 38. (November 1971) The Day the Earth was Out to Lunch cover by Peter Brookes
Ad for John Lennon’s Imagine. The Scotland Road Free School IT underground history+ logo. Charges against STYNG. Chit Chat on Dress C18th enema graphic. Souvenir OZ obscenity trial programme ad. ‘Silly Sympathies’ cartoon. ‘Survival?’ ecology + flower graphic/Mick Farren on utopian alternatives. ‘Kisses: The Sweetest Kiss of All’ – Chris Rowley on the OZ trial and others. ‘It’s Just a Shot Away’ – from a drug treatment center in Vietnam. Demented Waving Brothers cartoon by Edward. Mike Harrison ad. OZ mail order. PC 49: The Case of the Spotted Toad cartoon and poem by Alan Stranks & John Worsley. ‘Tough Shit in Bangkok’. Ad for Eddison’s The Worm Ouroboros. Centrefold Stewart MacKinnon graphic. ‘Abbie: An Das a Fact’ – Hoffman attempts to refute charges made in OZ 36 that he stole most of the material for Steal This Book. LP reviews: Grateful Dead, New Riders of the Puple Sage, Jerry Garcia, Jefferson Airplane, Hot Tuna, Traffic, Howlin’ Wolf, Larry Coryell, Country Joe and the Fish, Daevid Allen, John Lennon. Film ad for Danish Blue. Ad for Nottingham alternative mag Third Eye. Robert Crumb strip cartoon featuring ad for IT. Full page William Stok cartoon. Full page ad for Hawkwind. ‘Fans’ – condemnatory letters from the mother of a 16 year old OZ reader and (slightly less so) two American women. ‘Penguinpower’ ad. Ad for Roger Zelazny’s Damnation Alley. Oxfam petition/ad. Dr J advice. ‘Captain Video’ From Larry Menkin, Free Video America, Seize the Media. ‘Poor Paranoids’: Rock by John Coleman. ‘Letter to the Lumpen’ from Eldridge Cleaver in Algiers, Minister of Information, Black Panther Party. Velvet Underground LPs/tour ad. 4p Robert Crumb ‘Honeybunch Kaminski the Drug-Crazed Runaway’ cartoon. Lone Ranger & Tonto “I think they’re all bozos in this OZ” graphic. Back cover Bop Diddley Wah Wah Clang Honk graphic.
OZ 39. (December 1971) Thrilling Murder Comics cover
Ad for Grateful Dead ‘Skull & Roses’ LP. Pregnant nature photo. ‘Letter From Our Founder’ by Richard Neville. ‘Somerset Maugham in Morocco’ by Jim Anderson. ‘Gays Doctor Reuben’ gay politics by Andrew Lumsden + Harold Head cartoon. Film ad for Drive He Said. ‘Trouble Down at t‘ Millgarth’ – police crime in Leeds by Roger Hutchinson. Traffic ad. ‘Goodbye Gene’ Gene Vincent/Wonder Woman montage. ‘Find the Barmaid of the Year’ - join the dots. William Stok graphic. Frendz ad. STYNG ad. New Riders of the Purple Sage ad. ‘Concrete Jungle Karma’ – Pat Meyer on communes. ‘Holy Joe’ – John Rosen interviews a junky ex-GI in Saigon + ‘Gospel Literature’ cartoon strip. Centrespread running mutant graphic. Ad for Yoko Ono ‘Mrs Lennon’/Fly. ‘Consider the Lilies’ – Alan Watts on hippies. Ad for the Guardian. 2p ‘Urban Paranoia’ cartoon. OZ mail order. Full page ad for Frank Zappa LPs. Manifesto of the Youth Action Kommittee. Open letter to John & Yoko. White Panther Party UK addresses. Gay Liberation Front. Another ad for Yoko Ono’s Fly. Tonto’s Expanding Head Band ad. Doctor J advice. ‘Father Bruce’ – Lenny Bruce by Steve Mann. ‘Suzie Slumgodess’ - Jonathon Green on radical politics + graphics. Review of Bob Dylan’s Tarantula and live performance of Zappa’s 2001(?) Motels. ‘Brainrape’ – techno horror by Alf Moorcraft. ‘Sweet Cousin Cocaine’ 2p advice on cocaine + graphic by Roland Komdorffer. LP reviews: The Who, Firesign Theatre (+graphic), Fanny, Tonto’s Expanding Headband. ‘The Locust Sang’ – Chris Rowley on consumption & ecology. Full page Who ad. Back cover black soldiers/child bride montage by Linda S. Connor.
