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Umbero Lenzi (1931 - )

Italian exploitation - cannibal film - Italian erotica - Italian horror - giallo films - sword and sandal films

Image from the 1966 film Kriminal.
image sourced here.


Umbero Lenzi (Massa Marittima, Italy, August 6, 1931), is an Italian film director who has mainly been active in low budget crime films. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umberto_Lenzi [Aug 2005]

Kriminal (1966) - Umberto Lenzi

Kriminal is a fictional character created for Italian comics by Magnus and Bunker and adapted for film by Umberto Lenzi. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kriminal [Aug 2005]

Umbero Lenzi
Umbero Lenzi (Massa Marittima, Italy, August 6, 1931), is an Italian film director who has mainly been active in low budget crime films. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umberto_Lenzi [Aug 2005]

See also: Kriminal - character - fumetti - Italy

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