Related: men - mythology - satire - Pan
Compare: nymph
Satyrs (Satyri), are in Greek mythology, half-man half-beast nature spirits that haunted the woods and mountains, companions of Pan and Dionysus. They are not mentioned in Homer; in a fragment of Hesiod they are called brothers of the mountain nymphs and Curetes, an idle and worthless race. They are strongly connected with the cult of Dionysus. Satyrs are male followers, the female followers of Dionysus are maenads. -- [Aug 2004]Satyriasis
Excessive, often uncontrollable sexual desire in and behavior by a man. --AHDRelated Words
Cailleac, Faunus, Pan, Priapus, Vidar, Vitharr, aphrodisiomaniac, bugger, coprophiliac, corn spirit, dirty old man, eroticomaniac, erotomaniac, exhibitionist, faun, fertility god, fetishist, field spirit, forest god, goat, gynecomaniac, lecher, masochist, narcissist, necrophiliac, nymphomaniac, old goat, panisc, panisca, paniscus, paraphiliac, pederast, pedophiliac, rapist, sadist, scotophiliac, silenus, sodomist, sodomite, sylvan deity, the goat god, transvestite, vegetation spirit, voyeur, whoremaster, whoremonger, zoophiliacSatyr play
Satyr plays were an ancient Greek form of comedy, similar to the modern-day burlesque style. Though they did not always include satyrs or even a reference to the mythological creatures, they contained themes of, among other things, drinking, overt sexuality (often including large phallic props), pranks and general merriment.
At the Athenian Dionysia, playwrights usually submitted four plays to the competition: three tragedies and one satyr play.
The only satyr play to survive in its entirety is Euripides' Cyclops. Scholars also have large fragments of a Sophocles comedy called Ichneutae (Tracking Satyrs), and still smaller pieces of other satyr plays exist. -- [Mar 2005]
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