OZ 40. (February 1972) 64 Page Special 5th Anniversary issue
2p Jim Leon graphic. ‘Never Trust Anyone Over Thirty…’ – Richard Neville reports from New York on the current state of the revolutionary game. ‘U.P.S. a Daisy’ - John Wilcock takes a critical look at the American underground press. ‘Psychedelic Fascism’: Robert Crumb Jumpin’ Jack Flash Manson cartoon intercut with extracts from Ed Sanders’ The Family. ‘2000 Maniacs’ – David Sturn review and reflections on movie violence. ‘Days Of Future Passed’ – John Peel on music + Crumb frame + photo of Jim Morrison’s grave. Full page Capricorn Graphics ad by John Hurford. ‘To Have Reached 5 is To Have Failed in Life’ - Auberon Waugh on OZ, the trial, David Widgery, and related issues + female Rupert Bear dancing graphic & lizard. ‘Junger Than Springtime’ – Matt Hoffman looks at the work of C.J. Jung. Top Secret ‘Youth’ document and Restaurant Complex—Creative Proposition. Gandharva ad. ‘A Bit of the Other’ – Bit Information Service ad. 2p M.J. Weller graphic + Schoolgirlie Blue cartoon. ‘Things Your Teacher “Forgot” to Tell You’ – Dick Leitsch opens up the gay history book and finds a few pages missing + William Stok graphic. 2p desert & camels photo. ‘Leary in Limbo Limbo! Limbo!’ – Chris Hardy reviews Timothy Leary’s Jail Notes + Kinuko Craft portrait. ‘Up Your Alley, Tariq’ – Schradan Giftgas reviews Tariq Ali’s The Coming British Revolution. Spike: whatever happened to the OZ school kids? update. Naked man photo. Dictionary definition of ‘fuck’. Farewell to Ken Petty. Nasty Tales trial looming. Centrespread “It’s O.K. Harry you can come out now he’s gone” image. Miscellaneous Shit – back issues. Reproduction of abusive postcard to OZ. Penguins ad. Viv Stanshall/NME ad. ‘The Kinks: Mutant British Rock & Roll’ – Charles Shaar Murray reviews Muswell Hillbillies. ‘Who is Bette Shabazz? – OZ quiz + images. Edward cartoon Nasty Tales bust appeal. ‘Snorting?’ Things Go Better With Coke – cocaine + illustrations by Peter Till. ‘After You With the String Rufus…’ – Danae Brook talks to Rufus Collins, former member of the Living Theatre + photos. ‘Doing My Jigsaw Puzzle’ – Louis Jigsaw asks where now the libidinal left? Full page ad Yoko Ono Mind Train/Listen the Snow is Falling. 2p woman at urinal graphic. Full page ad for Jerry Garcia’s solo album. Da Doo Ron Ron Ron… A Rock & Roll Game. The Silent Majority speaks – letters + graphics by Grimwood. ‘The Three ‘R’s Reeding Riting & Revolushun’ – Peter Buckman considers the failure of compulsory education in Britain. 2p They Called our Young Love Pornographic cartoon by Griffith. ‘Heavy on the Drum’ - David Widgery’s Oz obituary. Ad for Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange. Ad for Cheech & Chong LP. Back cover Walt Disney’s Comics illustration.
OZ 41. (April 1972) Crime & Conspiracy! Issue
2p Loudon Wainwright III lyric to ‘Old Friend’ and John Hurford graphic. 2p of ‘Wanted’ world figures (Golda Meir, Gandhi, Walt Disney, Ho Chi Minh, Albert Schweitzer, J.F. Kennedy). ‘Charlie Was a Bastard’ – a short story about murder in a commune by Christopher Priest. ‘The 1st Crime’ 2p cartoon. ‘War Crimes’ – a roll-call of war dead. Academy Editions ad. Bickershaw Festival ad. ‘Planet of the Apes’ graphic Mona Lisa parody. ‘Environmental Crime’ by Michael Allaby. OZ mail order. ‘Errant Guardians of the Law’ - Police crime. 2p Mike Unsted cartoon. ‘Mobs and Plotters’ – Andrew Sinclair on conspiracies. ‘A Rooky Gumshoe’s A.B.C.’ NME ad. RELEASE ad. Cinema Rising ad. ‘The Politics of Rape’ by Susan Griffin 6p + graphics. Charles Shaar Murray reviews Hendrix, Isaac Hayes, Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Curtis Mayfield. Humble Pie ad. Lucifer ‘Fuck You’ ad. ‘Capital Punishments of all Nations’ text & graphic. “Astounding, Holmes’ – Peter Laurie examines scientific police detection. Mike McGear ad. Ad for William Morris/Ballantine Books. 3p Gilbert Shelton Wonder Wart-Hog cartoon. Gay News ad. ‘It’s the Poor What Gets the Blame’ by Jock Young + illustrations by Rod. ‘Identiquiz’. Spoof (?) Home Office memo about male/female crime rates and the need to ‘feminise’ males. Ad for The Image. Amon Duul II ad. Full page Martin Sharp graphic/ad for his work. ‘If the Cong Don’t Get You, Cadmium Will…’ – book reviews: Body Count, The Toxic Metals, Doomwatch. Gnidrolog ad. Full page ad for McCartney/Wing’s ‘Give Ireland Back to the Irish’. ‘Is Nothing Sacred?’ – egg on Che’s face graphic. Back cover portrait of Al Capone.
