A list of adjectives: aberrant - absurd - abnormal - alternative - ambiguity - avant garde - banned - bawdy - bizarre - black - character - chic - clandestine - complexity - controversial - cool - cross- - cult - dark - degenerate - derivative - deviant - different - dirty - disgusting - eccentric - electronic - elitist - esoteric - excessive - extravagance - exotic - extraordinary - everyday - false - forbidden - gratuitous - greatness - grotesque - hermetic - hidden - hybridity - illegal - illicit - immoral - incongruous - independent - kinky - kitsch - low - ludicrous - lurid - macabre - mainstream - merit - modern - monstrous - nasty - negative - new - normal - obscene - obscure - occult - offbeat - offensive - ordinary - original - outlandish - perverse - popular - postmodern - primitive - queer - rare - secret - sensational - serious - strange - style - subversive - supernatural - surreal - taboo - transgressive - travesty - true - ugly - uncanny - unconventional - underground - unusual - usual - violent - visual - vulgar - weird - white
An inherent or distinguishing characteristic; a property. --AHD
Superiority of kind or a degree or grade of excellence. --AHD
Like culture, quality is a word that carries its own value judgment, it can mean any characteristic, but without qualifier, it means something good. [Jan 2006]
Quality (morals)
The term quality refers to how good something or somebody is. In the case of a person this is considered in a particular context, such as worker, student, sportsperson, etc. The term is often used in opposition to quantity. In science, the work of Aristotle focused on measuring quality; whereas, the work of Galileo resulted in a shift towards the study of quantity. --http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QualityMerit [...]
1. Superior quality or worth; excellence: a proposal of some merit; an ill-advised plan without merit.
2. A quality deserving praise or approval; virtue: a store having the merit of being open late.
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