OZ 42. (May/June 1972) nude hippie couple cover
‘Miss Elektra Meets the Shocked Nun’ - David Leitch on mental hospitals and ECT. Argent ad. Ad for OZ street sellers. Hippie couple photo. ‘The Universal Exhibition’ - Charles Shaar Murray on the Bickershaw rock festival. ‘The Vanishing Life Experts’ - indians in Columbia by Robin Hanbury-Tenison. , ‘The Little Vanguard’s Tail’ - a fairy story by Sheila Turner (Sheila Rowbotham) + Gustav Dore illustration. Twilight of the Dogs 5p+ Richard Corben cartoon strip. Greasy Truckers ad. Brian Bolland cartoon. ‘They Do it With Mirrors’ - feminism/TV by Micheline Wandor. ‘Let’s Have a Party’ by David Widgery. The Death of Lester Brown, House Painter - Rod Taylor poem and Ed Badajos graphic. Prison Special: ‘John: 30 Years of Hard Rain’ from Tales for the Son of My Unborn Child by Thomas Farber. RAP - Radical Alternatives to Prisons. Joshua Thomas graphic. Full page mail order OZ. The Angry Brigade/Stoke Newington 8 trial. ‘Sledge Hammers in the Slums’ - Roger Hutchinson on the Northern and provincial alternative press. ‘There But For the Grace of God…’ Jackie on jail in Iran. ‘Muckro Biotics’ by Amadeus Vivek. Clay Wilson graphic. Lucifer ‘Fuck You’ ad. Peter Frampton ad. ‘From Pocket to Penis’ - Jerry Hopkins investigates the wonderful world of rubbers. Spare Rib ad (and notice in Spike). RELEASE new address and ad. Book reviews of Narcotic Plants, The Underground Dictionary, Beneath the City Streets and Roland Barthes’ Mythologies. Film reviews A Day in the Death of Joe Egg, The Last Picture Show , Two Lane Blacktop. Make New Frendz ad. Ad for Anthony Scudato’s Bob Dylan biography. Emerson Lake & Palmer ad. LP reviews: Fanny, The Allman Brothers Eat a Peach. ‘Love, Peace, Acid, Crashpads, Lightshows, Arts Labs, Karma, Incense, Grateful Dead & Far Out!’ by Warren Hague. Germaine Greer’s husband naked but not aroused. Back cover: Ralph Steadman graphic ‘How you gonna crucify a child in Vietnam without any arms?’ with Albert Schweitzer quote about the suicide of civilization.
OZ 43. (July-August 1972)
(insert: subscription/back issue/mail order form) A Letter Home cartoon by Trina. Joshua ‘A Letter from an Idle Fellow’ – letter from Vincent Van Goch to his brother Theo + Martin Sharp collage and graphics. ‘’Murder is an Absurd Suggestion’ - Michael X on his murder charge in Trinidad. David Sparling & Joshua Thomas graphics. ‘Twilight of the Machmen’ – anti-machine musings by Garth Murphy + Peter Till graphics. OZ back issue bonanza. Spike: OZ pays damages to teacher mentioned in #28. Spare Rib party disrupted by Gay Lib. Nasty Tales trial. OZ & the Post Office Act. ‘Post-Scarcity Anarchism’ Joel Whitbrook reviews Murray Bookchin’s book + anonymous painting + Goofy graphics by Claire Sargent. ‘Machines of Loving Grace’ – an introduction to negative ionization + illustration by Mike Moore. ‘Acupuncture: Oh the needle and the damage done’ + graphics. 3p The Loser cartoon by J. Osborne. Pink Fairies and Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange ads. Help Yourself. Emerson Lake & Palmer ad. ‘There Must Be Some Way Outa Here’ – scenes from a Lebanese jail by Panos Koutrouboussis. Full page ad for David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust. ‘Astrolozy’ – ambrose Hollingsworth + illustrations by Thomas Bewick and his school. Naked man graphic. Ad for Time Out’s Book of London. Film reviews: The Jerusalem File, Pocket Money, Cool Breeze, The Ruling Class. Book reviews: Watch Out Kids by Mick Farren and Edward Barker, Elvis: A Biography, Franco’s Prisoner, The Wild Boys by William Burroughs, Shots: Photographs from the Underground Press + photo of bloody student Columbia ‘68. 2p Oz mail order. LP reviews: Lou Reed, David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust, Edgar Winter, Jeff Beck, The Beach Boys. Ads for Revelation, MGM Records, Drugs and Society, Ed Sander’s The Family, film ad for Fritz the Cat. ‘Hippie Fingers in Bali Sugar’ by Jim Anderson. Ads for Bit Information Service, CBS Records, Hawkwind’s ‘Silver Machine’. Back Cover CBS Records ad.
OZ 44. (September 1972) The Virgin Sperm Dancer
2p OZ graphic from an original by Thomas Bayrle. ‘The Virgin Sperm Dancer’ extracts and photos from The Virgin Sperm Dancer, An Ecstatic Journey by William Levy with photos by Ginger Gordon + review and reflections on sexuality by Colin MacInnes. 2p David Baird graphic. Photo/cartoon montage. ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’ – social criticism and radical alternatives. ‘Kamikaze Kids’ – Duncan Campbell on Japan + Kamikaze graphic. ‘Bummer of ‘72’ – Dave Robins on Amsterdam & ‘Greeting From the Gate’ - Dick Pountain on London’s Notting Hill/Ladbroke Grove. OZ mail order. Leon Russell ad. ‘Rocks Off With Roxon’ – Louise Ferrier listens to journalist Lilian Roxon + illustrations by Roy Knipe. 2p photo of mummified bodies in Mexico – 2p of fun & fantasy sex ads “withdrawn at the last minute on the advice of our crack team of legal advisers”. 2p Oz mail order. ‘On Your Marx…’ – John Hoyland’s response to Joel Whitebrook’s discussion of Murray Bookchin’s ‘Post Scarcity Anarchism’ (“who needs the original...?”) ‘Love it to Death’ - Dr Jerry Rubenfield on alternative sexualities + photo of a sculpture by V. Neiman. Full page John & Yoko/Plastic Ono Band’s Some Time in New York City ad. ‘Hot Rats’ – Simon Morris on a restaurant’s rat dishes. ‘The Eve of Ratastrophe’ – rat facts + Alan Grimwood graphic. ‘Oztrology’ – Ambrose Hollingsworth on astrology. Man, Cheech & Chong, Arthur Lee and Billy Jack ads. Cozmic Comics ad. New English Library Underground Classics ad. Ad for Mick Farren & Edward Barker’s Watch Out Kids. Inside Story ad. Ad for Don Rodriguez: Chronicles of Shadow Valley by Lord Dunsany. Firesign Theatre ad. ‘It’s McGovern! Nudist Victory’ – Lanny Beckman on the presidential election + photomontage by Roy Knipe and Roger Perry. 2p Inner City Romance cartoon by Guy Colwell. ‘Red Sails in the Sunset’ – the dialectics of menstruation by Alison Fell + photo + Tampax ad. Spike: Walt Disney sues West Coast comic artists. Book reviews: Police, Power and Black People by Derek Humphry, To Deprave and Corrupt: Technical Reports of the US Commission on Obscenity and Pornography, The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart, Ringolevio by Emmett Grogan, Armed Love by Elia Katz. Film reviews: The Concert for Bangla Desh, Asylum, Fritz the Cat, Young Winston. LP reviews, Randy Newman, Roxy Music, Cheech & Chong, The Velvet Underground, Van Morrison. Roxy lady painting by Marvin Rainbow. Help Yourself. Oz back issue bonanza. Ads for The Image and Gay News. Back cover ‘guru’ poster.
OZ 45. (November 1972) Large rectangular format, cover by John Hurford
John Entwistle ad. Mandala graphic. ‘The Big Ice Cream Cone in the Sky’ - review essay and extracts from Baba Ram Dass’s Be Here Now. ’Our Mutant Brothers’ text and cartoon by Greg Irons .’Dr Leary the Cosmic Whore’ - Tim Leary interview. ‘Brotherhood of Breath – the art of contemplating your navel’. ‘What is My Secret Identity?’ short story by Morris Lurie. ‘144’ – Phil Cohen discusses a book by Samuel Fuller and asks what went wrong with London’s biggest & most sensational squat. ‘Watney’s Hash’ – Jock Young takes a sober look at the dope smokers revolutionary pipe dream. ‘A Revolutionary Structure’ – Grahame Caine talks about his Eco House. ‘Don’t Just Stand There Say Spray Something’ – Geoff Lawes on resistance through graffiti. ‘The Black Australia Policy’ – interview with Bobbi Sykes, a militant black Australian. The Stoke Newington 8 + illustration by Roy Knipe. IT, Frendz & Pink Fairies ads.Centrespread graphic. Ads for Follow-Up and Jeffrey gay mags. Four More Years – illustrations from ‘Dick! The Nixon Era’ by Ed Badajos. Book reviews: The Paint House by Susie Daniel & Peter McGuire, After the Planners by Robert Goodman. Film reviews of Deliverance, Groupies, Dynamo and The Assassination of Trotsky. LP reviews: Buddy Guy & Junior Wells, John & Yoko’s Sometime in New York City, The Band’s Rock of Ages and Vindicator by Arthur Lee. 2p OZ mail order ad. Cozmic Comics ad. Ad for bound volumes of Ink. ‘Bingo With Erections’ – Madeleine Francis on group sex and interview with Henry Charles+ photos from Screw. ‘What About Socrates? What About Him? – extracts from Ken Rubinstein’s manuscript about ‘involution’ and the dark side of CIA-ridden Greece + Josh Thomas illustration. ,’If You Were the Only Girl in the World and I Was the Only Passport’ – article + world map. ‘Kiss Me Deadly’ – article on necrophilia reprinted from Screw. Back cover ad for Dracula magazine.
OZ 46. (Jan/Feb 73) Cover by Ken Pereiny
‘All Dressed Up… And Nowhere to Go’ by Richard Neville. ‘The Queen’s Vernacular’ - Gay slang. ‘Paris: Louvre it Or Leave it’. John Hoyland’s ‘The Long March Through the Bingo Halls’. Sexism. ‘The Story of Abdul ben Kassem – a drunken tale from the days of the roaring twenties in old Morocco’. 2p Martin Sharp ‘Eternity’ graphic. Centerfold ‘Has Fame Gone to Her Head?’ - Germaine Greer lewd picture puzzle. ‘Homeless – Why Not Squat?’. ‘A Proper Mess – special Oz report on the failure of PROP: the preservation of the Rights of Prisoners’. ‘Jackson 8’ – the plight of teeny boppers. 2p Cole Porter tribute + graphics. Book reviews: Anthony Haden-Guest’s Down the Programmed Rabbit Hole; McCabe and Schonfeld’s Apple to the Core; John Berger’s Ways of Seeing; Michelene Wandor’s collection The Body Politic: Women’s Liberation in Britain 1969-72. ‘One Man’s Fantasy’ cartoon by Trina. ‘Letter From an Ever-Open Pussy’. ‘Nothing But the Best (Rod&Van&Mike&Alice)’ – Myles Palmer chooses ten records of 1972. Jay Kinney graphic. Full page ad for Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange. ‘Great Moments in Rock’ – self-styled Dylanologist A.J. Weberman talks about Dylan and artistic interpretations of his own ideas+pics. Oz demands an Amnesty for Drug offenders now that the head of Scotland Yard’s drug squad has been charged with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. Back cover film ad for Gold.
OZ 47. (April 1973)
Ad for Yoko Ono’s Approximately Infinite Universe. ‘My How We Laughed!’ - Felix Dennis’ editorial that is “in a sense, an obituary”. Ted Heath photo. Spike: My Lai. ‘Water… And Air’ – thinking about the planet by Alf Moorcraft + photos by Roger Perry. ‘Gentlemen of the jury… Obscenity is Like an Elephant’ – Jerome Burne talks to one of the jurors on the Nasty Tales trial. Ad for Super Fly. ‘Equal is as Equal Does’ – Michelene Wandor on equal opportunities + illustration by Adrian George. ‘Masters Of All You Survey’ – Nick Leach on politics and the US media + Wyndham Raine cartoon. 2p porn ads. ‘White Society is Breaking Down Around Us… Even its Myths are Dead’ Peter Collier interviews Vine Deloria about Native Americans. ‘One of Our Satellites is Missing’ –freaks divert communications satellite + Pearce Marchbank graphic. Centrespread - Enoch Powell on a pogo stick – “Revealed! Enoch’s send ‘em home brainwave”. Nasty Tales & Cozmic Comics ads. 5p OZ mail order. ’The Heroes Unwelcome Return’ – Nick Leach interviews Hakim Gahtan Abdulla, General Secretary of the American Servicemen’s Union.+ veterans photos. ‘Beheadings’: 6p photos by Charles Harbutt. ‘The Seeker’ – Roger Hutchinson on poet Derek Elm + photo by Edward Bell. Pierce Marchbank photo illustration. LP reviews: Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era, Solid Gold Rock & Roll (reviewed by Jonathon Green). Woody Allen Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex ad. Kraftwerk ad. Flying saucer illustration. LP reviews: Will the Circle be Unbroken, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Joe Cocker, Soft Machine, Loudon Wainwright III, Barbra Streisand, Yoko Ono + cartoon portrait. Book review: Women, Resistance and Revolution by Sheila Rowbotham (reviewed by Alison Fell). A&M Records ad. Back cover sun over the sea photo.
OZ 48. (November 1973) The last issue, nudes & Nixon cover
Allman Brothers & New York Dolls ads. ‘The Last Issue’ editorial by Felix Dennis + Jim Leon graphic. Enoch Powell into Hitler strip by Roy Knipe. ‘What Went Wrong?’ – David Widgery’s goodbye to the counter-culture + Red Saunders photo of Christ with Coca Cola. ‘In Search of the Almighty’ – Timothy Kidd on American tourists. ‘Once It’s Started’ – short story by Mick Farren + graphic. Jimi Hendrix & Janis Joplin graphic by William Rankin. ‘Everybody’s in Showbiz, Everybody’s a Star’ - Jim Anderson on redundancy, travel, and puppet theatre. Full page Ogoth/Cozmic Comics ad. Warner Bros ad/goodbye to OZ letter from Derek Taylor. ‘The Suede Jackboot’ – a speculative guide to fascism and latent fascism in Britain by Duncan Campbell + illustrations by Bill Sanderson. 2p A&M Records ad. DJM Distributors ad. ‘The Strange Case of Southall Police Station – police racism by Don Atyeo + illustrations by Paul Simmons. “Goodbye OZ but the music of Santana lives on” CBS ad. Other Guides ad. Film ad for The Rocky Horror Show. Dracula Annual ad. 2p Climax/Private ads. Centrespread photo from 100 Years of Erotica. Full page John Lennon Mind Games ad. ‘The Making of a Junta Culture’ – Dick Pountain on the end of democracy in Chile. 2p ad for Pink Floyd’s A Nice Pair. ‘Jailed Drug Cult Guru Speaks: “They Took Away My Credit Card” – an exclusive OZ interview with Timothy Leary + photos. Eddie Kendricks and Marvin Gaye ads. Compendium Books ad. Film reviews: Swastika, Electra Glide in Blue, The Long Goodbye, El Topo. Playpower ad. Edward cartoon/OZ back issues. Charisma ad. Rand H. Holmes cartoon Book reviews: What the Censor Saw by John Trevelyan, Strange Ecstasies edited by Michel Parry, Billion Year Spree by Brian Aldiss. LP reviews: David Bowie Pin Ups, Spirit, Suzi Quatro, The Who Quadrophenia + Rod Beddall illustration, Count Ossie, Bonnie Raitt. Traffic-On the Road ad. ‘Telex From Australia…’ by Richard Neville. Graphic by Adrian George. El Topo ad. Ad for Yoko Ono’s Run Run Run/Men Men Men. 3p ‘Wanker’s World’ dirty book semi-parody. 2p Imported porn ad. ‘Quadrophony’ – Eric Robbie on quadraphonic sound systems + Mike Moore graphics. 2p ‘Death Poem’ and Martin Sharp Van Goch/Superman montage – “Please Clark – don’t walk out on me! You’re the only secret identity I’ve got!” Time Out, Speed inc, Grounation ads. Inside and back cover ‘The Guitar Album’ guitarist cigarette cards.
source: http://pers-www.wlv.ac.uk/~fa1871/LondonOz.html [Aug 2004]
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